Disclaimer: Butch Hartman owns Danny Phantom, I'm just borrowing his characters.

A/N: This is another story! Either I love y'all or I like making up stories and posting it. Constructive critisism only welcome, no flames, please.


It must have been years since I had last seen Danny Fenton. My last memory of him is not a very pleasant one, he had just told Valerie he was really her worst enemy, Danny Phantom, we got into a big argument and then I moved away and never spoke to him for ten years.

After I graduated from college, I joined a band called Forever Goth and launched my music career. I was like...um...Amy Lee, except actually gothic. But I always wondered what happened to Danny and Tucker, mostly Tucker since I had still harbored a deep hatred of Danny since we had that fight.

But the day I heard Danny Phantom had died a few years before, right after I moved, I rushed to Amity Park to see the Fentons. There is where I got a nasty shock.


Once at Fenton Works I knocked at the door to see Mrs. Fenton.

"Sam! It's wonderful to see you! How's the music career?"

"It's great, Mrs. Fenton, how's Mr. Fenton?" I asked wondering if she would come out and say Danny had died.

"He's good, just yesterday he invented the Fenton Ghost-Freezer. It's supposed to freeze ghost in mid-air." She gleamed.

"And Jazz? Did she go to Harvard just like she told us?" She nodded, "Yes, she's a very successful brain surgeon, just like she planned."

"And...Danny?" That made her, not mad but, angry.

"He and Valerie married a few years ago, they had a little girl about three years ago and then they lost contact." I was shocked, Danny wasn't dead, well Fenton wasn't, he had gotten rid of Phantom! She told me what town they were in and I left, with her promising that she and Mr. Fenton would come to my next concert.


After our that next concert, where the Fentons had attended, I decided to check out Hot Topic before we left. Just outside I heard a little girl beg, "But Dad, the clothes are the prettiest color!" She pointed to a black top that had caught my eye. But it was the father's voice that dragged my attention to him, "No Kaitlyn, your mom would kill me!" It was Danny.

A/N: I know short chapter, but the next should be longer...I hope. R&R!