Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom, and I never will.

A/N: Don't you love cliffhangers?

I turned to see Kaitlyn and I was scared. Would she say she didn't me to marry her father or would she prove that her mother had made her say those things and her mother needed a kick in the...uh...butt.

"Sam, I'm really sorry!" She ran into my lap and threw her arms around my waist. "Mommy said that if I didn't say those things than I wouldn't see her again!" Yep, Valerie must be pure evil.

"Katie, it's alright thing's will go back to the way they were before you had to say those things." I stroked her black hair and knew that if Danny and I would just get through the wedding, and the court would let me adopt Kaitlyn, maybe, just maybe, the scared little four year old that was in my lap would have a better life.

"Are you and Daddy still getting married?" She asked her icy blue eyes slowly stopped welling with tears. I nodded and prayed that this was the last of Valerie.


Five months later

"I thought the desolate desert was supposed to be, I don't know, desolate." Danny said as we walked in the door. We had just gotten back from our honeymoon from the Nevada desert, only I "forgot" to tell him a huge rock festival was right were we were. I was surprised when Kaitlyn didn't spill the beans and tell him.

"You know you enjoyed it." I said, hoping the ringing would get out of my ears soon. He made a face and stopped and looked at me. "What?" I asked, then it hit me. It was silent and Jazz had been staying with Kaitlyn at our home while we were gone. We both went upstairs to look for Katie and Jazz.

"Kaitlyn!" I called as I went around the east side of the upper part of the house. I had a bad feeling Mommy Dearest was in on this. Valerie had lost custody of Kaitlyn because of some drinking problems she had three months earlier and Jess had gone off to England to live with her father. I met Danny in the middle of the house and told him about my fruitless progress.

"Sam? Danny? You guys here?" we heard Jazz cry from below. We then heard Katie run up the stairs and the little girl jumped on the two of us. I almost laughed as I thought of the 24 year old woman I used to be that harbored a grudge against a love and hated his child and what she would think about the woman I had become: I had quit the band because I fell back in love with the man I swore I would hate until my death, adopted Satan's daughter, and lost all contact with my "life-long friends". I had really turned my entire world back onto the right track.


Nine months later

Kaitlyn just looked over at the still bundle in the crib in awe. She turned to Danny and me and said, "Lilly is so cute!" she then resumed her post over Lillith's crib and just watched her baby sister sleep peacefully. I vowed that I would be a better mother than Valerie would and that I would love Kaitlyn as much as I did Lillith, which might not be so hard. The saying "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" is wrong. Right?

A/N: Finished!!! Let me know what you thought.