Love Exchange

Chapter 19: Cracked


"She...she woke up?" I carefully asked Kikyo. "Yes, she did." I thought for a minute. "That's...great." I sad in a fake cheerful voice. Right now I couldn't tell if this was going to be a good thing or a bad thing. "Please drop by the hospital when you can." "S-sure." I quickly ended the phone call. Sesshomaru stared at me. "Makura...was in the hospital?" He asked me. I nodded quickly. "Naraku attacked her and she's been in a coma since she left here." " I see. So thats why she was never around." He quickly walked out of the room leaving me there to wonder what he was going to say.

"Hopefully he's not mad..." I said as I walked out of the portrait room.


Sango and I just stood there as I stared down the long white hallway of the hospital. Kikyo told me I had to come so I was here yet I really didn't want to be here. I felt bad for Makura but that was as far as it went. I didn't actually want to visit her. "Kagome...Are you going to move?" I jumped a bit and gave a nervous laugh. "Y-yeah." I slowly started forward to the end of the hall. I put my hand on the silver door handle that felt so cold, I slowly opened the door.

Kikyo looked at me and smiled. "I'm glad to see you here so early." I slowly nodded. "Sesshomaru here?" I also nodded slowly at that. "Yes." She looked me over and sighed. Makura slowly turned her head away from the window to look at me. "H-hi." I stated lamely. She turned her head away. "The best thing you can say after erasing my memories?" I gasped. "After she woke up it seems that she has regained her memories." My eyes widened in shock as I heard this. So my wish really was wasted?

"Oh..." I said as I started to come back to reality. "Well that's good." She snorted at me. "You shouldn't say things you don't really mean." I just stood there and frowned. "What exactly am I here for?" I asked Kikyo. "With Makura awake he might come back here to finish her...or he'll come for the jewel." Kikyo carefully pulled out the sparkling jewel that had once been inside my body.

"Of course we'll need your help with this...and Sesshomaru's." The door open quickly and Sesshomaru walked in. At this I frowned a little deeper. I didn't really want them in the same room. Kikyo got up and quickly grabbed my arm as she lead me out of the room. "W-wait.." I said as she closed the door to the room. "Hush." She simply said as she dragged me along.

Kikyo let go of me as soon as we were buy a vending machine. "I'm not exactly sure if Makura regaining her memories is a good thing or a bad thing." She stated as she put some money in the machine to buy some drinks. "I have to admit that I am kinda of relieved." She grabbed the drinks and handing two of them to me. "But you have to keep your situation under control. I highly doubt Sesshomaru really wants to be with Makura..." she coughed. "Anyways we first have the task of defeating Naraku. Our type of fighting won't be good in this day and age..we'll have to do it away from other people." I just nodded as Kikyo stood there and thought out loud to me.

"This comes first Kagome," She patted me on the shoulder. "Your love life will have to wait." "Haha, yeah...I guess." Though it wasn't currently what I really felt. "Now...go take that drink to Sesshomaru. The other is yours." She pushed me off in the direction of Makura's room. I slowly walked back to Makura's room. Other than the fact that she regained her memories would she try to kill me again? Or take Sesshomaru? I had best be on my guard this time.

I put my hand on the cold silver handle as I was about to open it, I looked through the small window on the door and saw Makura pressed against Sesshomaru's back holding him. I dropped the drinks on the floor. So everything I did was wasted? I turned around and ran away from her room. It was better if I disappeared.


"Kikyo...have you seen Kagome?" Sango asked Kikyo. Kikyo shook her head. "I thought she went to give drinks to Sesshomaru?" Sango gave her a puzzled look. "No, she never came in." Sesshomaru said from behind Sango. "Makura , do you know anything?" Makura innocently shook her head. " all." Kikyo stared at Makura intensely. "Well, maybe she went back home?" Sango suggested. Everyone looked all other the hospital and couldn't find her. "I have a bad feeling about her being missing..." Kikyo simply stated. Sesshomaru stared at her. "Why is that?" Kikyo just shook her head. " I don't know."

"Akiko." Sesshomaru asked one of his maids. "Is Kagome here?" Akiko shook her head. "No, she left about 10 minutes ago...why?" Sesshomaru just walked past her without giving her an answer.

Sango desperately knocked on the door. "Kagome! Kagome!" She started to pound her first on the door. "Momo!" She called the nearest maid. "Yes, Lady Sango?" "Go get the spare to Kagome's room. Its locked. "Okay." Momo scurried off to get the keys. Kikyo walked up to Sango. "Anything yet?" Sango shook her head sadly. The door is locked."Here is the key." Momo said in a squeaky voice as she returned.

"Alright!" Sango exclaimed as she inserted the key into Kagome's bedroom's door. "Kagome!" Sango yelled. "Were coming in!" The key clicked in the lock as Sango swung the door open. "Kagome?" Sango asked to herself. "It seems shes gone." Kikyo stated calmly. The whole room was empty. "But why exactly would she leave?" Sango asked. Kikyo shrugged her shoulders. "I might know."

- One Week Later -

"Excuse me?" A middle aged woman with short black hair asked. Sango looked up at her from where she was sitting on the stairs. "How did you get in---Oh! Miss Higurashi!" Sango exclaimed. "I'm sorry I've been tired lately. Have you seen Kagome?" Rika just smiled at her. "You should get some rest, Dear. Is Sesshomaru here?" Sango nodded slowly. "In his office, he doesn't really like being disturbed though. Hold on I'll go get--" Sango stopped after that realizing that Rika had left. Sango gave a heavy sigh as she sat back down on the steps. She hadn't answered her question.

A loud rapping noise came from the door as Sesshomaru lifted his head up to look at the door. "Who is it?" He hollared at the door, annoyed that someone was disturbing him. The door slowly opened without warning as Rika Higurashi walked into his office. "Well you look a little gloomy, Dear." Rika stated as she observed Sesshomaru. He quickly ran his hand through his hair. "Not really."

Rika gave a short laugh at him. "Wondering where Kagome is?" Rika asked Sesshomaru. His eyes immediately fixated on her. "Ah I see." She simply stated. Rika just walked over to his desk and set an envelope on his desk. "This is all you need to find her." Rika grinned as she quickly walked out of the room. Sesshomaru grabbed the envelope and tore it open.


"Awww man!" Eri exclaimed as she sat in my apartment."Why are you back?" I glared at Eri. "Isn't this a good thing?" Yuka sighed. "Yes, it is but its just kinda mysterious!" I stopped my unpacking to give them a satisfying explanation. "I just didn't want to okay? I'm going back to class and I have tons of catching up to do! Now I need to finishing unpacking. I'll see you all tomorrow." I literally shoved them out the door as I went back to unpacking.

"Geesh!" Eri exclaimed as she was rudely shoved out the door. "Is it just me or did Kagome seem really irritated?" Ayumi asked. "Does this mean we all lost the bet?" Ery whined. Yuka shook her head. "I highly doubt it's over. " They all exited out of the building quickly so the neighbors wouldn't shout.

Kagome went back to her suitcase and picked up the picture of her and Sesshomaru that she had framed. She noticed a crack in the middle of the picture frame. "When did this get here?" Kagome asked herself. She decided to set it on her dresser face down. She would forget Makura...and him as well.


Two Chapters left! And well an epilogue. Review while you can :D It would make me happy!