Sorry I haven't posted to this story in awhile. I thought I would try to bring it back. Please comment and tell me what you think! Enjoy- B

Jude startled awake from the dream she was having. All she could remember of her dreams from the past week were nightmares. She let her eyes adjust to the darkness of the car and the darkness whizzing past the window. She was still a little groggy but she quickly turned around and looked out the back window to make sure the unmarked car that was identical to her own was still following behind. She breathed a shy of relief when she saw it there. She reached into the seat beside her to stroke Lola's hair. The six year old was curled up in her seat, cuddling a shirt that belonged to Tommy. Lola murmured a little and clutched the shirt ever tighter as she repositioned herself. Jude pulled her hair up into a ponytail and tried to breathe steadily. She began fidgeting with the new ring on her finger and let her mind wander.

After Agent Bell had received the phone call from the WPP headquarters a week earlier, it seemed like the world had been turned on its head. Tommy and Jude were instructed to get the bags that they had packed upon entering the WPP in case of an emergency evacuation. Agent Bell pulled Tommy aside speaking to him in low tones. His eyes had grown wide and he reached out for Jude to join him as soon as Jessie walked away. "We will have to evacuate, that is all they can tell us. We are going to be separated in different vehicles. The girls need to be separate in case something happens. Jude, we need to be strong for them. When this is done we are all going to be able to be together but for now this is what has to be done." Tears were silently sliding down his face and Jude did everything she could to keep herself from shaking in his arms.

She could feel the car slowing down and spotted the Burger King that she assumed to be their next destination. Once the car stopped she pulled Lola out of the car without even waking the child. These stops were just as important for Tommy, the girls, and herself as they were for the agents behind the wheels. This caravan had been moving nonstop since they had gotten the word that their hideout was no longer safe. Jude swayed a little trying to keep warm in the chilling air as she waited for the door of the other car to open. Finally Tommy emerged, with a sleeping Lyla on his shoulder. In another life and under different circumstances Jude would have appreciated how domestic they both looked with sleeping children in their arms. Instead this was a rare opportunity for them to have a few moments together. He leaned down and kissed her, careful not to wake the girls. She coveted these moments now. Usually they didn't talk; they just stood together glad to be in each others company for any amount of time. When the girls were awake they would focus all their attention on them letting Lola jabber about the things she had seen out the car window and taking turns to cuddle and play with Lyla. Jude wasn't sure just how much longer they were going to be living like this but she was positive that their travels were not going to end any time soon. After their bathroom breaks and an order of food they stood by the cars and held hands and staring off into space. When she was with Tommy, Jude didn't notice things that were going on around her. She couldn't imagine what she was going to do without these moments if the day ever came. She dreaded the day when their cars were split up which they had been warned was a possibility. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't even notice the car that pulled up next to them. The passenger of the car got out and suddenly changed his path and headed straight for them. "Jude? Jude is that you?" "No you must have me confused with someoneā€¦" Her voice trailed off as she looked up and met the eyes of Tom Dean.