This is going to be one of the most spontaneous stories I've ever written. Seriously.

You may or may not know that my dad has had lymphoma since April. Today, the stress of the year, the emptiness of the house when it is just me and my pets, and the panic of getting homework done…it all got to me. I've cried three times this morning, and I've been praying and praying. I had to leave school because I was so stressed out!

So this story is going to help me blow off steam. It's told from Sparky's POV. Why? I have no idea. I just thought, "I'm going to blow off steam with a story told from Sparky's POV," This story is just coming to me as I type, so we'll see how it works.

Anyways, for some reason, Jumba is sick, has been sick for awhile, and Sparky feels…

Burnt Out

Everybody sees me and wants to know how I got to be so care-free. They see me flying through the air, cheering and laughing at the top of my voice, and they want to be like me: worry-free and always happy.

Cha. Right.

It's all a ruse, a cover-up. Seriously. Deep down, I'm freaking out. Every time I see Jumba on that hospital bed, hooked up to all those machines…I want to bury my face in my paws and cry.

But I've already painted a picture of perfection for myself, so I can't go there.

I'm not going to cry. That's weak; I'm going to be strong!

I go through town, and I see all the other Experiments so sad. Angel's always bawling on Stitch's shoulder, and he's always telling her, "It's okay. It'll all be okay." Yin's always quiet about it; just a few streaks of tears running down her face…but Yang's the one who scares me. He doesn't get sad: he gets mad. He burned up half the town because he was so ticked off! Nosy and Shush try to continue about their snooping ways, but they always hear a rumor that Jumba will never get better, and they'll start crying. The other Experiments mourn in their special ways…

…but not me!

Jumba's sick, for sure. He's been sick for a good seven months now. But I know he'll get better! I know he will! Jumba doesn't want me to be miserable…but Lilo says there's a difference in being miserable and being sad.

But I'm not going to be sad! I'm not! I'm going to be happy, very happy! Everyone will see me, and they'll say, "Wow! How can Sparky be so happy? He's such a strong-willed Experiment!"

I won't cry!

I won't cry!



"Sparky?" came Lilo's voice, echoing through the lighthouse, "Are you here?"

The only reply to her voice were quiet sobs of anguish and despair.

She climbed the stairs, and found Sparky next to the beacon, his head in his paws, crying. Lilo, feeling compassion for the living lightning bolt, took him into her arms and let him cry on her shoulder.

"It's okay," she whispered, "It'll all be okay."

Okay, I'm better now. Review.