Update: "A Romp Through Time" has been nominated for Best Crossover in the IYFG 3rd Quarter '06 awards. Thanks to everyone who nominates, reads and reviews it!


After a strange, magical afternoon in the park when Ranma and Akane succumbed to their love for each other, things went back to "normal," except that nothing for the Tendo-Saotome couple had ever been – or ever would be – 'normal.' In an effort to avoid further forced marriage fiascos, they decided to keep their newly discovered lust for each other a secret. But secrets are really hard to keep in Tokyo suburbs. Therefore, Ranma's many fiancés quickly picked up on the fact that something was up. Akane wanted Ranma to break it off with all the girls, but Ranma convinced her that – logically – the best way to maintain the illusion that they still hated each other was to keep Shampoo, Ukyo and Kodachi – not to mention all his non-canon suitors – in the dark. Also, he secretly enjoyed the extra attention, and edible meals, they gave him.

This simply meant that their crazy life full of crazy people became even more complicated and Ranma became distracted with a new obsession other than martial arts fights - trying to get Akane alone. Unfortunately, this was turning out to be practically impossible. But since he was actually managing to spend a little more time with Akane here and there, Ranma's various fiancés became more annoyed with him than usual, and they became more determined to find him and ensure he was not able to be alone with any of them – especially Akane.

InuYasha and Kagome had also given in to their love for each other in the park and they, too, had not an opportunity to be "normal" or to sneak away together either, even though they would have if they could have. When they returned to the Feudal Era after romping around in the park all day, they found Naraku attacking Kaede's village looking for the jewel shard that Kagome had taken with her to the future. Of course, they fought him viciously, except for Shippou who hid under a particularly large rock for the duration of the battle

When the dust cleared, it revealed Kagome standing under the wooden arch at the top of the shrine steps, the completed jewel in her hand and Naraku – gone. Kagome had no memory of the final battle, only that she'd seen the almost-completed jewel shining at the top of the steps. InuYasha reported that he'd thrown some nasty attacks at the dark half-demon and the bastard had simply disappeared.

There was no body, no residual demon stink – and the final shred of doubt cleared when Miroku yelped as his hand became whole. Kohaku ran up the steps to hug Sango, the shard in his back having fallen out during the battle without taking his life. They decided that Naraku had simply been lying to them when he said Kohaku would die without the jewel shard. Such evil duplicity was so like that asshole.

Though InuYasha was still paranoid, expecting Naraku to jump out at them from every shadow, everyone else was satisfied after searching high and low, that Naraku was truly gone and would plague them no more. Deciding he could ignore his nagging feeling of doom in order to celebrate, InuYasha picked up Kagome and gave her a huge kiss in front of everyone that left her breathless and their friends speechless. InuYasha just looked at them like they were all nuts. Now that they'd gotten together in the park, he didn't see any point in being embarrassed or trying to keep it a secret. He had plans for her, after all.

As they descended the steep hill, a shadow fell over the top step, following slowly after them once they were out of sight.

Why couldn't anything for these people ever be simple?

To be continued….

A/N:"A Romp Through Time" is an R-rated divergence/sequel to a silly little, PWP lemon I wrote called "A Romp in the Park" NC-17 on which actually won an award and several nominations at the IYFG Q1&2'06 awards and which was simply too much fun to end. You can find 'Park' at: h ttp ://w ww. fanfic/viewch.php? cid4040 80&s ubmitVie w+Chapt er&id116959 (remove spaces). Since "Park" was a PWP, you definitely don't have to have read it to follow "Time." All you have to know is that in "Park," Ranma/Akane and InuYasha/Kagome got together all the way – and they met each other there too, briefly, in rather intimate circumstances. Oh, and InuYasha discovered his Demon Moon, a magical aura that demons (and half demons, apparently) can use when aroused to touch and share feelings of others around them. As InuYasha discovered, his Demon Moon has a particularly strong affect on human females, a fact that made Kagome particularly happy. In "Time," he's still getting the hang of it.

Ranma/Akane and Inuyasha/Kagome definitely want to return to the "Park" for the lemon chapters of this story, so I'll be sure to put a note in this story so if the reader is inclined, he or she can go check it out And finally, thanks to Twosen who's helped me brainstorm many of the core ideas for this story and given me the encouragement to write it and is providing ongoing pre-reviews. This is for her and I hope she likes it.

I love reviews. I write many stories simultaneously so if you like this one and want me to stay focused on it, reviews definitely let me know you're enjoying it and that I should get back to it.

Crossover Info: Rumiko Takahashi wrote and illustrated both InuYasha and Ranma 1/2 manga series. While InuYasha is mostly serious with interjections of comedy, Ranma 1/2 is definitely comical, with little interjections of seriousness. This story will try to follow both styles and attempt to remain true to Takahashi-san's overall style and characterizations in both series. My goal is to make it enjoyable to both fandoms, no matter how much they do or don't know about the other. For basic background on Ranma (the boy with too many fiancés who turns into a girl when splashed with cold water due to a dunk in the cursed springs), and for InuYasha (the medieval half dog-demon with the big-ass sword and a mission to find the shikon jewel) just search for them on Wikipedia and you'll find all you need to know. Both are fabulous series, well worth reading. All characters are in their late teens in this story.

Warnings: Potential spoilers for both manga. InuYasha is a divergence sometime after Chapter 465. Takes place after the ending of the Ranma series, which is about to end in US translations. Rated R for language and sexual themes.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters. They are all the property of Rumiko Takahashi who is to be thanked for letting them come out to romp around with us all.