Hyde followed Jackie out of the room, not believing a word she said. She walked down the hallway and locked herself in the bathroom. Hyde stood outside the door, "Jackie, please listen to me," he said through the door.

"Go away, Steven," Jackie said, sitting on the sink.

Hyde began to lose his temper, "I'm coming in on the count of ten. I just want to ask you something. It will be a lot easier if I don't have to break the door down."

Jackie sighed, "If I let you in, will you promise to leave once I answer your question?" She asked, bitterness in her voice.

"Yes," Hyde replied, not trusting himself to say anything more. He really needed to know the answer to this question.

He heard the door unlock and the door opened. He hated the hurt he had put in her eyes. He unconsciously reached for her.

Jackie backed out of her reach and crossed her arms over her chest, "What was it you wanted to know?" She avoided his eyes.

Hyde withdrew his hands and stuffed them in his pockets. "You are about to get really mad, but I'd really like an answer."

Jackie didn't even look at him, "I can't give you an answer without knowing the question," she deadpanned.

Hyde took a deep breath, "Why did you give Kelso a million chances, but you won't give me a second one?"

Jackie was shocked, because she'd been thinking the same thing. She looked into his eyes for the first time since he'd come into the bathroom, and was surprised to find hurt and regret there, "I've been thinking about that a lot," she said, softly, honestly, "and I think I've found out why."

Hyde nodded, "I'd really like to know," he said.

Jackie sighed, "First of all, because I love you more than I ever loved Michael and that made it hurt all that much more." She hugged herself tightly, "You made me realize that I deserved more than someone who would cheat on me. You made me realize that I did deserve love, even when I doubted it, so I guess you could say I changed because of you." She turned to him, "Ironic, isn't it," she spat, "You made me realize that I deserve better than you."

Hyde's eyes narrowed, but she'd yet to quit talking so he didn't say anything.

Jackie leaned back against the mirror, tears building in her eyes, "but you want to know the real reason I can't give you another chance?" She paused to gain control of her emotions, "Michael is dumb, Steven," she said simply, "I think we all know that." She looked at her hands, "However, in all his screw ups, all the times he cheated, I do not believe Michael ever set out to hurt me. Don't get me wrong, it still hurt..." She jumped down and walked to him, "But, you," she walked to him, poking him in the chest, "you set out to hurt me. You knew how much it would hurt, probably better than anyone, and you still did it. Worse, you intentionally did it just to hurt me. And that hurts way more than anything Michael ever did." She shrugged, "Maybe that's crazy, maybe my logic's faulty, but that's my reason. You can leave now."

Steven stared at her in shock, his earlier anger gone as he saw the logic in her reasoning. Kelso was dumb, but deep down, Hyde had to admit that he didn't think Kelso had ever intentionally hurt her. He nodded, "Thank you, Jackie," he whispered. He looked down, resisting the urge to reach for her. "I don't think your logic is faulty at all. It makes complete sense." He looked into her eyes, "I love you," he whispered for the second time in as many minutes, "and I don't care how long it takes, I'll prove it to you."

Jackie regarded him carefully, "I don't believe you," she replied, and walked out of the room. "You promised you'd leave."

Hyde, not normally a man of his word, silently walked out of the house.