Hello folks... Back again... Thanks to all reviewers and apologies for this being horribly late... Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: Em... yeah... don't own these characters, I'm just playing with them, I'll put them back when I'm done (promise!)


Remus opened his heavy, aching eyes, and shut them again immediately, wondering where on Earth he was.

The room was much too bright for the Shrieking Shack and as the light pinched his eyes he found himself thinking that it was much too bright in general.

The werewolf pulled himself upright, feeling his stomach twist horribly, and headed to the bathroom, supporting himself with natural grace on the beds as he passed.

Sirius was sitting at the end of his bed, asleep in a chair, snoring slightly. Remus tried to walk quietly so as not to wake him, but now the room was tilting slightly around him, his head reeling.

The pale boy's knees gave way as he knelt in front of the toilet and threw up horribly.

When he was finished he dragged himself upright, shivering and thoroughly miserable, and looked critically into the mirror above the sink.

A quick, all-purpose cleansing charm got rid of the awful taste in his mouth, cleaned his face, made his hair soft and shiny and even replaced the sour smell with that of some gently fragranced perfume, but looking back at him in the mirror was not a happy face.

It was ghostly pale, far too thin, with huge dark shadows under the eyes.

"Merlin, dear, you look truly dreadful." Said the mirror, in an irritatingly smug voice. "You really ought to leave before you crack me!"

Remus muttered something deeply uncomplimentary and whirled round to exit the room, but as he did he felt the nagging ache in his stomach intensify.

Terrified, he felt himself crumple to the floor, his vision eating away into blackness.

The werewolf forced himself to breathe deeply, trying to ignore the pain in his stomach that was now verging on unbearable.

As he knelt on the floor, doubled up now with his arms folded across his stomach, he was suddenly hit by the fact that, more than anything, he wanted Sirius.

Wanted him, needed him, not even to help so much as to be there.

Of course, he had felt that way about Sirius for years, and...

Oh. Crap.

Remus suddenly remembered, in excruciating detail, exactly what had happened earlier that day.

He had been feeling sick – although this was nothing new, he had been for a while, and it had been marginally better than how he felt now- and Sirius had actually seen him throw up.

Then – the Lycanthrope cringed at the memory- he had hugged Sirius. Of all the times to pick...

Then... Remus felt a grin spread across his face despite the pain. Then he had kissed Sirius. And Sirius had kissed him back. And it had been... amazing.

The ache in his stomach, which had abated for a moment as he thought about Sirius, came back in full force and he cried out in pain despite himself.

"This" the brown-eyed boy thought ruefully, "Is not good..."


Sirius woke up with a start and shot to his feet.

Everything hit him at the same time: Remus wasn't in his bed. He had fallen asleep when he ought to have been watching him. He had to find Remus.

Sirius glanced around frantically and headed to the bathroom.

When he was just steps away he heard a muffled cry and quickened his pace, running into the room, and then stopped dead.

Remus – his Remus! - was kneeling on the floor, bent over double, pale features contorted in pain.

Sirius felt his heart plummet into his stomach, and he dropped to his knees beside his friend, reaching to take hold of his small, pale hand.

The werewolf looked up at him, his eyes holding a mix of pain and shyness that broke Sirius' heart in two.

"What is it, Moony? Where does it hurt?" he said urgently. "My stomach," Remus gasped, almost inaudibly.

"Okay. Hang on. I'll help you" Sirius sighed, leaning back on his heels to think.

Sirius was sharply aware that Remus was in pain. That that fact hurt him more than he could have imagined was possible.

That the hurt look on the werewolf's face made him want to cry. That he may be able to heal his boyfriend.

That that word still felt strange to say.

Sirius waved his wand over Remus, muttering the incantation they had learned the week before in charms, moving the wand into the required pattern, feeling his hands shaking as he fought to concentrate.

He finished the spell and leaned back, waiting anxiously, biting fiercely on his lip.

Then Remus sat up, slowly and stiffly, and Sirius let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding and, trying to be gentle, pulled Remus into his arms.

The werewolf was shivering and Sirius rubbed his back gently, savouring the feel of the smaller boy in his arms for a long moment before pulling them both up to standing.

"Better?" He asked softly. "Can you stand?"

Remus smiled shyly, nodding. "Much, much better, thanks. But no, I don't think so... Not on my own at least."

Sirius grinned. "I'll hold you up in the meantime then, don't worry. Em..."

He felt himself blushing crimson. God, this was torture.

"Would you... would you mind very much if I kissed you?"

The quiet, observant boy looked at his friend, so smooth and sure of himself when he was around girls, and at how much he was blushing, and smiled.

"Not at all," he breathed, and Sirius kissed him.

It was, again amazing, and this time when they reluctantly pulled apart for air Sirius did not let him go, instead leading his boyfriend back over to his bed and sitting against the headboard.


Remus sat down so his head was leaning on his boyfriend's chest, his neck being tickled by the boy dark chocolate coloured hair, and stared up at the canopy of his four-poster bed, perfectly happy.

"You know," pointed out Sirius, "That spell was only temporary; it'll wear off in an hour, and everyone will be back to the dormitory between classes in fifteen minutes."

Lupin smiled, breathing in Sirius and smiling. He smelled of peppermint. "Well then," he murmered, "How about we sit here for five more minutes minutes and then we worry about that."

Sirius grinned, wrapping his arms gently around his boyfriend's waist and kissing the top of his head.

"That sounds like a plan," he laughed.


Woo warm fuzzies! Bit fluffy, but in the next chapter or two this may get pretty angsty... No clues though, you'll have to wait and see what happens!

To be continued (hopefully faster this time, and one more apology for this seeming really disjointed. Please review and let me know what you thought!)