Chapter 5

Inside the school, Jane handed them their schedules. The tuners took them and compared them with each other. "Awesome! I got a history class with you!" Snot Rod said loudly to Boost and he gave Snot Rod a faint smile.

"O.K guys. We have only 5 minutes to get to class, so I can't help you find your classes for you. Wingo, you might as well come with me 'cause you are in my first period Biology class," Jane said quickly and ran off. Wingo quickly followed behind her. "DON'T GET LOST!" Jane yelled to them. The tuners watched them go.

"Well, what are we supposed to do?! I don't know the hell where B114 is!" yelled DJ. He snorted and muttered, "I'll find it." He drove off and they went their separate ways.

Jane and Wingo came into class with only two minutes to spare without being tardy. Jane took a seat at a lab table and Wingo parked right by her. He looked at the front of the room. It was very similar to his old school, except there were no desks or lab tables. When he looked behind him to look at the rest of the class, his eyes widened and a shiver went down his chassis. There was Mater and Christine sitting in the back of the room. Christine's big red eyes were looking directly at him and she had on the grimmest face he had ever seen. Uncontrollably, he blurted out, "What are you doing here?!"

"What am I doing here?" Christine said smoothly. "Well, I go where ever Mater goes and Mater goes where ever Jane goes. Isn't that right, honey?" Mater smiled and nodded and Christine smiled at him. She took her gaze off Mater and looked at Wingo and shot him a dirty look. "Besides, I never went to school. I missed that chance when my…" she trailed off and a blank look sat on her face. She looked like she was about to cry. Mater noticed and wrapped his hook around her and whispered something to her. Wingo quickly took his eyes off her and looked to the front of the room. The teacher was just starting to explain all about the classroom and all that other junk they teach you on the first day.

Wingo tuned her out and whispered to Jane, "So, why does Mater go where ever you go Jane?" Jane turned around to look at him.

"I'm his guardian," she whispered back. Wingo gave her a puzzled look and Jane sighed. "By law I have to take care of Mater, watch out for Mater, give Mater a place to stay, and the list goes on. People don't want the talking cars wandering off by themselves, but I let Mater do that all the time." She smiled. "I'm his guardian because I found him at an abandoned gas station and I said I was going to take care of him. The poor thing. He got it rough."

"Why was he there to begin with?" Wingo asked.

"That lady Nirvana took him over here and sold him to someone who abandoned him. The guy who bought him thought he was a normal car 'cause Nirvana did a good job of covering up his face to make him seem…normal. The rest of the talking cars here were sold to people. Those people are their guardians."

"Do we have guardians?" Wingo said happily. Jane's smiled faded and she nodded her head no. Wingo sighed and looked back at the teacher as she finished up explaining the classroom rules.

It was around fourth period now. DJ had easily found his Geometry class and he parked himself toward the front row because there was a great amount of space for him there. He looked at the door and Snot Rod drove in and he happily parked next to DJ.

"Hey DJ! How was your day so far? My day was great and I learned a lot today!" he said quickly and smiled at his friend.

"Eh…my day was O.K. I learned nothing today. What did you learn?" DJ asked.

"Well, I learned that I cannot use my cell phone during class and that you cannot have any electrical devices or any type of device on during class! If I do, it will get confiscated. I also learned in art that red and blue makes purple!" Snot Rod said happily and jumped up and down.

"Um…Snot Rod. You don't have a cell phone and you are technically a 'device' on during class," DJ muttered. Snot Rod looked blankly at his friend just as the teacher walked in.

Before the teacher could say anything, Snot Rod took his blank gaze off of DJ and looked at his teacher and blurted out, "Will you confiscate me?" The teacher, DJ, and the class stared at him. "Will you confiscate me? I'm a device running during class and I should be taken away," Snot Rod concluded as he looked confused at what he just said. The teacher snorted and began to laugh wildly along with the rest of the class. "What? It's in the rules." DJ rolled his eyes and looked at his helpless friend.

"Snot Rod, what they mean by 'device' is like an iPod or anything like that. Not a car that is enrolled as a student." DJ snorted and began to laugh himself. "Man, that was just as stupid as the thing you said to Christine!" Now DJ was on the floor laughing. Snot Rod blushed and looked at the ground. He always felt that he was the stupid and clueless one and he hated being it. He didn't say anything else for the rest of the day.

It was finally lunch and the tuners found a table and parked themselves there after buying their food with Jane's money. They were away from the other cars Lightning, Sally, Mater, Christine, and Fillmore who occupied one table. Wingo looked over at them. Their guardians must go to this school and they follow along Wingo thought. He turned back to his friends and started to talk about how much he hated the school and how much he hated his teachers. Snot Rod stayed out of all conversation and just concentrated on eating his fries and drinking his oil. Mater must of heard them talking because he came over to their table.

"Howdy ya'll!" Mater said to them. The tuners turned around to look at him. "I know how much ya'll hate this here school but it's a lots of fun!"

"Fun? Pffftt! How is this place FUN? It's boring as hell!" Boost said angrily.

"I know it doesn't seem like it yet, but this is one of the WILDEST high schools in the country! Its just the first day of school that's a no ones wants ta be a jerk. You will see," Mater said as he drove back to his friends. The tuners rolled their eyes.

"Crazy old man," Boost muttered.

It was finally last period of the day and Wingo had another class with Jane. He parked himself in a spot in the room and watched Jane go over to someone and start to talk to her. Jane and the girl headed over to him.

"Wingo, I'd like you to meet my best friend, Miranda," Jane said to Wingo. Wingo waved his tire. "Miranda is Fillmore's guardian. You know…the hippie van."

"Oh yeah…um, nice to meet you Miranda," Wingo said faintly. He had no desire to meet no one new. Miranda went on to talk about herself and how Jane became her friend. She had to end when the teacher told everyone to take their seats. Thank you Wingo thought.

The first day of school ended and the tuners happily raced out of the school. "Freedom!" yelled DJ. They were about to run off until they heard Christine from behind them.

"Let's go boys! Follow me," Christine said as she passed them and they followed. When they got down to the shop the tuners felt depressed and even more depressed when they saw the impound. Christine opened the gate and they all got inside and she closed it after they were all set inside. Then she departed without saying a word to them.

"You know what? I think that I like school more than this," said Boost. The other tuners nodded in agreement.