Shinn's Poem-Angst

Disclaimer: I do not own Shinn or any other character but I do own this poem because I wrote it the other day! Well, hope you like!

I close my eyes in the light

And open them in the darkness,

I open my heart to anger

And close it to Love,

I close my ears to criticism

And open them to praise,

I open my mouth in defiance

And close it to kindness.

I live in my past

And don't think about my future.

Revenge is what I want

But to be loved is what I need.

My heart is cold

And my eyes are colder,

The blood-red intimidates

And the raven-black insinuates.

I only respect those who deserve to be respected,

But I don't know who they are because I'm so


I hate and don't appreciate.

I'm called "Super Ace" but I'm being controlled.

Without my full knowing I almost killed a

Hero who only wanted Peace instead of


I thought lesser of a man that is far better than


I broke my promise to her

And she was consumed by what she


I'm stuck in my past and cannot move on,

Because I close my eyes in the light

And open them in the darkness.

I am Shinn Asuka, Zaft Elite's Ace pilot; controlled by my anger and lust for Revenge so that I can't see that I'm being used to fulfill another man's twisted dream.

I AM Angst.

-Author's Note: Well, what do you think? I hope you like it! Please review and tell me what you think! This was just something I thought of and wrote down one night and decided to post it up, the first lines I was actually going to use for a song about myself, but then as I continued it became an Angst poem about Shinn, lol! Until my next post!-