A/N: So this is a short and sweet chapter, but I wanted to give you something. I wish I could have made it longer, but my finals are this week. Thank you for the reviews! I'm glad you guys are enjoying the story.

Rory pulled up behind her mother's car and put her car into park. Her mother wasn't expecting her for another few hours, but Rory decided to surprise her by coming home early. She walked across the lawn and up to the door. After unlocking it she entered the house and saw that the downstairs was empty. She softly closed the door and snuck up the stairs to her mother's room. She peeked inside and saw the bedroom was also empty but that the bathroom light was on. She tiptoed across the room and leaped into the bathroom.

"Surprise!" She yelled, a big grin stretching across her face.

Her mother jumped and closed her eyes, placing a hand over her heart. Rory looked down to where her mother was sitting on the floor and noticed her tearstained face.

"Mom? What's wrong?" She asked, kneeling down beside her mother and placing a hand on her knee.

Lorelai sat there quietly for a few seconds, swallowing hard and wiping her face. She wouldn't look at Rory.

"I screwed up, Rory." She said with a sob.

"Screwed up? What are you talking about?" Rory asked.

"I didn't mean for it to happen, it just… I was hurt and angry and I wasn't thinking straight and it… it just happened. I'm stupid; I'm an idiot for doing it but he pushed me beyond my limits and I didn't care anymore; I didn't care if I hurt him. I was upset and I wanted to feel better and I know I could've called you or Sookie or just eaten a tub of ice cream instead, but like I said, I wasn't thinking. And now… now everything is such a mess and I don't know what I'm going to do, Rory. I don't know how to fix this or how I'm going to be able to do this. I can't do it again; it was hard enough the first time."

Rory listened to her mother ramble on about what sounded like German to her. She hadn't a clue what her mother was talking about, only that it had to involve Luke.

"Mom, you have to give me more here, I'm not understanding." Rory said, squeezing her mother's knee in reassurance.

That's when Lorelai handed her something. She hadn't even noticed her mother was holding anything. Rory took it out of her mother's hands and looked at it.

"Mom… you're pregnant? Are you sure?" Rory asked, her eyes growing wide.

Lorelai then pointed to the counter and Rory got up and found five more pregnancy tests, all of them positive. She was shocked. There was no mistaking that her mother was in fact pregnant. She sat next to her mother and grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly.

"Mom, it's going to be ok. This isn't as bad as it seems. You're not alone in this. I'm going to be there for you the whole time and I know that Luke will be there too. Just because you guys are broken up doesn't mean he's going to leave you to raise this baby alone. He's not dad, mom. Luke's-"

And then Rory stopped talking. Suddenly everything her mother had said was beginning to make sense. She let go of her mother's hand and stared at her. She was crying harder now and Rory couldn't believe it, and so she asked.

"This is Luke's baby, right Mom?"

Her mother's cries turned into wet sobs that shook her whole body.

"I don't know." Lorelai sobbed.

Rory shook her head and leaned it against the wall, staring up at the ceiling. She let the shock course through her and thought of what she should say. She couldn't believe the situation and how complicated it had gotten since she found out. She looked back at her mother who had her face buried in her hands. Rory shifted herself to where she was now sitting in front of Lorelai. She pried her mother's hands off of her face and held them.

"Look at me, Mom." Rory said and waited for Lorelai to obey. "I love you. I know this is bad and I know you're scared, but we're going to get through this. I'll be here for whatever you need and we'll figure this out together. Let's not think about solving any issues right now and just take this one day at a time. We'll make a doctors appointment in the morning and take it from there, ok?"

Lorelai pulled Rory to her and hugged her tightly. Her crying calmed down and she took a few deep breaths before speaking.

"You're the best daughter a mother could ask for, you know?" She said, giving Rory a small smile. "Thank you. I love you, kid."

"I love you too, Mom." Rory said, giving her a hug.

She sat back down beside her mother and they both fell into silence, lost in thought. After a few minutes, Rory spoke up.

"Mom, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." Lorelai replied dully.

"If you and Luke had been on the rocks lately, how'd… I mean why-" Rory stammered.

Lorelai sighed and looked down at her hands.

"I was watching a movie and drinking a glass of wine one night and Luke had come home early so he made us dinner and we ended up killing two bottles. Well, you can guess the rest."

The two girls sat in silence, both of their minds swirling with thoughts of the situation and what would come of it. As tough as Rory was trying to be for her mother at the moment, she too was scared. She knew her mother would have to endure a lot over the next few months, what with telling Richard and Emily, facing the town, and confronting Luke and Chris. It wasn't going to be easy and as much as she wanted to be there through it all, she knew school would interfere.

"Wow, a baby." Rory said.

"I know." Lorelai said back.

"You're going to get fat." Rory remarked.

"Yeah." Lorelai said softly. "Maybe."