Hello everyone, its been a long time since I've updated Multiple Personalities. My writing style has changed a lot since I wrote chapter seven, I've taken a couple of creative writing courses in the last couple of years that have taught me a lot. But I'm still having trouble writing chapter eight, I have no idea whether it's any good or not. I'm trying to flesh out my interpretation of Naruto's world without interrupting the flow of the story and I'm struggling with keeping Naruto in character. So I am in desperate need of a beta or maybe two just for this chapter. Not to fix grammar or spelling (though it would be appreciated) but to critique the flow of the story, is there too much dialogue or not enough, should I try to be more descriptive of the setting or is that too much boring information? Those sorts of things. Chapter eight isn't finished yet but I hope by the time I find one or two people to beta for me it will be done. My muse has woken up from her two year long nap so I am making progress with the plot, kinda. Thanks to everyone who has patiently waited for this story to continue and I'm sorry it has taken so long.
