Pretty darn quick update for once, isn't it?

Anyways, a monster-huge 'Thank You' goes out to pxleno52 for the review. I'm glad you like the changes I made. Really do think they are for the best of this story.

So peeps, just trying to speed things up to the point I left off previously about a year ago for now, so please bear with me, I'm ONLY human. Expect some subtle changes in each chapter up till that point, and I've - as stated earlier - already got a rough design of how I want to portray future chapters in my head; maybe I'll even consider adding a side plot to the mix. If anyone wants to make some suggestions or ideas of your own - you know, something maybe you want to see happen? Go ahead and let me know. It might just spark a more brilliant storyline. Thanks.


Tai had a look of frustration upon his face as if something was bugging him and bugging him big time. He lay there, adopting the stance of one star-gazing the night's atmosphere under the cool shade of the huge oak tree by the park lake. However, as night was still numerous hours into the future, Tai's focus was on the clouds. At least, to the average ordinary eye of a passerby it was. The brunette, in actuality, was currently losing a rather gritty battle with the enemy - hunger, mind you.

He scowled. "How much longer is that idiot going to be?" he asked, unbothered with concealing his grave annoyance a fraction of a second longer. Matt had promised to be here by now. So where was he?

Nearest to Tai, Shima was resting against the tree's wooden trunk; face buried in the pages of a rather interesting book, at least from her perspectives. Tai thought otherwise. He recalled asking her about it once, one of those 'story of your life' kind of books. Tai hated those. He could still make out the book's title from where he lay – Memoirs of a Geisha.

On hearing the brunette, Shima lowered her book for what would be, the fifth occasion in the last fifteen minutes or so, to glance at her boyfriend's best friend. The girl heaved a lengthy, irritated sigh. Tai's constant complaints were distracting her from finishing the final page, but for Matt's sake, she'd tolerate his whining, for now.

"His dad might have given him another errand," she proposed. "Or perhaps that singer's running late. You know how it's like, we Japanese being the most punctual people in the world."

Her reply had Tai thinking. It really was, kind of true.

"Well?" Shima snapped, closing 'Memoirs of a Geisha' and stuffing it in together with the other contents of her already heavily-bulging Roxy backpack.

Tai found himself yanked back down to the harsh reality of the present at her query.

Bet she's upset I called him an idiot…

"Maybe," he replied, now hinting a sign of boredom.

Only meters away, Kari was playing a game of 'Stone Toss' with the other second generation Digidestined - Davis, Ken, Yolei, Cody and TK were all having a go. Their laughter echoed throughout the seemingly empty park (strange, being the first day of summer vacation) as they watched Davis' stone sink beneath the surface of the cool blue liquid without so much as a skip. From what Tai could tell, Ken had the lead with his current total of six skips.

The brunette turned his gaze a little to the right, focusing on another pair of long-time friends in the midst of conversation. To one side sat a girl one year his junior with long, equally glossy pink hair. On the other hand, opposite to her sat a guy one year his senior, his hair a mid-length shade of indigo - Mimi and Joe. Tai smirked. Apparently their conversation was a good one - Mimi kept smiling like the 'cover-girl' model she was and Joe was condemned to repeat his act of reaching up to adjust his still well-placed glasses, interest shown in his eyes.

Shima had been watching him. "You know he'll come."

Red-head Izzy had been all ears at the words exchange between the duo. He too sat hunched up against the giant tree trunk. As if sensing Tai's frustration, the computer whiz tore his own gaze away from his prized laptop and its screen displaying his current location in Payon City, Ragnarok Online.

"If you're going to be so impatient, why not call and ask why he's running later than late?"

Touchdown! Izzy hit it home - despite the boy being a horrendous sportsman.

Now why didn't I think of that?

Eyes shot wide open, Tai jolted upright in a flash and reached for the pocket of his long khaki's, producing a Samsung A660 in the blink of an eye. Shima and Izzy just watched from their designated positions with mild interest as their friend sprung to life before them, tapping speed-dial.

The phone was ringing, Tai could tell. It was only a couple of seconds before…

"Yo?" Tai heard the voice of the elder Ishida brother.

"Matt, what's taking you?" The brunette demanded.

"Look, I'm sorry ok? I kind of bumped into a little distraction back at my dad's. Trust me you won't belie-" but Matt never got to finish that last word.

Tai heard the voice in the background when his friend had stopped speaking. Faint but still recognizable as a female's. "Is that Tai?" the voice said. The brunette could hardly make out the muffled voices that ensured. Obviously, Matt wasn't alone and was discussing something with…someone.

The prolonged reply time caused Tai to blink in confusion. He opted to clutch the Samsung nearer to himself and inched perceptibly further from Shima – just in case...

"Won't believe what?" he continued, curiosity itching through his veins.

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing," replied the blonde. "You'll see for yourself when we get there."

'We'? Tai was pretty mystified about Matt's behavior by now and it must have shown on his expression as he noticed Shima and Izzy exchange what's-up-with-him looks with one another.

"How long more then? None of us has had any lunch yet and right now, I'm starved." Tai stole a glance at the untouched picnic basket beside Shima as he said this, earning a comical grin from his sister who had just occupied a space of ground to his left, the stone throwing game obviously over. The other five mimicked her actions, as did Mimi and Joe, all doing their best to eavesdrop Tai's over-the-phone conversation with their so-called V.I.P.

"Actually," he begun, "I'm already here."

Just then, to everyone's surprise, Matt emerged from behind the huge oak, a noticeable grin visible on his handsome face. The local Rockstar strut towards them with his signature 'cool' attitude, mobile still in hand. Shima was easily first to react.

"Matt!" she cried out in joy after witnessing her boyfriend's cool - as always - entrance. The female blonde stood abruptly from her seat, rushing past the others to embrace him.

Returning the favor, Matt brushed a quick peck on her cheek before letting go; no need for too much public display of affection. He looked around to the others, making sure he still had their undivided attention. This confirmed, the blonde tilted his head to look behind and performed a sort of jerking motion; a signal for one to come forth. Tai was beyond expecting this, and true enough, he was treated to the sight of a very attractive looking girl announcing her presence in the similar fashion Matt had done seconds past. All eyes on her, the raven-hair took her place a slight step or two behind her wide-grinning escort and bowed politely.

Her tone was bright and cheery. "Konnichiwa," she greeted.

Freaking Backdraft!

This female tag-along of Matt's, Tai had to be honest with him self, was by far the most exceptionally beautiful girl he'd ever feasted eyes on amongst every single one of his days. Tai didn't know much about fashion as he ogled the girl's Pussycat Dolls-fit bodice from top to bottom, but being a full-fledged model, Mimi sure did. Assuming she was right, the girl had on a red laced Bolero over a white tank and a blue denim mini six inches above knee. A beige Billabong sling bag hung to the girl's left and jet-black, three-inched suede stilettos – Naturalizers, she guessed.

"M-Matt?" stuttered Shima, confused; as was everyone else. "Who is she and what's going on?"

Matt noted his girlfriend's change of expression. Immediately tensing, he sought to correct her view of what this might have seemed like. "I-It's not what you think!" He said, waving both arms about nervously in defense.

"Oh, then what is it?" Mimi, who wasn't exactly happy in having someone prettier than her within such near vicinity, dared.

Tai couldn't quite understand it himself but there was just something about this raven-haired Diva that held him spellbound – he couldn't take his eyes off her! If perfection had a face, this was it! On the contrary, something about her unusual beauty unsettled him greatly – he felt, not even the most beautiful girl in existence could ever be this outstandingly attractive in terms of looks alone. Also, she…seemed familiar to him in a way, but how?

Matt had already proceeded to introductions, naming each Digidestined and pointing respectively to the individual named.

Sensing his stare, the raven-hair found her chance upon being introduced to the brunette and softened her appearance with a sweet smile. She then tugged a stray strand of hair out of her face, mindful in stroking the hairpin she wore.

Tai caught on. A bolt of blue struck him as he recognized the identifiable object.

"Well everyone, believe it or not, this is-"


To be continued…

Yeah, you can probably guess who said Sora's name in the end. It's pretty obvious, plus if you've read the older version, you'd already know. School starts tomorrow so things are going to slow a tad down I suppose. We'll see how things turn out. Till then.