Chapter 5-Unbelievable

"All 152 of our shinobi were found unconscious. There's no evidence to explain how Nara escaped. We assume someone broke in, but we can't seem to figure out how they busted the doors opened. There are no signs of resistance on the padlocks as if they had the key. It can't be an insider job, because Orochimaru would know. Half of our shinobi have regained consciousness, but cannot recall anything, and..."

As the Sound shinobi continued to report on the current findings of the day, scarlet eyes surveyed the entire scene. Not a shred of evidence was found on whom or what could've infiltrated the compound without being detected in the slightest bit. Sasuke had to admit, even he, himself couldn't have knocked out the Sound Five without putting up at least a little bit of resistance. Sasuke chuckled. He knew they must've been furious when they found that something had gotten passed their noses without them having realized it.

On the other hand, this thought terrified Sasuke. Somebody had the power to knock out 152 Sound shinobi, meaning that this particular individual had the power to KILL all 152 Sound shinobi. The most horrific portion of this information was that they had absolutely no idea who. Sasuke quickly dismissed the Sound shinobi reporting on the incident and stalked off to find evidence himself. There was absolutely no way this individual could've been so clean as to leave no trace at all. There HAD to be at least SOMETHING; something small that would explain this inexplicable phenomenon.

Sasuke was certain that the Nara was still within Konoha boundaries because shinobi on the outskirts had not yet reported any unusual occurrences; well at least he used to be certain. He found that he could not absorb this information. Who, besides Naruto, had the power to ridicule him as such? Frustration quickly evaporated and was quickly replaced with rage. In one millisecond, the entire east wall of the compound was shattered into rubble; that was about one mile of pure stone and cement.


The village of Suna seemed comparatively normal according to Shikamaru's perspective. In fact, Suna's inhabitants seemed very closely related to Konoha. Indeed, the two villages were linked in such a way that some invisible force had caused not only commercial but subconscious ties to form between the two villages. The villages seemed deeply engrossed within their activities, while Sakura, pacing quietly beside him seemed deeply engrossed in watching their activity.

Shikamaru cleared his throat, "What's so interesting?"

Chuckling Sakura replied, "It's just that I haven't seen such benevolent interaction in such a long time, it's kind of nice to watch."

"I don't understand."

Sakura seemed hesitant responding, "It's just that I've seen so much blood shed that, it's actually nice to see people get along in a village."

"I see," he just pretended to comprehend what she said. He really had no clue. She said she traveled the world, but she never specified where. She never stated what she had been doing all those years. He just thought it would be too troublesome to push the subject.

"Are you hungry?" she asked reverting her gaze from the villagers to him.

It was then that Shikamaru realized that he hadn't consumed any means of nutrition for quite some time. He instantly came to the realization that he in fact was starving. "Very much so," he responded desperately.

She laughed. The next thing Sakura knew, they were waiting in a table at a nearby restaurant stand. Their orders were placed and both Konoha shinobi were very impatient. Sakura, indeed, had been also very famished. Both shinobi sat expecting their food to come out at any given moment. It was humorous, in fact, to see the two dive into their bowls at the slightest sight and smell of food. This caused many villagers to stare at the strange foreign shinobi devouring their meals like there was no tomorrow.

That afternoon, Sakura and Shikamaru could be seen strolling down the marketplace in a comfortable silence, enjoying the soft sandy breeze. It seemed that after their scandalous display at the restaurant stand, the tension between the two had subsided. Landing with a loud thump before them was Gaara's sister, herself, with a large smile plastered upon her ridiculously gorgeous face. "My, my, my, well if it isn't Shikamaru…"

"Hello to you too, Temari," Shikamaru greeted her with a scowl. Temari glanced at Shikamaru's companion to come to realize that she was indeed, Sakura.

"Sakura…" As soon as the words left her lips, Temari knew she'd have to explain herself to the pink-haired kounichi. "I'm sorry, it's just… well…I heard that….you were gone for quite some time…"

"Oh, it's okay. Don't worry about it," Sakura spoke, words laced in a smile.

"So, what are you two doing here?"

Shikamaru took a moment to consider his reciprocation. "I think you should speak to Gaara before either of us answers your question."

"I see… This isn't just any normal diplomatic mission then, I assume?"


"Well then, I'm going to be on my way to visit my dear brother. See ya." Before turning to dash towards the Kazekage's office, she stepped forward embracing Sakura in a tight hug, "Nice seeing you again."

A little taken back, Sakura genuinely smiled. "You too." With a sweep of her feet, Temari was off. Shikamaru stared at the direction of her departure with a hint of remorse within his eyes.

"You guys dated huh?" Sakura spoke, now somewhat amused.

"Uh…yeah. How'd you know?"

"You seem to be somewhat…remorseful."

"Women…" Shikamaru commented.

"Now, now, don't go blaming all your masculine faults on the opposite sex. If you want her back, you should go for it. But, if you hadn't notice, she's engaged." This caused the brilliant genius to jerk in alarm.

"What?" he asked exasperatedly.

Sakura raised her hand to his face and wiggled her ring finger. "And some say that you're brilliant."

He grumbled. "How troublesome…." With that, the strategist stalked off mumbling profanities leaving Sakura giggling in pursuit.


There was no way that it was her. Sasuke could not believe it unless he saw it. There was no way that she had knocked out 152 Sound shinobi, infiltrated a heavily guarded and armed compound, rescued Nara Shikamaru, and avoided capture. "There was just no fucking way…" he thought. But the evidence was there. He had somehow managed to stumble on a small stain of blood at the foot of a large oak tree. Examining the blood, there was no mistake that it was her chakra signature. She was the one that healed Shikamaru. He was certain of it. Her chakra was unmistakable. He just couldn't damn well believe in this unnatural event. Uchiha Sasuke, last standing survivor of the Uchiha clan, could not believe that he'd been outranked by a woman, not to mention one whom he thought would never amount to anything…

"I kind of feel bad for you, Shika. I know you must be burning up with anger on the inside," she mocked as her face contorted into an expression resembling a bloated fish. She let the air out of her cheeks with a pop. Sakura had now managed to shorten Shikamaru's very complex name to two cute syllables, knowing this would annoy him to no extent.

Shikamaru stood, back faced towards Sakura, and outwardly brooded. He indeed was discouraged, more so that now he'd found that his ex-girlfriend was now engaged. He'd be damn if he didn't find out which bastard she was engaged to. Glancing up, Shikamaru found that Sakura was now in front of him with a bemused expression drawn within her emerald orbs.

"What?" he demanded, tone filled with much hostility.

"Oh nothing…" she cued, "I just thinks it's cute how you're JEALOUS."

"How troublesome…" She merely giggled.


He thought this had to be some cruel joke. The more he thought about it, the more ridiculous the notion sounded. It HAD to be someone else, anybody else. Sasuke had finally reached the brink of his own sanity. Storming out of his chambers, he grabbed the prison keys and proceeded down the hallway.

It was at the moment that Tsunade met the Uchiha's eyes, that she immediately figured out what he was there for. "I suppose you want to know who broke Nara out?"

"Tell me."

"You already have the answer, why continue to ask?"

Sasuke seemed impatient now. "I just need validation."

The hokage laughed with distain. "Oh, you need more than validation. But okay, I'll give you your supposed validation. Yes, it was Sakura."

That was all he needed, but somehow, he didn't seem satisfied. "You're a liar."

Tsunade chuckled. "It seems to me that you can't quite believe that my beloved apprentice has indeed pulled a fast one over your head. Correct?"

"You are lying."

"If I am lying, and you know that I am lying, how come you are still here?"

"Because there is no possible way that someone like her could possibly pull this off," he responded harshly.

"Believe whatever you want to believe." That was all he needed to send a fist through the stone wall….

"You're in distress…"

"Shut up," he was now gone.


"Let's go see Gaara. He'll know who's ass you should kick," Sakura slyly jibed.

"How troublesome…"

"I think that's the tenth time you've said that today," she spoke again amused.

Within the next second, Shikamaru grabbed Sakura by the hand, then proceeded to drag her towards Gaara's office. She chuckled the whole way. Never in his life had he ever made such a rash move, but there they were standing outside Gaara's office for the second time that day, contemplating if whether he should knock or not.

It was in this moment that Sakura decided, "Why not? Let's give him a nudge."

"Come in," came the faint voice from behind the barricade…..