Someone had raised an interesting question in one of my reviews, and, for the purpose of not finding this confusing… Lois and Clark are together during this fic.

And a special thank you to everyone who reviewed, I was quite amaze with your feedbacks, they were really encouraging. I mean nothing means more to a writer than to hear that they write well. Thank you so much for reading.

The downfall


1. A sudden loss of hope, of happiness.

2. A fall, as of rain, snow, or the like, often sudden or heavy.


They still stood outside, the night sky stretching above them was only a vast void of darkness that didn't held a whisper of a star. The wind blew against them, cooling their heated skin in a soft warning. The wind was being tormented in too many directions, as it called out to the storm softly.

Clark was surrounding Lois completely, cradling her preciously in his strong embrace. Lois's arms fell loosely around his waist as her mind desperately tried to keep up with all the raging emotions that were demanding her attention.

She felt his lips in her hair and his hands curved up against the arc of her back so he could gently cup her face between his palms. His fingers slipped through the silkiness of her hair and he angled her face to the side, his thumb brushing against her lips. Lois's heart picked up in anticipation as she felt his breath cross her mouth. His lips grazed hers tentatively, afraid, unsure. And finally, he kissed her, two beings merging as one.

Her hands ran up frantically against the hard muscles of his back and as Clark's tongue seduced her lips into opening up to him and her nails dug into his shoulders, desperately trying to hold on to him, to something. She felt her knees buckle under the force of too many emotions and her chest tightened, ready to explode under the pressure of his actions.

He was able to take her breath away as he pleasantly forced a desirable affection upon her lips. Still, in the mist of it all, she was able to taste it. She was able to taste the fear of everything that had happened. In a far away place, deep inside her consciousness, a realization started to dawn on her entire mind. And then, a flash of pain… But he was kissing her. He was doing the only thing she had been begging for since her mind, literally, lost itself into an indescribable sense of oblivion. And now, the only thing that seemed to make her feel alive was him, and she willing let Clark grasp her life between the softness of his lips, just so he could make it shudder in pleasure. And just so he could take it all away. She felt utterly breathless and it vivified her entire mind.

Softly, with the hand tangled in her hair, he titled her head backwards, deepening the kiss and fueling the intensity of every single emotion inside her. He was invading her, sharpening her senses and reviving them carelessly.

He was tormenting her, pulling her mind in so many direction that she felt as if her whole world was spinning, but ultimately, his actions were having the desired effect, and deep inside her mind, where the bitterness of some sort of fear was still vivid in one of her senses, she knew he was desperately trying to kiss all the troubles away. He was dulling that little flash of pain and he was able to take all the lifelessness away.

Lois's fingers tangled themselves in the soft materiel of his red cape as she stretched her body over his and opened her mouth wider under his ministrations. She was begging, wishing, that he could take everything away from her, because deep within herself, in a darkened corner, she knew.

Clark couldn't get to everything, he couldn't take everything away. Unfortunately, her mind had started to react sharply to the reality of it all, and she finally grew concern over the faint, but vicious pain that continued to swell deep inside her very core, and it slowly reached for her awareness.

Desperate for it to cease, Lois allowed Clark to pull her up right as his strong arm traced a fired pattern along her spine, in an attempt to pull her closer to him. Now, he was taking away every once of control she ever had over her own body. Clark was able to mold her form onto his as he, unconsciously, made them fit together perfectly.

Lois felt his thumb dragged its way down the side of her neck, unconsciously making her body shudder against his. Finally, Clark was taking away the distress that resided into her mind, he was soothing every ache, every anxiety, away. In that single moment, as he bit down gently on her lower lip and caressed the invisible teeth mark with his tongue, he had been able to silence the tainted thought that was growing, restless, in the back of her mind.

In that single moment, Clark Kent had been able to take everything away from her, just like she wanted.

But then again… There was only so much a woman could allow herself to give…

And as Clark took every delirious pleasure away from her, and as badly as she wanted him to take everything away, he left her with the only thing Lois hadn't let him reach; the pain he had caused in her.

Then she felt it, the piercing pain against her chest and the sinking feeling inside her stomach. Unable to stop it, Lois let the pain consume her entirely. Unleashed, it made her mind scream in anguish, it roamed in every single sense she had, and then, it gripped her heart a little too tightly.

Lois's fingers brushed past his strong torso, her hands bundling up against his majestic crest and she just pushed.

Her lips sadly parted away from his in a painful pant, as she allowed the cold night air to fill her lungs. She felt him breathe in deeply as his fingers dug softly into her back, his lips came down to kiss her forehead, and she let out a sharp sob, unable to contain it.

"I can't." She breathed out uncontrollably, neither pulling him in, nor pushing against him.

"Lois… Please..." His voice was stained, overwhelmed with fear, the fear she tasted off his lips.

Lois gasped silently, forcing herself to breath quietly, and she cracked her eyes open. Through the softening glaze of her tears she saw it, the " S " and the man behind it. Somehow, she just felt everything break, realizing just how fragile everything really is.

"After all these years… And you never told me." She said in a tearful whisper, as her mind crashed and lost itself into the vivid pain that lived in time with her heartbeat.

She felt him shake his head furiously, and his arms closed around her frame, "It's not like that." He choked, exhaling against her. "I wanted too…so badly… Lois…" Desperate, he kissed her and he tried to reach into her for something, anything.

But Lois broke away, "No," she whispered weakly, shaking her head only once. "I let you… Clark, I let you in…" her lips brushed against his, letting him taste the saltiness of the tear that had come between them. Carefully, Lois disengaged herself from his grasp, forcing her legs to support her shaking figure. She took a step back and his hands dropped to her hips.

"And I trusted you… But you…" She finally looked up, letting another tear grace her face as her eyes locked on his, and she bit her lip forcing a sob down her throat, "But you didn't trust me enough to tell me this."

And sadly, ignoring his own pain and feeding his fear, she took another step back, wrapping her arms protectively around herself. With one last look, she turned away from him, leaving him and widening her pain.

They took everything away from each other, except for the most important thing; the pain that drew them apart.

Because, ultimately, who were they to each other if they couldn't soothe away one another's pain?

Wow! I can't believe I'm finally done with this second part! It took me such a long time to finish this, I was never happy with the first draft, but this one I really really like it. I just hope you guys liked it too! I hope it wasn't too… Harsh?

I hope you guys didn't get too confuse by the ending, I mean, I really want my fic to reflect the natural state of mind, and the reality when someone is faced with something like this. I mean, he never told her, of course we know why, but Lois?

Yeah, so I guess this doesn't make it a oneshot… And you guys are not going to let me leave it like this are you? wink wink Lol!

Any comments, be it good or bad is welcome! And I am honestly open to any kind of suggestion you guys want for the make up. Feel free to say anything your mind can think of. And again, thank you so much for your support.


ElDani: Wow, thank you so much for your review, it really lifted up my spirit!! That after writing the second part, I do agree that the second part was more important at the moment. Thanks again.

Shana: Hey thanks for reviewing! You were like the person I needed to finish this current chapter, thank you! Yep the bullet was meant to pierce her heart, but it just grazed it. The heart is really symbolic in this fic and as you can see, it's actually Clark who is hurting her heart. But come on! This is clois!!! Of course they're going to have a happy ending, I just need to write it!

thewomanwhosoldtheworld: Oh my god, I loved your review, I just kept reading it over and over again, Thank you so much. By the way love the name!

Arhazivory: Lol! Thank you so much for your review!! I loved that part too, I thought it was really fitting! Yep, so now this fic is officially in progress! Thank you so, so, so much!

Fiorscal: Awww! Thank you so much for your review you told me exactly want I needed to hear, I really hope you enjoyed the second part. Clois all the way!!!!

lois lane is my hero: Wow! Your review was so encouraging, and thank you very, very, much. And I'm actually working on a prequel so let's just hope that everything goes well! Thank you so much.

Buffalo: Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for your review, it was really encouraging! And yes she's been with Clark before this happen. I'm actually working on a prologue.

Loise: Thanks for reviewing, it means a lot that you appreciated my work.

patosclo: Awww! You're the cutest thing ever! Thank you so much for the review! I'm really glad that my fic had the desired effect!

Cenzo: Well, I did like you told me and I just kept going, I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for the review.