Not having to eat for the whole entire day, Naruto accompanied his so-called brother into a restaurant, where he had steak, chicken, pasta, a shrimp platter, 2 slices of pie and enough room for Ramen where they got it at a near by grocery store. With the brisk air, and his hot cup of Ramen in hand, he smiled as Itachi peered at the blond.

"So when mom took us to the park and I fell in the river, what happened?"

Itachi put an arm around Naruto's shoulders and pulled him closer. "I saved you of course. Did you think I was going to let you die there?"

" So where was dad when all this happened?"

"He was running towards you by the time I got you out of the river. I held you in my arms the whole ride home but I'm guessing you don't remember." Itachi seemed to be pleased at the lonely expression in his eyes. He didn't show it though; he just merely grabbed the cup in Naruto's hand and threw it away. He didn't react to the action, he couldn't react and all he did was stood there as the cold snow fell upon his face.

"What's wrong Naruto?"

"I-I don't know. I just can't remember this. I can't remember anything and it hurts me when you tell me all this stuff. I just can't relate to it at all."

Even with people passing them, Itachi pushed Naruto up against the wall and kissed his lips. He held him in place, licking the blonde's quivering lips but he didn't stop. He slanted his head to the side to coax Naruto to open his mouth. Biting his bottom lip, pressing them roughly against his own, Naruto didn't compile and Itachi pulled away.

There wasn't disappointment in his expression because he knew he was growing on the blond little by little. Naruto didn't attempt to push him away and that was all he wanted to see. It was just a matter of time when he would finally trust him to the point where he'll give his self freely with out any hesitation what so ever.

"Was our relationship always like this?" Naruto placed his fingertips on his bottom lip, staring at the ground with bewildering eyes.

"Of course it was but it's hard for me as well when you don't remember any of it." Slightly dragging his index finger along his cheek and onto his neck, Itachi fixed his eyes with cerulean ones. The zipper on Naruto's orange jacket was grasped and pulled down slowly. His warm breath was intoxicating but Naruto backed up against the wall even further, catching looks from the people who walked by.

"P-People are staring."

"Let them stare. You always said that there only being nosy baka's." His face drew close to his ear, biting it slightly before he licked his earlobe. The warm feeling cause the blond to cling to him tightly, his eyes closed from his ever touch. His icy cold stomach was exposed as his jacket was forcefully open and a hand found its way under his shirt, dragging up to his chest.


"My house is not to far Naruto." Those sullen eyes waited for him to answer. Just to make the slightest indication that any doubt wasn't in him but he pushed him away. Naruto shook his head and averted his eyes away from him.

"I have to go back home. Sasuke's-"

"So you're going to betray me and allow that idiot to defile you."

"N-No I just don't feel comfortable with this and Tsunade will get upset with me if I don't answer the phone." Smiling weakly, Naruto was turned away as Itachi walked ahead. With his hands tucked in his pocket he slowed his pace so the blond could catch up.

"Please don't be mad at me Itachi." He grabbed his arm and walked beside him. Those cold eyes that resembled Sasuke's so much had affected him in so many ways. Guilt, disappointment and regret were clinging to his heart as Itachi kept his eyes forward. He was mad but he allowed Naruto to wrap arm around his own. That was the least the blond could do for him.

Itachi knew every fiber of his being. He knew ever-single detail about his past and yet Naruto doubts him. It was comforting to find out he had a brother but discomforting when he suddenly stopped in place, taking the blonde's arm.

"My house is right around the corner." Naruto said.

"I know but you can't tell anyone about me."

There was that sentence. If he were his brother, why would he say such a thing? It bothered Naruto from the very start and those words never left his mind. But he nodded and an embrace followed suite. Itachi gave him his phone number and address just in case he had to reach him for any reason and left.

Watching him walk away and turn a corner, Naruto sighed and walked on. It was like a whole dream that had come true. He had friends, he had a guardian and he had a lover but finding out a close family was in reach gave his restless heart be at ease but those words. Those words of secrecy didn't leave him so easily and with a heavy sigh he walked into his house only meeting with a scowl.

"Where were you?" The raven stood and beeline his way to the blond who closed the door behind him.

"I was walking around to get something to eat. So cook your own dinner because I'm to tired today."

Set aback at the careless response. Sasuke gritted his teeth. He never in a million years expected any response coming from his Naruto. He would always give Sasuke his undivided attention even if he was drained of color and tired beyond compare. So Sasuke grabbed his hand and stopped him from walking near the room. Just looking at those eyes gave Sasuke a sense of what was going on. Those blue eyes weren't draped with fixation toward him anymore. It was soulless as if he was interested in something other than him.

"What's wrong with you?" Sasuke said dryly, his words dripping with venom.

"Nothing's wrong with me. Let me go."

"Why are you like this?"

Naruto grunted as he tried to pull his hand out of the snake-like grip. "Shit Sasuke. Let me go."

"Shut up! Tell me where you went!"

"Why does it matter? I just went out now fucking let me go!" Before Naruto could react, Sasuke dragged him along the corridor. He didn't even bother to reply to anything Naruto said but tuned it out as he slammed into the room and threw Naruto onto the bed. There was no amount of strength left in him as Naruto laid there. It wasn't long until a heavy weight laid on him, pinning his arms above his head.

"Sasuke stop! I don't want to do this!" Naruto shouted. But even with his plea Sasuke proceeded with his actions and sucked the blonde's neck. He bit down on one specific spot and Naruto couldn't help but cry. The pain that struck his neck felt like it pierced through his skin. It wasn't him; he couldn't imagine this Sasuke that bombarded him with pain was his lover.

"Tell me where you were! Just-" When he came across the tears that trailed down his cheek, Sasuke's throat ruptured. The feeling in his chest gave him a discomforting feeling. He hated seeing him cry but he also despised this feeling he had. The undoubted feeling that Naruto had turned another cheek and found someone else. A woman maybe but he wasn't sure. Just this upturned mood gave him the sense that the blond was up to something but it wasn't the time to get it out of him now.

Sasuke Inconsolable got off of him and made his way to the door, slamming it on his way out. There was no sign that he was going to come back soon as another door was slammed and a car screeched away.

Naruto laid there as tears dripped on the bed, soaking in ever action the raven placed on him. His hand reflexively touched his neck and as he pulled away, blood revealed on his fingertips.

That's when Naruto stood up and went to his computer. Turning it on and typing a website. He clicked the only name that understood him more than anything and a window appeared.

SasuChansblond: Me and Sasuke had a fight. Can you come over?

NatazNaughtyPup: I'm chatting with Hinata can't you deal with it?

SasuChansblond: No I can't. I'm crying Kiba and I can't control myself. It hurts. My heart can't take it anymore. I don't know what I did but he's mad.

NatazNaughtyPup: Okay Okay don't do anything careless. Just sit in front of that computer and I'll come over. I swear if Sasuke comes back by the time I get there. I'm going to kick that bastards ass. Fuck. I'll be there in 5 minutes.

SasuChansblond: Thanks Kiba.


I know it's not very long but I kind of had to go through this chapter kind of fast. Sorry. Next chapter up soon.