Surprise, surprise...or maybe not. (has the gall to look embarassed) I have other stories that need to be continued but you know me better than that. If it inspires me, it'll be written. For your enjoyment and mine, I present you more Sora/Leon drabbles - only this time they're interconnected and bound to be lots of fun.

First five drabbles written for the community 30 fluffs. Do enjoy!

As usual this doesn't have a beta reader so please dear readers, and hopefully reviewers) and Stephanie tell me what you find wrong with it. Better sooner than later.

Disblaimer: Sora and Leon aren't mine and since I'm faithful to the community I'm currently writing for, this shall have fluff, fluff and more fluff.

Warning: I said it before and I'll say it now - fluff, fluff and more fluff...any complaints? No? Good.

Summary: Who knew that getting married could be so complicated? Asking was certainly less stressing on nerves.
Pairing: Sora Naegino/Leon Oswald
Themes: #1-#5

Forever More
by Royal blueKitsune

1. Teddy Bear. Doll

He couldn't remember feeling this amused. Ever

"Had I known it would make such impression on you, I would've bought you one earlier and not waited for your birthday."

"Teddy is not an it Leon. He's my present and my new friend!"

Sora pouted cutely and he chuckled, wrapping his lean arms around her. The it was currently staring at both of them - a huge, dark brown teddy bear with long, silky fur and two beady eyes and a button nose. And of course the ever so popular red ribbon tied expertly around its neck.

Cute. In a queer sort of way. If it made her happy...

Her lips twitched upwards and she stifled her giggles. The expression her beloved was currently sporting was about to become priceless.

"No need to feel threatened Leon. I promise you now and here that Teddy is not competition when it comes to me."

Leon looked so downright affronted and miffed that Sora knew she couldn't keep her laughter in check anymore.

2. A Ring. Promise

Her eyes were wide bottomless pools of chocolate...Leon hadn't thought it were possible for them to widen more than they naturally were. She was looking at the object in his hand like it was going to come alive and jump her.

As beautiful as she was right now, she still hadn't answered his question. It was almost grating on his poor nerves - the first time he had felt nervous in a long time. His little love seemed to have gone into a trance.

"Sora," he brushed his fingers against her cheek and felt breathless anticipation when a strange emotion flickered across her face. "Will you marry me?"

Time froze for the span of a few moments and unraveled just as quickly when Leon caught the glimmer of happiness in Sora's eyes; a second before she launched herself in his arms chanting "Yes I will! Yes I will!" over and over again.

He smiled and kissed her and the world was right again.

3. Transportation. Farewell.

"How about a farewell kiss? For luck and lenient, happy, parents?"

An eyebrow rose.

Was she expecting anything else from him?

"If you do not stop leaning out the window in such a precarious fashion, you might end up in the hospital and not see your parents for another week. Besides, you're surely going to take five years out of my life..."

Leon shook his head when his fiancée grinned cattily but nonetheless, and ignoring his own advice, caught her chin and pulled her further down for a thoroughly satisfying kiss both were craving.

Warm and sweet.

"I'm pulling back now before I decide it is I who doesn't want you to go see them."

That grin of hers was begging for retribution but he knew he wasn't going to do anything...yet. Sigh. She was making him too soft.

"Well then dear, pray that my parents don't faint at hearing this." The train shook slightly and set itself into motion, releasing a shrill cry and a puff of smoke.

"Oh! Also pray that father doesn't want to hunt you down with a shotgun for marrying his little girl." Sora blew a quick kiss in his direction, winked and disappeared into the compartment.

Leon frowned and his eyebrows drew together. She couldn't have possibly been serious...could she?

4. Misunderstanding. Heartfelt Apology

This was preposterous. He wasn't going to let this go on a minute longer.

Firstly, because he didn't want them to be angry at each other for such a thing. Second, because the subject of their fight had been the texture and color of napkins and the flower arrangements for their wedding.

Somehow, someway, they had fought over such a meaningless thing. It was so pitiful and so obviously a direct cause of wedding jitters and stress...Leon had a hard time trying to stomach it.

After this was all over, he was quite sure that both of them were going remember this fondly but right now it was hard to see it as anything other than an annoyance. A fault of their overbearing friends and her family who insisted they plan the wedding to the last ribbon color.

Leon sighed to himself and turned another corner, noticing offhandedly that he had reached his destination - Sora's room.

Tonight he planned on taking her out for dinner at that nice Italian restaurant she so liked. He was going to take both of them away from the madness of elaborate planning and he was going to make things right the most satisfying of ways possible.

And he always got what he wanted.

5. Sunrise. Sunset

Sora really didn't want to believe that someone was actually knocking at the door. Now. At this unholy hour.

She yawned and opened drowsy eyes, feeling her eyelids hurt from the rude awakening. One blink, another. She raised her head to glare at the door over her lover's body, only to be tugged downwards a few moments later by an equally sleepy Leon.

Feeling very un-reluctant to leave her warm haven for some lunatic, Sora went willingly and let Leon wrap his arms around her and snuggle her into his body. She knew that the rumbling sounds vibrating through his chest was a bad sign, but she was drifting in and out of sleep again and she really didn't have the strength to stay awake anymore.

A few moments later it happened again. Only instead of knocking someone was pounding.

Sora yelped, ripped abruptly from her nice little cocoon, and her body jerked upwards, heart speeding at an alarming rate from fright. If not for Leon's iron grip on her waist, the young woman had no doubt that she would've landed on the floor and taken the blankets with her.

"Sora! Leon! Wake up you two..." May's voice bellowed unexpectedly. "Your wedding is in three days and we have preparations to do still. Get your lazy asses out here!"

A pause. Leon didn't even bother to open his eyes. The warning in his voice -now one or two octaves lower- was enough to let all know that he was in a bad mood.

"The sun will rise in five minutes and neither myself or my fiancée have any intention of going anywhere soon. You have five seconds to step away from the door and return to your room...then you have five hours to come back again and start annoying us. That goes for Anna, Mia, Rosetta and anyone else you have drawn into this pointless wake-up call."

Murmurs and groans of protest.

"Not happening." May sing-songed, sounding too cheerful for her own good.

Sora alternated between being happy that there was a door separating them and the desire to open said door and strangle the raven-haired woman.

"Please make her see that I have zilch intentions of going out. Too sleepy. I like it here." She mumbled defeated. "My head hurts and my eyes," yawn "are screaming in protest..."

He stiffened against her and Sora felt drowsy satisfaction knowing that he would be upset on her behalf.

"For God's sake May." Leon grounded out. "If you do not stop trying to bring down my door I will show you the meaning of true Kaleido training."

A huff. "Fine, fine pretty boy." The message had been clearly understood. "We'll come back later when you're not so damn grouchy."

Sora was pretty sure that someone was cursing and that more voices were protesting towards the unfair treatment, or being woken up so early, but Leon had already pulled up the covers over both their heads.

No more insane rambling. No more blinding sunrise. Just the purely masculine scent she had learned to associate with her Leon.

She smiled softly and allowed herself to sink into the mattress and the combined warmth of their bodies.


Opinions are of course expected and more than welcome. You know I like spoiling you with these little stories but I also enjoy collecting the spoils of war. It's just too much fun for me.