Disclaimer: I don't own them. Joss does.

A.N: Sorry guys for the delay in update. I got exams then I got hooked up on Grey's Anatomy. I hope the Bangelness of this chapter help you forgive me.

Chapter 4:

Buffy sipped from her long stemmed champagne glass as she relaxed against the bath tub. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of his hands as he massaged her back. She absolutely loves the way he spoils her, making her feel like a normal woman in the arms of her completely gorgeous and normal lover…

Since they got married ten weeks back, they've been living in total bless. She was more than happy when he told her that he planned on making Sunnydale their home, even though his business is in LA. He bought the old Mansion on Crawford's St., renovated it in a short time so they can live there after their honeymoon. He was too considerate regarding Dawn's living arrangements. Dawnie was thrilled when he told her that she's going to decorate her own room by herself. He spoilt her the way he spoilt his little sister Kathy.

Although he spends lots of time in LA, the time he spends at home was cherished. They would have dinner with her sister and then retire to their suite to have the most amazing time in each others arms. He was always teaching her new experiences in the art of love making and she was an eager pupil.

Tonight wasn't any different except that they had the house to themselves as Dawnie was spending the night at a friend's. They had omitted dinner and went straight ahead for desserts. After four hours of intense lovemaking sessions, they were both ravenous. Knowing that his beautiful bride has no skills at all in cooking, Angel cooked for her dinner. They showered together and spent the rest of the evening making love over and over… They were both insatiable…

Now, she was lying in the bath tub with scented candles surrounding her, sipping champagne while the love of her life, her soulmate and husband gives her massages and in between feeds her strawberries dipped in chocolate and whipped cream. She sighed.

"What are you thinking, ioniun?"

"I'm in heaven!" She said dreamily.

He came into her view, looking intensely into her beautiful eyes… She blushed… He looked at her in wonder… She looks so innocent and vulnerable when she blushes; enticing him and making him fall in love with her all over again. He leaned forward and caught her lips in his, tasting the champagne and the whipped cream that lingered on her beautiful lips.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"So… what do you want for your birthday?"

"I don't want anything. I hate my birthday!!"

" Why?!"

"Because bad things always happen on my birthday. Let's just say I learnt the hard way not to celebrate it any more."

"If you don't want to celebrate it that's your wish, but you'll get your present regardless.'

"Oh I love presents, especially the ones you give me when we are alone. She said suggestively.

"You Mrs. O'Connor are insatiable."

"And you Mr. O'Connor are irresistible…"

They laughed and kissed. Her eyes grew serious.

"Please, don't think too much about it. Anything you give me would be nice. The only thing I want is to spend it with you…"

The next morning, Angel had an emergency and had to go back to LA, leaving his bride unpleased as she had spent the better part of the last week planning this weekend. However, later that morning she thanked god that Angel had gone to LA as she got swamped with the next Big Bad to show its ugly face on the Hellmouth. And it wasn't any Big Bad, It was the First Evil. She had fought it before and thought that she had defeated it. Apparently, she didn't.

The Scoobies were meeting in the Magic Box. Giles had already declared it Code Red, which means everybody has to work in research, even her, the Slayer… Buffy pouted.

"Why do I have to do research? I don't even understand half of what I'm reading. It's not fair."

Willow patted on her shoulder sympathetically, and said in a counseling voice:

"You don't have to understand the bulk of it. Just if you find something interesting you can tell us… Ooh… and Buffy, if Xander can do research, you can do it too." She said the last part with a wink.

"Hey! I resent that!" Xander shouted from his place on the floor next to the book case.

"This is ridiculous… No one has ever been able to defeat the First Evil. How can Buffy kill something that cannot be killed?" Anya said exasperated as she threw the book she had been reading on a pile of similar books.

"Gees! Thanks for the vote of confidence, Anya!" Buffy said sarcastically.

"Children! Focus please. I think that the first will take some time off to regroup after Buffy killed its minion the Turokhan. We need to find a way to defeat it before that. I've already spoken to the Watcher's council. They seemed concerned indeed about the return of the First… They mentioned some reinforcements…"

"What about Faith? I know she's doing time in some LA jail. Maybe we can use her help. We need all the muscle we can get, Giles." Buffy said.

"That's it?! The girl turns herself in and you're willing to forgive her after what she did to mom?" Dawn cried.

"No, Dawnie I didn't forget or forgive what she did to mom. What I know is that she could've broken out of that jail long ago if she really wanted to… She didn't! She's trying and we have to cut her some slack for it. I don't know what happened to her in LA that made her want to change, and I don't give a damn. If she's willing to help us fight the first or whatever it throws in our face, then we'll welcome her."

"FINE… You are the Slayer. You make the calls. But if she stabs you in the back, I'll reserve the rights to tell you ( I told you so)…"She said that and shut her book with a Bam, taking another from the pile in front of Oz and reading it.