Chapter Twenty-Six:

The next day, Kara said nothing to anyone about her dream. Somehow, she had the feeling that the dream was only for her; perhaps a reassurance from the gods that all of the trials and tribulations she had endured through her life would be worth it. She would have a son, who would grow to be a strong young man; and it seems by the presence of the young woman, a young man who will be loved. Kara still had no idea who the young woman was, even though she too seemed familiar.

Her dream about her future son still hovered in the back of her mind as Kara joined Lee, Hera, Kacey, Helo, and Sharon, aboard Galactica to make their final goodbyes to everyone. The experience of these goodbyes was incredibly painful to Kara, as it was to the others, and they had to keep reminding each other why this separation was necessary.

When the group headed for Pegasus boarded the Raptor, only the Admiral and the President remained on the flight deck. Both kissed Kacey goodbye one more time, and hugged her parents once more. Finally, the Raptor hatch closed, and Sharon piloted them back to the Pegasus.

Twenty minutes later, Lee and Helo entered the Pegasus CIC. Kara and Sharon stood near the entrance, letting their husbands get on with the business at hand. Kacey and Hera were in their respective Mommy's arms.

"XO," said Lee. "Are we ready to jump?"

Helo spoke with the last officer he needed to check with, and then turned to Lee. "Aye, sir, all stations report ready for jump."

"Commence jump," said Lee.

"Aye, sir," said Helo, who then turned to the CIC crew. "All stations, the order is given. Jump now."

The Pegasus jumped away from the rest of the fleet, and came out of the jump on its own in the emptiness of space, with only the distant stars to keep them company.

"Sir, jump successful," reported the officer at the navigation station.

"Very good," said Lee. "Prep for the next jump for next coordinates."

"Aye, sir," replied Helo, taking the order and checking with all stations to make it happen.

"Come on," said Kara, to Sharon. "Let's let the boys do their job."

Sharon smiled and walked with Kara and Kacey down the corridors.

"They make quite a pair, don't they?" asked Sharon.

"Yes, they do," said Kara.

"And so do we," said Sharon.

Kara smirked. "Yeah, I guess."

"In more ways than you know," said Sharon.

"What do you mean?" asked Kara.

"Well, you know how you're going to start showing soon, and get bigger with your pregnancy," said Sharon.

"You trying to get decked, Sharon?" asked Kara.

"No," said Sharon. "What I'm saying is that you won't be alone. You'll start showing before I will, but I'll be waddling around this ship with you in no time I'm sure."

Kara stopped in her tracks, and looked pointedly at Sharon, the latter smiling brightly. "You're pregnant?" asked Kara, with a tone of shock.

"Yep," said Sharon. "Karl Agathon, stud machine, strikes again."

Kara laughed, and hugged Sharon. "Oh, that's frakking AWESOME! I won't be in this pregnancy thing alone!"

"Thanks," said Sharon.

Kara broke the hug and smiled. "So, how did Helo take the news?"

"He doesn't know yet," said Sharon. "He's been really nervous about his promotion and taking over as XO of the Pegasus. I'll tell him tonight. Besides, do you think he'd let me near flying a Raptor if he knew? This day's flight was my last for a while, I'm sure."

"Join the club," said Kara. "We both have very protective husbands."

"And we love them for it," said Sharon.

"Yeah, but don't tell them that," said Kara. "It gives us an excuse to bitch at them when we need to."

"I'm just wondering if it will be a boy this time, or another girl," said Sharon.

"Which do you prefer?" asked Kara.

Sharon smiled. "I don't care. As long as the baby is mine and Karl's, it doesn't really matter. I guess you feel the same."

"You think I want my baby to be Karl's?" asked Kara, in a joking voice.

Sharon chuckled. "You better not. But you know what I mean."

"Yeah," said Kara. "But I'm almost sure my baby is a boy."

"How do you know?" asked Sharon.

Kara smiled knowingly, thinking about her dream. "Call it a hunch."

Hera started whimpering about something. As Sharon soothed her, Kara looked pointedly at Hera. Her thoughts about the dream a moment ago were timed perfectly, because it brought them back to the forefront of her mind just as she looked at Hera. Kara thought about the young woman in the dream, and remembered thinking about how familiar she looked. "Hera," whispered Kara to herself.

"What?" asked Sharon.

"Oh, nothing," said Kara. "It's just that you have a beautiful little girl there. She's going to grow up to be a beautiful young woman."

"Thanks, Kara," said Sharon. "But you know, you've got a lovely young lady yourself there."

"Is she talking about me?" asked Kacey, now standing by Kara holding her hand.

"Yes, she is, little missy," said Kara, bending down to kiss her.


That evening, Lee walked through the corridors of his battlestar, nodding at crewmen that greeted him as he went. He tended to do this about once a week or so; walking almost the entire length of his ship. It was his way of reassuring himself that all was well aboard the Pegasus and to let the ship and its crew know that their commander was omnipresent.

After walking the ship, Lee headed towards Pegasus' observation deck for a rendevouz. When he got there, he found Kacey and Kara standing against the glass, looking at the stars outside. Lee walked up behind them, and put his hand on Kara's shoulder.

"Any reason why you wanted to meet me here?" asked Lee.

"Oh, I just had the urge to come here," said Kara. "Look at the stars outside."

Kara turned to face him with a smile, and Lee pulled her to him. The couple stood there, in each other's arms, both looking out at the field of stars.

The End (for now)

For those of you who are sorry to see this story end, don't worry. I have a sequel in the planning stages right now about what happens to them after they separate from the fleet. But I telling that story in a separate fic because the original intent of this one was to tell an AU story about how Kacey could have brought Lee and Kara together as Kara's daughter. Of course, as you read, the story went off in other directions from there, and the sequel will continue to do so, so it really should be formatted as a separate, but sequel story. Until then, thanks for reading "I See You", and thanks for all of your reviews. If you so desire, please do provide some final feedback to this story. Do you want to see a sequel? Thanks, Ian K.