Alright so I wrote this one-shot a little while ago called No Plan 'B' and the kid, Cody, kind of stayed stuck in my head... and I started wondering how he'd feel about growing up with the Winchester boys... So I started writing and this is what it turned into. I'm still working on it and I'm still not real sure I like the way its turning out so any feedback sent my way would be really appreciated.

I still don't own Supernatural or the Winchester boys...they just like to take long leisurely strolls through my over active imagination every once in a while... What's that? Kripke and CW want them back? Aww! Alright, they can have the tall scruffy haired one but the sexy belligerent one stays with me, muahaha! (just kidding...really :P)

So here's Cody with his ten year old POV on past events and growing up with the Winchesters.

Chapter One

My Uncles are the coolest guys in the universe. Don't tell anyone… but they're hunters! It's kind of a family business. Oh, not hunters the way most people would think. They don't go after bear, or deer or anything like that. Nope they hunt spirits and vampires and demons. I mean, how awesome is that!

Tonight they're out working so I'm staying with Auntie Missouri. She makes the most awesome cookies I've ever tasted. Her house always smells sweet… I think it's because she's always baking stuff for Uncle Dean. Auntie Missouri is always picking on him but deep down I know it's just because she loves him so much. That's why there are always lots of homemade freshly-baked sweets whenever we come over. She'd never tell him of course (Oh, sweetheart, that boys' head is already so swollen he would never make it through the door if he knew… so don't you dare say a word to him Cody!) Auntie Missouri is funny that way. I like it when she threatens to whack him with her mixing spoon.

When I was six years old my mom met Uncle Dean at the police station where she worked. He was pretending to be an officer from out-of-state looking for information on missing persons in the area. The way he tells it mom fell in love with him the very second she looked up at him. Uncle Dean has a pretty strong ego. I tend to lean towards Uncle Sammy's version… where she made him work for it a little. Made him move past the pick up lines and charming smiles that work so well for him and straight into the gentleman that hides somewhere underneath all that.

So Mom let Uncle Dean take her out for a coffee when he was all done with his research and he kind of grew on her so she invited him over to our house for dinner. That's when he met me. I did fall in love with him the first second I saw him.

She always used to make a huge deal out of people coming to dinner. The tablecloth would come out and her good dishes. There would be little appetizers and the smell of coffee would waft through the house all night. Having people over for dinner was always exciting. Mom called those dinners honorary special occasions.

When she picked me up from daycare and told me that we were having someone over for supper I got really excited. As soon as we got home I went straight to my bedroom and watched the cars go by outside from my window to see if I could guess which one it would be. I must have sat there a good hour and a half.

I could hear the car coming from three streets over. It sounded like thunder… I was actually a little scared by the sound…until I saw the big, shiny black car turn the corner onto our street. Now, you have to understand: Mom and I lived in the suburbs where the fanciest cars you got to see were mini-vans and family sedans. The only muscle cars I'd ever seen until then had been Hot Wheels. They were always my favorite. To see a real live Hot Wheels car park itself in our driveway was a fantasy come true.

When uncle Dean got out of his car he just kind of stood there. He too, was like a fantasy come to life. He was huge. Larger than life. The guy looked like he could knock down a brick wall just by looking at it and yet… he looked completely lost. It didn't take a genius to tell that he was completely out of his league. I watched him stand there a minute and look the house over. Our eyes met through my window. I think he probably heard me giggle. He looked funny when he was surprised. Got to give the guy credit though… he recovered quickly. A gi-normous grin split across his face and he waved at me. That's when Mom knew that he had arrived. I was a bit of a squealer when I was little… and that's exactly what I did as I raced down the stairs toward the front door.

He barely made it through the door and I was soaring through the air from the bottom of the stairwell and right at him. The guy didn't even blink, just caught me mid air and swung me around wildly making me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes. I was definitely impressed. Like I said, love at first sight. I liked the warm look he gave my Mom too.

I didn't know it yet, but I was about to adopt my very own Ghostbuster.