I cannot say everything I would like to in a letter, it's too risky. We need to talk face-to-face. Can you ensure that you are alone in the tower at one in the morning on the 22nd of November?

Believe me, I know you can take care of yourself, but I believe that while you are around the Headmaster and Moody you'll be fine. However there seems someone wants to hurt you. Entering you in such a tournament is a risky move, especially as it was done under the Headmaster's nose.
Please be on watch. Inform your father, Remus, or I of anything peculiar even if it doesn't seem significant. Let me know about the 22nd of November as quickly as possible.

I folded the letter that I would reply to the following morning and put it in my pocket before looking out over the school grounds. Harry and Thomas had just left via portkey back to Chicago some time earlier, promising that they'd try and come see the first task. I had been just entering the castle when I received the note from an owl of murky coloring. Deciding that a trip to the west tower seemed nice, I headed to my favorite spot in the castle.
I breathed in the fresh air and lay back, looking up at the twilight sky. It was a very uneasy feeling that filled the pit of my stomach at the thought of what the task could possibly be. Everything from battling Black Court vampires to surviving a stampede (don't ask) ran through my mind.
Over the next fortnight, I managed to get ahead of all my classes with the help of one Hermione Granger and kept out of everyone's way. It's not as easy as I would have hoped it to be, but my disappearing acts seemed to get more extravagant as the days went on. However the days following my interview with one nosy reporter, the article came out.
Blaise and I had been betting on what was taking so long for the article to get published and were surprised that neither of us had been anywhere near the right answer. In short, the article made a very profound difference.
The group and I had been sitting, enjoying a late morning for what would be a short weekend and were treated to the Daily Prophet. I had been eyeing The Quibbler that Luna had been reading upside down and enjoying an article about some made-up creature when Ginny and Blaise started laughing uncontrollably over something they read in the news. I looked up as they passed the paper to me and suddenly growled. Everyone gathered around me.
It read:

Attractive blonde Rita Skeeter, forty-three, whose quill has punctured many inflated reputations, has had the fortunate opportunity to interview the Boy-Who-Lived.
An ugly scar, souvenir of a tragic past and which is rumored to be covered by powder most of the time, disfigures the otherwise charming face of Harry Potter who now goes by Harry Dresden (called Caliban by close friends and family), whose eyes are like sparkling emeralds.

I kept reading, scanning over the history of my past and many other things. I paused with shock at the next thing I read. Hermione covered her mouth with her hand as she let out a breathy laugh.
"I'm going to kill him," I muttered before swearing out loud with laughter. "That mangy Little John."

A member of Blacklisted Knights, a Chicago based band that Potter plays for, John Legrand agreed to tell all.

"Cripes, is she actually for real?" Jenci asked with a laugh. "Is she actually talking about your mate Tee-John?"
"Probably Adam wouldn't talk and Tee-John couldn't help but say something," I replied with a grin. "That little rascal's going to get it."
"So we've heard," Zuri laughed as she leaned over my shoulder and started to read. "Oh, Harry, you bad boy, you and your brother."
"What does it say?" I asked as they all started laughing. I heard several others at various tables laughing.
"It talks about your relationship with your brother," Blaise chuckled.
I scanned the story and paused with an amused smile.

RS: What is Harry's relationship like with his brother?
JL: They're very close. I've never seen a closer bond between two brothers. If one's in trouble, the other's there to take care of them. They're a force to be reckoned with. However, they do have their moments of intolerance for one another.
RS: For example?
JL: They've had arguments. Though I'm sure that it is no one's business what they were about. However Caliban does have the least common sense of the two. He'll just barge in and create chaos until something works while Adam goes about it logically. I've actually witnessed one of their fights. Caliban kept hitting some electronic gadget for some time before Adam snagged it and went about explaining how pounding on things never works. From there, it dissolved into a yelling contest that bordered on a fist fight.
RS: Does this happen often?
JL: No, not really. It's actually pretty rare to catch the two fighting. Though when you do, you should stay out of the line of fire. They both have wicked tempers.
RS: Do you think Harry will have a chance at winning this tournament?
JL: Cal's got a chance. He's lucky. He's also very competitive. I don't think people should underestimate the little rascal. He's like a Jedi, that one.

"A Jedi, eh?" Hermione laughed.
"I do try," I chuckled.
"You and your brother seem agreeable," Luna stated serenely.
"That was one of our lighter arguments."
"Really?" Jenci laughed.
"Yeah definitely one of our nicer conversations. We usually dwindle into a full fledged fist fight."
"Oh, Harry, you may want to read on," Zuri murmured sadly as she leaned over me, reading.

I suppose I get my strength from my parents. I know they'd be very proud of me if they could see me now… Yes, sometimes at night I still cry about them, I'm ashamed to admit it… I know nothing will hurt me during the tournament, because they're watching over me…

"Why that—"I growled. "I didn't even know them. Why would I cry about them?"
"Harry," Hermione chastised.
"Sorry, but still," I growled darkly.
"Keep reading," Ginny growled as I heard Zuri let out a dark sigh of anger.

Harry has at last found love at Hogwarts. His close friend, Colin Creevey, says that Harry is rarely seen out of the company of one Hermione Granger, a stunningly pretty Muggle-born girl who, like Harry, is one of the top students in the school.

"COLIN!" I snarled as Hermione tore the paper out of my hands and reread that one paragraph.
"Harry, don't kill the little nuisance," Blaise sighed lightly, eyeing the boy who jumped up from his seat and raced out of the hall before I could go after him. "At least save some for the rest of us."
"How dare he?" Hermione hissed, her eyes shining golden brown. "For Heaven's sake, why does everyone think you and I are going out?!"
I placed a hand to my temple and started rubbing it, "I don't know, but when I catch the runt, I'm going to beat him so bad that his ancestors will feel it."
"Bloody git," Zuri growled, her eyes flashing a purply-amber.
"Now, Zuri, behave yourself," Jenci reprimanded as he took his sister by the arm roughly and left the hall with her.
For the following days, I was harassed by students due to the article. Even Hermione was harassed, however she never put up with it. She had finally hexed every last one of the harassers and holed herself in the library and did not come out unless surrounded by others in our group.
I had joined her during this time and enjoyed the amiable solitude that the library offered. The librarian had threatened to ban those who were caught harassing us. This was taken to heart as work seemed to pile on as the days went.
Ron still hadn't gotten over himself and talked to me. I didn't really care anymore. I had given up on him as the pressure and tension of the first event boiled, making everyone on edge with anticipation.
I noticed Viktor Krum spending lots of time in the library as well. He was at a table not too far from our own. Another thing that caused our group irritation though Hermione seemed the most irate. Viktor's followers giggled non-stop.
"He's not even that great looking!" she muttered darkly, glaring at the boy in question. "They like him because he's famous! They wouldn't look twice at him—"
However Zuri was the one to snap after Hermione muttered that last statement.
"I've had enough of this," she snarled before standing up and stalking toward the group. With refined skill, she hexed the girls until every last one of them left the library, tears streaming down their faces due to the nasty spells that the Ravenclaw used.
She strolled back with a serene smile on her face as Jenci rolled his eyes, "You'd better hope they don't tattle on you, Leloo."
"I don't care," she stated kindly as she sat down regally.
"Thank you for doing that," Blaise laughed, "I don't believe I would've lasted much longer."
"That was very cruel," Neville stated with an admonishing look pointed at her.
"I know," she giggled. "Wasn't it fantastic?" We burst into laughter.
"Merlin help me," Jenci groaned as Ginny and Luna arrived.
"Who cursed the flock?" Ginny asked as she sat down and started doing one of her essays.
"I did," Zuri giggled in reply.
"About time," Ginny giggled, but she went silent and looked at Krum. "It's not like he's that handsome anywise."

"Oh, I don't know about that," I started jokingly, "I find him rather yummy myself."

I noticed Krum looked up at that immediately and gathered a stiff posture. I burst into laughter as Hermione muttered about dirty-minded Americans as Blaise glanced over at me and smirked. I glanced slyly at Ginny.

"I'm just a sucker for foreigners."

"I just bet you are," Jenci laughed clapping me on the back and disappearing behind a bookcase in search of whatever trivial subject he was interested in this week.

I turned back around when Jenci disappeared and looked at them with a happy grin as I penned the last of my potions essay, "So what are we doing tomorrow?"

"It's frightening how fast you switch emotions when you're nervous," Blaise stated gloomily as he looked at his transfiguration essay he just finished.

"I'm not nervous," I grumbled as I put my potions books and essay away and started my Ancient Runes work.

I just haven't slept any more than an hour and a half each night for the past week due to nightmares and unwanted reminders.

"Harry, I think you should start studying Arithmancy with us," Hermione stated with a smile as her and Zuri worked together.

"Umm... why?" I asked as I looked at the girls with a doubting expression. "You know I'm not a supporter of math in any variation."

"Yes, that we know," Blaise stated with a grin. "You made it clear when you refused to even consider it as an elective."

"I'm glad I made that clear," I stated with a roll of my eyes. I looked at the girls once more. "But that's not the point... why do you think I should do that?"

"We, meaning Jenci, Hermione, Blaise, and I, are going to take all the subjects that the OWLS offer," Zuri explained with a excited grin. "With our knowledge of the muggle world, we'll get an instant O. Blaise is going to be studying it like mad though. We're all studying Ancient Runes. Hermione, Jenci, Blaise, and I need to take a look at the Divination books you've got. Though Jenci and I need to have a look at the creature-feature book."

I leaned forward over the table as I stood up and was just a breath away from touching noses with her as I replied, "Creature-feature?"

Hermione cut in and pushed me away forcefully with her hand to my forehead, "Don't even think about it."

I felt a hand snatch me by the collar and yank me back into my seat. I heard Jenci growl, "I second that, Echo."

"Spoilsports," I grumbled with a snarl-like grin. I brightened. "Fine, I give. I'll study with you three. Hand over those Arithmancy books."

"Take mine," Jenci chuckled darkly as he tossed the books next to my opened Runes book.

"I think we should run tonight," Hermione sighed as she finished the last of her assignments along with Zuri. "I need to get rid of some extra energy."

"Sounds like a plan," Neville stated after he penned the last of his assigned essays.

"Finished," I chuckled as I put away my stuff. "What time should we run?"

"You're not coming," Hermione growled suddenly, sending me a death glare.


"No!" she snarled. "You've done nothing but exercise." I tried to speak again, but she cut me off. "Yes, you've done your assignments and all that nonsense, but the rest of the time, you're exercising. You haven't even been sleeping that well either." She cut me off again with a bristling gesture and snarl. "You are going to sit down this evening and relax. You're honestly doing way too much. You collapsed just yesterday."

"Yes, mother," I growled, eyeing her darkly. "Excuse me."

I got up, grabbed my bag, and hauled out of the library. I hurriedly put my stuff up in the tower and changed out of my robes. It was Friday night meaning no classes.

My light blue jeans hung on my very thin though lean hips. My thin black long sleeve shirt hung onto me loosely. I was getting very thin from just non-stop exercise that drained all the needed nutrients from my system because I kept using up so much of them that I had none. Hermione had noticed this occur as I started to up my exercise to last more than a normal two hours with breaks inbetween. However I skipped having breaks and just went on for nearly five hours. She noticed that I had little to no body fat since I started losing quickly what small amount that I had gained. She had also witnessed my collapse yesterday in the library after I came in from a run. Blaise had been slipping more food on my plate just today.

I felt kind of useless as I tried to follow Hermione's orders, but I couldn't sit still without feeling greatly depressed. I needed to move. I needed to do something but sit. I had to be prepared. I had to avoid the nightmares.

I kept repeating those words like a private mantra. I didn't notice that I had put on my boots and pulled on my blue sweat jacket. I didn't notice that I left the tower, invisibility cloak tossed over my shoulder, and was heading outside until I was yanked back by the collar of my sweat jacket and dragged back before I could start running around the lake.

"You vill not be doing that," I heard a thick Bulgarian accent growl that was familiar.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I growled as I struggled something fierce to get out of the older Bulgarian's grasp, but did not succeed. "Let go of me, you damn Bulgarian brute!"

I stopped as I heard a howl of laughter follow my words after a moment of silence and me struggling. I turned to look up at Viktor and glowered at him. He was laughing wildly.

"You are very funny," Viktor chuckled as he let go of me and placed an arm about my shoulders, pulling me toward Hagrid's hut. "Vone of your friends appeared in the library after you left; Professor Hagrid vos looking for you."


"And I vos heading out to stop you from running," he stated with a lop-sided smile as he glanced down at me.

"You're sneaky and irritating," I stated justly, aiming a dark glower at him once more. "And I doubt you're going to score brownie points with Hermione."

"Vy do you think that?"

"She's not here to see you do this," I grumbled. "If you're trying to impress her, you should've done this when she was in the vicinity to see your act."

"I meant vy do you think that I'm trying to impress her?" he growled, frowning.

I disliked to be included in Viktor's charades. I didn't want to be apart of his tries of trying to get points with the Know-It-All otherwise known as Hermione. I shot him an incredulous look.

"Do I look stupid?"

"That vould be a matter of opinion," he muttered dryly, frowning.

"I'm going to forget you just said that," I growled as we stopped beside the hut. He just looked at me so I decided to irritate him. "Vat? It vos not like you're not obvious or anything to anyvone that notices things exceptionally vell."

He growled, "You're acting like a brat."

"Good," I snapped. "And you're the prat that manhandled me."

He went stock still suddenly. His features went stiff. I cast a curious look at him before understanding dawned on me.

I burst into laughter. "You think I'm swinging for you? Heh...heh... heh..." I kept laughing, watching the glare intensify as I tried to stop. "Oh, I did well in putting you in terror." I snickered. "Stop getting so uptight, Vik. I was just joking with the girls. I don't swing that way. Ask the guys in the group... they'll tell you a good story."

"'Arry?" Hagrid interrupted as he appeared, towering over the both of us guys.

"I vill be talking to you later," Viktor growled as I shot a cheeky grin at Hagrid. Before he started to walk away, he paused and shot me a small smirk. "And I vill be scoring points vith Herm-own-ninny since you'll no doubt tell her vat I did, no?" He slouched off toward the lake.

"Smart ass!" I called after him with a laugh. I turned to look at the giant man watching me with a jolly smile. "Hey Hagrid, why did you want to meet with me?"

"Put ya' cloak on and follow me," the man stated mysteriously before leading me into the forest. I did as he asked as we entered.

I kept a few yards behind him as he shoo'd me back. He met with Madame Maxime. I watched with amusement. They traded a few words before carrying forth into the forest. I kept a distance behind them. When we made it near a clearing, I saw what he wanted to show.

Large bonfires were lit and there were dozens of wizards running about. The large four beasts looked different but similar.

"Dragons," I breathed amazed. Then as a thought hit me, "Shit!"

I stumbled back and decided to hightail it out of there before I got caught. I raced back to the castle and was soon sitting by the fire in the common room, deep in thought. How in the wonderful world of Hades do they expect us to survive against dragons?

"I'm so dead," I murmured positively. "Dead, dead, dead. Dead, dead, dead."

"What on earth are you muttering about?" Hermione asked as she plopped down on the couch with an annoyed expression. She must have just gotten in after the group's usual run in the forest. Surely, she knew, right?

"How do you defeat a dragon?" I asked calmly, however on the inside I was in full panic.

"Aw, so you know about that, do you?" she asked, smiling slightly.

"I'm going to have to tell Cedric, of course," I stated justly.


"Well to be honest, Vik knows and so will Fluer by first light," I stated darkly. "I don't think it'd be fair if Cedric was the odd ball out."

"I guess you're right," she murmured softly before she got out of her seat on the couch and sat next to me.

"You've been hanging out with way too many Slytherins," I stated with a grin.

"I've tried helping her not be so Slytherin," Neville stated as he sat down in the chair nearby.

"Vik kept me from running," I stated after a moment of watching the flames flicker. It took a moment for my words to sink in.

"Why would he do that?" Hermione asked.

Neville snorted, "Why wouldn't he?"

She ignored this and growled, "What did he do to you?"

"He manhandled me," I chuckled. "We kept insulting each other." I shot them a Cheshire smile. "It seems to be a start to a fantastic romance."

"Oh, hush you," Hermione laughed, rolling her eyes as she smacked me upside the head.

"You know, Harry, people are going to start questioning the seriousness of your words," Neville stated kindly, eyes twinkling madly in amusement.

"I know, that's why I only say these things in front of just you guys," I chuckled as I smiled cheekily. "But you have to admit, it'd be kind of ironic if we did end up in a relationship... I mean, think of all the followers we'd gather together. We could take over the world."

"Only you could think up something as silly as that," Hermione giggled, burying her face into my shoulder as Neville just sat watching with amusement.

"I am expected to do great things," I grumbled with a pout.

"I'm sure," Hermione shot back with a snort.

"You'll see, I'll be the king," I sighed dramatically with a dreamy voice.

We all burst into laughter.

"A right queen if you were to play out the irony of that sort of relationship," Hermione giggled.

"Hell's bells, put a damper on my dreams," I growled playfully. "Honestly."

It was five till one in the morning on Monday when I entered the common room silently and looked around. No one was there. I shrugged and went to sit beside the fire.

I jumped when I heard a faint coughing coming from the fireplace. I looked over to see the familiar face of my dogfather. I scooted closer and greeted him with a tired smile.

"What's up?" I greeted before yawning.

"I should ask you the same question," Sirius stated sarcastically as he watched me closely.

"Sasha, please, I haven't had any coffee and it's one in the morn, I'm not in the mood," I stated darkly as I shot him a glare. "You could have done this during the weekend, but you decided to do it now--"

"Nevermind that," he sighed as he shot me a concerned smile. "How are you?"

Then and there I started to explain everything. He nodded at my summarized version of events and even laughed at my summarized version of Krum and I uniting and taking over the world. He then relayed the idea of screwing with the dragon's eyes, but I declined on the idea. I had my own. He also gave a summarized Karkaroff was a Death Eater and I should stay close to Dumbledore and Moody within reason. I then gave him a bland look of, Do I look stupid?

He vanished when we both heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I turned in time to see Ron standing there blinking at me tiredly.

"Who were you talking to?" he asked after a few seconds of silence between us.

"No one," I chuckled humorlessly. "I was just listing spells to myself outloud.

"Probably practicing for your next interview," he muttered, but I heard it all the same.

"Jesus, Ron, I don't know what to do with you," I growled. "I am not in this tournament by choice!"

"Yep, sure," he muttered as he disappeared up the stairs with me glaring after him.

I turned away and sighed, "Damnit, it's too early to deal without coffee."


That afternnoon, I hid behind a tapestry in a secret passage way as I noticed the Hufflepuffs passing by. I noticed Cedric trailing behind the group, his nose in a book. I snatched his arm quickly and tugged him behind the tapestry.

"What the--?" he gasped, surprised, before shutting his mouth and looking at me with a glare. "Merlin, Harry--"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm a twat," I laughed softly. "Sorry for scaring you like that, mate, but I've got to tell you something. Besides, I'd rather not do it with an audience."

He nodded. "I can understand where you're coming from. It's hard to get some alone time with what's been going on. So what is so important that you needed to kidnap me?"

"Kidnap?" I chuckled. "I'd prefer to think of it as stealing, but whatever." I paused. "And it's not like I had any choice. You're a hard person to get alone. Hell, it took my entire skill as a professional thief to capture you. Which, by the way, do you Puffs always use different ways to get around this castle?--You never go the same way twice! I mean, serio--!"

"Harry," Cedric growled in a warning tone. He knew me well enough that he tried to keep me on track in this conversation.

"Dragons," I spit out hurriedly. "The first task is dragons." I held a hand up to silence him. "Fluer and Viktor already know if that's what you're going to ask." I glanced away from him. "And me, being the Gryffindor, couldn't bear the thought of leaving you on your own with everyone else knowing. I mean, it's not very sporting of me, is it? Besides, we're both champions for Hogwarts." I looked back at him, avoiding his eyes. "We should be working together in the hope of winning for Hogwarts, eh?"

"Perhaps," Cedric conceded after a few seconds of thought. "Thanks Harry."

"No problem, dude," I chuckled nervously. I suddenly pouted and asked dramatically, "What else am I good for?"

He laughed, "Very little, I'm sure."

I shoved him out of the passage and out into the hall. "Shut up!"

"POTTER!" I turned to see Moody hurrying down the hall toward us.

"Looks like you're in for it now," Cedric chuckled nervously. "Need help escaping?"

I looked up at him. "I'm sure I'll manage fine on my own, thank you."

"You're quite welcome," he snorted, but stopped laughing as soon as the old man stopped in front of us.

"Off to class wit' ya', Diggory," Moody growled.

"I'll see you later, Harry," Cedric said as he turned and raced down the corridor, hurrying after his group of friends.

"Bye," I muttered solemnly, staring after him with envy. I never did take a liking to the ex-auror. I looked at the old man and asked, "What can I do you for, Professor?"

The man glared and walked off. I took to following him immediately once he rounded the corner. I slid right into the DADA classroom just a few seconds after he entered. The door snapped close behind me with a flick of his wand.

"What are you planning to do with those dragons, Potter?"

I glared at him. "Be a dear and call me Dresden; I don't like to be referred by my future profession." I shrugged after a moment of him glaring at me after my cheeky remark. "I don't know. I think singing it a lullaby wouldn't do much good." I winked at him. "Uncle Thomas keeps telling me a voice of a rebel only goes so far."

"Dresden, do not try my patience," Moody growled warningly as I smiled cheekily at him.

If I annoyed the old fart enough, maybe he'd send me on my way. Now there's a thought!

"Think of what you are good at. Perhaps that will help you in this task."

"Well I was always good at running and screaming wildly," I stated thoughtfully, stroking my chin as I tried to stop the wicked smile appearing on my face. "Tripping over a rock was always one of my best qualities." He let out a snarl of irritation. I glanced at him with a grin. "Flying does come to mind also." I couldn't stop myself from adding, "I was a bird in my past life, did you know?" I noticed his eyes flash and I knew I'd hit a home run.

"GET OUT!" Moody snarled, waving his wand threateningly.

I skipped out the door in mere seconds and headed to lunch. A smile plastered on my face gave a warning to those in the group. Hermione narrowed her eyes suspiciously before Blaise sat down beside her suddenly and looked at me with a smile.

"Who'd you piss off now?"


He smiled knowingly. "You told him you were a bird in your past life, didn't you?"

"How'd you know?" I asked with a smile.

"I know all," he chuckled before digging into his food.

I followed in pursuit.


It was an hour before dinner on Tuesday, I had no more classes and decided to sit out by the lake in the casual muggle gear otherwise know as a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt, a Cubs hat, my black leather jacket, and black boots. The group was nowhere to be seen and as I read my book as I laid down on the dying grass, I noticed something familiar. Too familiar.

I looked up over in the direction of the entrance to Hogwarts and noticed a group walking up the path. An altogether bigger group than I had even expected. A group whom held individuals who were most definitely going to get greeted with cheer.

I popped up to my feet and raced over to the group, tackling Tee-John and Adam in greeting. They gave a shout of surprise and we landed in an entanglement of limbs laughing. I was pulled up by Mike and given a group hug by him, Stephen, and Sevan. I then raced to Molly and pulled her into a hug.

"What are you all doing here?" I asked frantic with excitement.

"Well our parents gave the okay to spend the night over at your place, but they didn't know we were using it to come visit you," Stephen answered. "We all begged to come and support you, dude."

"You really shouldn't be here," I stated with a frown. "You know, the whole being muggle--"

"Stop labelling us," Mike growled as he put an arm about my shoulders as we all started heading up to the castle.

"I'm baby-sitting," Molly answered as I threw her a questioning glance over my shoulder. "I thought it was just going to be Tee-John and Adam, but the whole band ganged up together and told me with certainty that they were coming whether I said they could or not." She gave me a sad smile. "Thomas and Harry got involved with a case and they were about to close it when they found something that they need to track down. Something about the someone called Mavra."

"Well that explains a lot," I chuckled as I noticed that Mike's hair was flaming red.

"It's Gryffindor coloring right?" he asked with uncertainty. "I have a bag of dye in my duffle so if it isn't--"

"It is," I replied with bemusement.

"So are you nervous?" Sevan asked pulling me away from Mike.

"Oh, no, I'm just as excited as a penguin on crack," I replied scathingly.

"You do know your temper is rather poor, to say the least," Stephen pointed out with a frown.

"I'm dandy," I replied with a frown.

"You know what'll cheer you up right and quick?" Adam asked with a smirk as he shot forward and put me into a headlock as we entered the Entrance Hall.

"What?" I asked with a smile as I struggled to get out of the headlock.

"A good knock 'em out and drag 'em out fight? Tee-John suggested as he eyed a group of French girls passing by before letting out an admiring whistle.

Molly smacked him behind the head with a resounding 'thud'. "Keep your whistles to yourself, John."

"Abusive baby-sitter," Tee-John muttered under his breath, but was heard by us all.

"No, I was thinking he should introduce the song he made during his boredom since we've last been together," Adam suggested with a wicked glint in his eyes. A second later, he glanced at me and started paying rapt attention to something I didn't notice. I mentally shrugged it off.

"Not now," I growled as I shot a glance at the staff table as we entered the Great Hall and sat at the end of Gryffindor's table. My fellow band members looked up at the ceiling with awe before exchanging whispers.

"We should get Timmy to do that," Sevan whispered. "It's gnarly."

"I think we should stick to the real ceiling," Mike inserted. "This gives me the creeps. It's like waiting for the malicious bird to give a good shit on your head while you're eating."

"Gross!" Molly shouted in disgust while Tee-John exclaimed, "That's effing disgusting, dude." He looked solemnly around the room. "You just ruined my appetite, thank you."

"De nada," Mike replied with a smirk as he started drumming on the table with drumsticks that suddenly appeared in his hands.

I started laughing, "Dude, that's a new beat."

"And a new trick," he chuckled as he spun the drumstick in one hand about as he tossed the other in the air and caught it, returning to the beat he was drumming seconds later.

"Wicked," I heard someone mutter from behind me as we started noticing a group gathering about, watching us.

"So, Cali, playing anytime soon or are you going to make us beg?" Sevan teased as he placed an arm about my shoulders slyly and then put me into a headlock to give me a nuggie.

"STOP!" I shouted with mirth before falling back off the bench onto the floor. "Bloody colonial!"

"Stupid red coat!" Molly replied with a mock hiss.

"All right, all right I'll play along with this mockery," I chuckled as I pulled the charm off my necklace and enlarged it, pulling out my acoustic. I unhooked my pic from my earring and gave a wink to those watching. A moment later, I was playing Burnin' for You by Blue Oyster Cult. The group started laughing.

"Sorry, man, but that song's already taken," Stephen chuckled as he got to his feet and leaned over the table and ruffled my hair in brotherly affection.

"Consider me well informed," I chuckled after I finished the song. "I'll play the other one if I survive tomorrow, eh?"

I jumped as Adam suddenly grabbed the skin of my stomach and growled. "Caliban, we need to talk."

I got up from the table, handed the guitar over to Tee-John and followed my brother over to a nearby corner. I stopped in front of him and glared. He glared right back.

"You're too skinny."

"I am not too skinny."

"How often are you exercising?"

"Often enough."

"How much?" he hissed.

I noticed we were attracting a crowd as I replied, "Two laps about the lake in the morning and at night. Then three and a half hours of additional stretching, kickboxing, and gymnastics."

"How much are you eating?"

"The normal amount of food."

"You need to up the amount."

"You're not my mother, Adam."

"I'm your brother, Caliban."

"Doesn't give you a right to criticize me."

"Actually it does give me the damned right."

"I'm fine."

"No you are not. You are doing way too much."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"I'm fine!"

"You're going to end up in a hospital if you don't slow down, dumbass! Do you always not listen to Murph's Slow the Fuck Down speech?" He let out a frustrated snarl. "Are you ever going to get over it? He overdosed! The idiot overdosed! There was nothing you could do." He turned to look out over the hall. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed darkly. "You need to get it over with and deal. Fine wear the stinking kohl, but do yourself a favor and stop killing yourself over something that happened years ago." He looked over at me with a sad smile and sadder eyes. "Keith Lennox is dead, Caliban."

I shot him a dirty look, "What the hell do you know of Keith?"

"The nurse told me the reason behind you wearing that stupid shit," Adam snarled, his voice raising as he got angrier. "She said the reason why you wear that kohl is in honor of your older brother Keith whom overdosed on heroin."

"He didn't overdose!" I shouted angrily. "I refuse to believe that!"

"Then you refuse the truth!" he hissed, but cried out in surprise as my fist connected with his face.

"Don't you dare talk as if you know anything!" I spat furiously. "You know nothing about Keith Lennox!"

I felt a hand at my collar and was yanked back before I could advance on my brother who looked furious as venom. Mike dragged me back and gave a barking command, "Caliban, man, knock it the hell off."

"Stupid bastard," Adam growled, wiping the blood from his mouth.

"Like you're one to talk," I spat.

"Adam, Caliban!" Molly snapped angrily, appearing in between us as Mike hauled me up off the ground like I was some misbehaving kitten. "You will stop this nonsense at once or I will tell Harry you two were resorting to physical violence again."

That stopped us both in our tracks. Harry hated it when we fought and definitely made good on punishments for doing so. I looked at Adam and within a space of a few minutes we both nodded and sighed. I was set down on my feet and glared at Mike who white-flagged me.

"Hey, man, you're not supposed to resort to fist fighting," he stated sincerely. "Besides, he'd kick your skinny ass within a few moments and you know it."

"Oh, by the way, Cal," Adam stated neutrally while walking pass.


I landed on my ass a second later, nursing my jaw while glaring up at him as he snapped, "Don't you hit me again."

"Affirmative," I growled watching him angrily.

I got up and stalked over and sat between Mike and Tee-John, watching my brother watch me across the table. Mike slung his arm about my shoulders while Tee-John looked at me blankly as he strummed the strings gently on the guitar in thoughtful reflection. Molly and Stephen watched us all warily while Sevan smiled and greeted my incoming group of friends.

Blaise sat next to me after scooting Tee-John down while the rest found seats closeby. The Slytherin watched me with wary eyes, taking in the hostility between my brother and I. He smiled later as he started the conversation.

"Who won?"

We all started to slowly laugh until we were almost out of breath. I replied, "Adam got the last hit in."

"Aw, good," he replied with a thoughtful nod. "At least someone knocked some sense into that thick skull of yours."

"You don't even know the half of it," Sevan laughed.

"Incoming teacher," Tee-John announced under his breath and we all went silent as Dumbledore and Snape appeared behind us.

"Hello Miss Carpenter," Dumbledore greeted as he noticed her. "Who're are all these people with you?"

"The names Tee-John," the Cajun answered with a wolfish smile. He pointed at the others as he named them, "This is Sevan, Stephen, Mike, and Adam."

"Aw, yes, Mr. Dresden, I didn't recognize you," Dumbledore chuckled pleasantly as he eyed Adam.

"Nor I you," Adam replied with a raised brow of disbelief.

"Are you all here to watch your brother tomorrow?" Dumbledore asked, eyes twinkling kindly trying to catch Adam's eyes.

"We be the support, mon ami," Tee-John chuckled in a thick Southern accent.

"Yes, we're here to watch baby Cali," Sevan laughed as he reached across the table to ruffle my hair.

I growled, "Stop it."

"I think not, Cali," Sevan replied with a grin.

"Cal, you realize he won't stop, right?" Mike chuckled as he shook my shoulders. "You are after all the baby of the group. We're all older than you."

A second later the table was filled with food, plates, goblets, and the other basics. All those of muggle-specific (or in this case from non-magical world) were looking at everything with surprise. Adam (with help of Blaise) was suddenly piling food on my plate, catching the eyes of Snape. The bat of a man looked on with a raised brow.

"And you're to eat everything on that bloody plate or I'm going to beat you into a pulp," Adam stated darkly, catching my eyes with his own.

"Is there a problem?" Dumbledore asked, concerned.

"I think if there were, you would have noticed immediately," Adam muttered but grunted when Molly elbowed him in the ribs.

"You behave, Adam Callum Dresden," she growled. She turned to look at me. "Caliban Amun Dresden, if there is so much as a bite left, you will be dealt with accordingly. And I'll tell mom."

"You wouldn't," I said with a wide-eyed stare. If there was anything more mothering than Molly Weasley, it was Mother Carpenter the Avenger. The woman was a bloody nuisance when it came to all she considered family. I'd be withdrawn and thrice damned if she heard anything about me being unhealthy.

"Don't think I won't," she growled. "You may be fearful about Harry finding out, but you're as terrified of her as the rest of us." Then she smirked. "Except me."

"Grrr..." I stated darkly as I shoved food into my mouth.

"You know, I never really thought about it, but I'm more scared of Mother Carpenter than my own mother," Tee-John stated thoughtfully. "I mean, I wouldn't mess with the old bird for all the wire hangers in Oz."

"Considering that you don't even mess with your own mother, that's saying something," Sevan snickered.

"Who's Mother Carpenter?" Ginny asked as she joined the conversation after finishing reading what appeared to be notes.

"My mom," Molly answered with a wicked smile. "As Adam says, 'The woman's a menace!'"

"I never said that!" Adam denied with a wide smile.

"Yeah, uh huh, we believe that," Stephen chuckled as he turned to look down at Adam. He had been discussing muggle news with Hermione.

I noticed Dumbledore and Snape still standing there, listening to the conversation between us all. Snape looked surprised as Tee-John answered the following question about why he never messed with his mother. The bat's eyes drained out all surprise a moment later.

"Well you would be too if your own mother would toss you in the pig pin at the age of five after not doing what you were told," he replied with a bright smile. "Mon Dieu, you'd never believe how much soap it takes to get that muck off you. One time she even threatened to send the Rougarou after me when I didn't follow the rules of Lent."

"Didn't she threaten you during Halloween that she'd place some Hoodoo on you if you ever jumped her again?" Stephen asked with mild amusement.

"That she did," Tee-John snorted with delight. "That had to be the loudest scream she's let out since that time we went out on the Bayou and I tripped over something and went flying into the deep end."

We all started laughing as I snickered, "Tee-John the newest brand of alligator bait."

"Aw, shut up, man," Tee-John chuckled with amusement as he leaned around Blaise to poke me in the ribs.

"That's got a certain ring to it," Mike laughed.

"Traitor," the Cajun growled playfully.

Mike white-flagged him. "I'm Swiss, dude. I'm on neutral."

"Oh, sorry, sirs, did you want something?" Sevan asked with smile for the two men standing there.

"We will need to prepare rooms for our guests, Severus," Dumbledore stated thoughtfully as he turned to the Potions Master.

"There's no need for that," Molly chuckled. "We've gotten lodging back in the village."

"Which reminds me, guys, we should be heading back," Stephen added as he looked at his watch. "We need to rest. It was a long trip here after all."

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked with worry. "I'm sure you could--"

"Nah, rather not put all you on the spot," Sevan inserted kindly. "We all pooled our money just to be able to get rooms."

"And besides, we're fine back there," Mike added with a wink. "There's nothing like hotel rooms."

"Says you," Tee-John grumbled before flashing a cheeky grin at the two men. "We be all right, sirs."

"As you wish," Dumbledore stated before turning and heading back to the staff table with Snape trailing behind.

Tee-John turned to me with a grin, "You know what?"

"What?" I asked with bemusement.

"I don't like him."



Question: Should Cal go with Pavarti to the dance or someone else (besides Zuri)? I thought Daphne Greengrass, but I'd love to hear your opinions. Please leave me a message.

Other note is that some quotes are from the book!

Keith Lennox overdosed around the time of Thanksgiving or so I planned for it. During the time Caliban looks for anything and everything to possibly distract him. Adam's known about it since one of the workers at the orphanage explained it to him. He's never made it known to Cal that he knows. Caliban however uses excuses to steer away from what is originally the problem with him. It's not really noticed by others because he's rather quirky already that it doesn't really catch anyone's attention. Molly is definitely older than Caliban. Mike is a year older and born in January. Sevan was born in March. Tee-John and Adam were born in February while Stephen is a June child. As we all know, Caliban was born at the end of July. Making him the baby of the group. And yes, Tee-John is a Gambit wanna-be.

Sorry for not updating... I've been sick constantly and when I'm not sick, I'm picking up slack in my classes. I'm also doing info hunting for my Term Paper for Criminology!--It's already five pages long and continuing! Who knew this would be a hard semester? And to be perfectly honest, you're lucky I even finished and posted this. I've developed a headache that's lasted all day. Oh, and someone hit me in the forehead not long ago... prat... lol...

I'll pick up the slack. I want to finish this year soon. I'm itching to continue my constant work in fifth year. And, yes, I don't like this chapter much. I just felt blocked, but hopefully the next one will make up for it. First Task next chapter along with (hopefully) the Yule Ball. Fight between Adam and Cal will continue in next chapter. And the "I'm on neutral" joke... yeah, it's a bit cheesy of me since it's my saying. Instead of "I'm neutral", it's "I'm on neutral". And, no, Caliban's straight as a pole. He's just that comfortable with his sexuality.

I'd love comments from y'all. Even those of criticism or suggestions. Comments makes me think.