First Kiss

"Have you ever thought about it?"

Al looked to his dear friend Winry in confusion.

"Thought about what?"

Winry giggled, kicking her feet at the water that rested below them. She leaned forward, pressing her hands to the wooden dock they were sitting on.

"Well… you know… About… Edward." She looked away from Al in slight embarrassment.

"Uh, I don't know, actually. I'm sorry. Girl talk is not one of my foreign language classes." Al blinked at her weird responses.

"Ugh, that was not needed." She turned to him abruptly. "Haven't you ever thought about Edward's first kiss? It must have been awkward." She blushed after blurting out the question, but held a steady gaze at Al.

"Uh, I am not the type of person to think about my brother and his relationships with… girls." Al found himself shivering at the thought, and decided to lean forward, cupping some water into his hands and splashing it onto his face. "Besides, he's so short, all of the girls would have to bend down to kiss him."

"Yeah, and no girl would like that. We like to kiss tall guys who have to bend down to touch our lips." Winry laughed and leaned herself back to her original position. "I bet whoever the girl was, she was probably just pitying him. Kissing that scrawny kid would be impossible."

Al found himself laughing with Winry this time. But both were very unaware of the presence of a certain shrimp.

Sitting behind an overgrown shrub was poor Edward, staring towards the two in angry disbelief. They had it all wrong.

When Ed had his first kiss, they were the same height! Of course… they both happened to be sitting down, and Ed was kind of sitting on one of those booster seats.

But that's beside the point!