Disclaimer: Until next time, I will no longer have to say this anymore. I don't own any of these characters, except Durin and Sariel. The others belong to DC and Cartoon Network.

A/N: First off, if I wrote how Tim became Robin not accurately, I'm sorry. I'm playing off what I looked up quickly and heard through the grapevine. The same goes with Jason's death, didn't read the comic but just a short description of it in a book. With that out of the way…

Man, I hate writing endings. Sometimes I wish this could go on or I can avoid writing the last chapter of a story but then the story would die and we wouldn't want that to happen. I've really, really, truly loved all your reviews…each and every one of them has brought a smile to my face and has helped me keep this story on track or improved it and answered questions I didn't know needed answering. Thank you all so very, very much with the support and encouragement.

Grrr, like I said I hate writing endings and this note is just buying time from facing the inevitable. But here we go…THANK YOU! (hands out cookies to all) Also, there's a little snipped under the story: Drabble Corner, called Giants that's a little one-shot.

Ch. 33 A Glimpse into the future

Years passed. Sand trickled through the hourglass. Water washed upon rocks, eroding away all sense of stableness. Time kept moving forward despite what had happened those fateful days long ago. While some wanted to rewind past errors, others trudged forward wishing to redeem themselves for the future.

The harsh blow Lex Luthor announced on TV still throbbed like an angry stab wound in society. The bald villain stared down upon the superhero community a dark smirk ever present on his face. Lesser villains licked their lips behind him, hyenas waiting to pounce their crippled prey. But the heroes lived up to their name, not letting the major blow knock them for too long. They continued fighting against injustice amidst a ridiculing environment. While some heroes faltered and retired not able to take the pressures, others prevailed, winning back some of their supporters. The deaths of some members led to new heroes rising to take their filled occupations. These new heroes were a conglomeration of average humans wishing to be heroes and metahumans who were trying to protect themselves from the repercussions of Lex's declaration. Governments across the world joined together and formed a committee, its' solo purpose was conducting surveillance on the Justice League and the superhero community. In the beginning, the two opposing groups added tension to the growing atmosphere that an all-out war might break out.

But time continued onwards and the tension faded away. Though weariness was still present, the two groups began to work together to stop terrorists and other villains from harming Earth's citizens. Each side did not want a war to break out and knew that despite their differences, they had the same goals.

Not surprisingly, people soon forgot the errors the superhero community and realized that while they could rescue themselves there were still some things only superheroes could accomplished. Leading the charge, Superman worked diligently with each country's government and citizens in laying out rules, guidelines and damage control. With his outgoing, warm nature, people had fallen in love with the Boy Scout once again. Luthor knew of the change and resented it, occasionally making public statements to remind people of what had happened. But soon, he was ignored and Superman was forgiven. With the head icon of the superhero community back in the game and having the knowledge that even with a direct blow to his reputation, bringing down Superman seemed impossible. One can assume that Lex Luthor had pretty much almost given up on trying taking down the Man of Steel. Almost.

The remaining Titans with their fellow Titans from around the world regrouped despite the severe blow by Robin and pushed forward. Fixing up the Tower, the Titans continued to make their presence known in Jump City and across the nation. Branches of the teenage superhero group popped up throughout the world, gaining trust in the youngest generation. Yet, try as they might, the Titans could not reach out to the middle generations, poeple of their own ages. The angry looks, the yells of continuing on without Robin, how Robin would be displeased with the handling of situations were constant complaints. But the Titans kept telling themselves that the public did not know all that had transpired and that they were living Robin's dream for neither Slade nor Reaper had attacked them since the fight on the beach, which was a good sign.

Within the group, many things had changed. After making a full physical recovery, Raven heard about what had happened in the Tower. In response to her broken mirror, the gothic hero traveled home to Azerath to help heal her mind and gain control over her emotions. During her two year absence and after her return, Beastboy was appointed leader of the Teen Titans, a role Cyborg was all too happy to oblige. The half-machine man with his newly built and improved arm set about reconstructing Sally and helped create a more secure Tower. Beastboy recruited old friends and eventually persuaded a resurrected Terra to join their group. Keeping communications open between the Titans and Justice League, Arrow and Canary visited often and helped the Changeling train the new Titan members.

Starfire helped in welcoming new members and making them feel comfortable. At night, she would, as did the other core Titans, keep a vigilant eye out for Reaper, but their former leader remained in the shadows. The alien princess eventually opened her heart once more and soon was engaged to Speedy. But everyone knew that there was only one man who still owned her heart completely despite it being shattered by his hand. Batgirl would join the Titans whenever she could, helping them on the more bigger threats or just stop by to visit when she wasn't busy in Gotham. The remaining member of the Batfamily, Batgirl became the messenger between the Titans and Batman, the Dark Knight being more involved in helping the Titans then with the Justice League.

Things seemed to improve for the superheroes but not all was right with the world. The younger generation whom listened to Lex's words, who were close to the Titans still felt hurt over the loss of Robin and the betrayal by the older superheroes. These youngsters held a grudge against all heroes and wanted to take matters into their own hands. They did not approve of this growing reestablishment with the superhero community. They had not forgotten.

Yet not all of the young generation hated the superheroes. A certain boy tried to steal the wheels of the Batmobile and was caught. His name was Jason Todd. The new Robin became a popular hero fast, but soon his celebrity status got to his head and the boy became cocky and attracted unwanted planned the perfect payback, the cruelest joke. Batman found Jason's dead, battered body amidst the ruins. Cradling the body to his chest, the Dark Knight felt old wounds rip opened and yelled into sky. Was Robin to be cursed forever?

Years passed once again and all seemed lost for the Dynamic Duo. But then hope was rekindled. In the darkest hour before the dawn, a young man figured out the true identity of Batman. Before the massive oak doors of Wayne Manor, Tim Drake begged Batman for him to take up the mantle of Robin. The world needed Batman and Batman needed a Robin. Begrudgingly, Bruce took Tim in and trained him in the ways of a superhero. Tim excelled with such speed it surprised Bruce. The boy had Jason's knack for crude humor but the determination, the undying loyalty, his stern view of right and wrong…it reminded him so much of Dick. Even their looks and fighting style was somewhat familiar that one could have mistaken the two for brothers.

And now, as Batman watched from the rooftop as Tim—dressed in a revamped Robin outfit—tackled a group of muggers, he couldn't help but feel proud. For the first time in what seemed like forever, he didn't feel so alone; the old ache in his heart not seeming as hurtful. Tim was right: Batman did need Robin. Glancing over to the young couple he took in their grateful, hope filled faces. Maybe Tim could help heal the schism between the superhero community and the young generation.

He smelled her before she landed lightly next to him. The jasmine perfume filled the air. "Hello Catwoman."

The feminine thief tilted her head, her eyes shining with mirth as she watched Robin below. "Looks like a new little bird has been hatched in the bat's nest."

Batman nodded before turning to take her in, "What may I owe this visit for?"

Catwoman sauntered up to her dark knight, running her clawed hands down his chest in a seductive manner. Purring she leaned in, her lips almost touching his. "It's our anniversary, so many years on this night was the first time I set my eyes on you…maybe this time I can sink my claws into you."

She brushed her lips over his. "I want to give you a present."

Batman broke the distance, trying to further himself from the woman. He was finding it difficult to restrain himself from kissing those warm lips. "You know we can't."

Catwoman scoffed and twirled her whip that served as a tail, "I didn't mean that, Batman. I got news on your favorite villain."

Batman cocked an eyebrow at her, "Joker is not my favorite villain."

"Are you not firing on all thrusts tonight, Batman? I meant Deathstroke."

Something in how Batman's body tensed made Catwoman smirk. She had the Dark Knight's undivided attention. "I was doing my little rounds, you know, scouring the alleys when I get wind from some very accurate sources how this guard in Germany was doing his rounds when he realized that one of the empty cells wasn't empty any longer. Deathstroke was lying in there, beaten, his face barren to the whole world. His mask was cracked and lying next to his bound hands and feet. The word on the street is that he suffered from a couple broken ribs, multiple cuts, his upper leg seemed like it was cut with a bunch of razors tied together…kinda shaved…and a big stab wound a hair's breath away from his heart. They say when he regained consciousness and glanced around the jail, the fever from the infections must have gotten to him because he laughed and said…"

Batman grabbed Catwoman, his hands tightening around her slim arms. "What did he say?"

"He said something along the lines of 'The little brat did it' or 'I'm going to get him back' something like that. You can never trust these rumors in retelling accurate words. Batman is everything ok? Thought this would be good news for you?" Concern danced across Catwoman's pale features as she took in the man's trembling lips.

The Dark Knight smiled softly, "He did it…" Even though Dick was still a villain, Batman couldn't help but feel relieved that the boy was no longer under Deathstroke's shadow.

But what would the boy do now? Now that he defeated Deathstroke, Dick was a major threat to the superhero community. Over the years, Reaper remained on the low down, barely any words of his activities rising to the surface. Sometimes, when Batman would foil a heist with the League, he would hear the slight mentioning of Reaper and 'don't say a word or Reaper would be mad' type of whispers. Whatever he was doing, the man had created a deadly reputation.

A jingle with cat meows broke the silence. Catwoman reached down and pulled her cell phone. "Hello? Yes." Handing Batman the cell phone, she shrugged, "It's for you."

Batman held the phone to his ear, "Hello."

"Hello Batman."

Batman's grip tightened, his eyes narrowing. "Reaper. Or should I call you Seir?"

"Yes. But do not call me Seir, that was Slade's name for me, not my own. I only go by Reaper these days."

"Is that so?"

"As much as I love to talk some more, I just wanted to check in and make sure you got the notice."


"Yes, I figured Catwoman told you what happened to my ex-master."

"Yes," hissed Batman, sending a quick glare towards the woman.

As if reading his mind, Reaper continued in his curt tone, "She does not know anything, Batman. I only made sure the story of Deathstroke's fall reached your ears first before the others find out."

Batman lowered his gaze, "What do you plan to do now?"

"Live my life. I'm finally free." A pause, "Don't worry, I won't do anything…bad…just continue what I'm doing right now."

"And that is?"

"Why don't you ask Catwoman? Well, I must go; it was nice talking to you."

"Reaper, don't…"

A light laugh came from the other end, "Still get emotional over me, I'm touched. But look, I really must go. Take care of Tim, he is worthy of carrying the Robin mantle." With that the sound of a click ended the conversation.

Closing the cell phone, Batman handed Catwoman her phone, "Do you know what Reaper is planning?"


Batman sighed, "Reaper said you know what he is planning."

Catwoman placed a finger on her chin, tilting her head to the side in a thinking pose. "All I know of Reaper is that despite his quiet presence, he's gaining popularity amongst the royalty of criminals."

"Care to explain?" Batman focused his whole attention on her, folding his arms across his chest.

"Well, from what I see, he's gaining a strong network and the only immediate effect it is creating is making the criminal world less…chaotic. Sure you got criminals running around doing their own thing, but they're not as wild as before. You wouldn't know, or maybe you just barely pick up on it, but on my side…If a criminal is thinking of doing something stupid or just way out of hand like buying a couple nucks to blow up an orphanage, word gets out and he gets a letter from Reaper. The next day the man just jokes that he wasn't going to do such a thing. It's like what Luthor tries to do with the Society, but Reaper…he makes sure even the members in the Society don't cross certain lines."

Batman nodded. "I see." Reaper had been busy it seemed, despite being under Deathstroke's wing. He had been right in Reaper gaining strength not just physically and mentally, but the boy always had the tendency to attract people to his cause. And it seemed, the budding master criminal exploited that trait to its' fullest potential. But what still remained a mystery was Reaper's drive, his goal. From Catwoman, it sounded that Reaper still sought justice, but just a darker more troubled, twisted version of justice by killing or threatening fellow villians. But was that all or did Reaper gain from Deathstroke a need for world domination. It was so hard to read his ex-partner now and Reaper's subtle activity did not help in painting the picture of what type of villain he was now. The man knew both sides of the fight and with no apparent goal...this secrecy made Reaper a dangerous threat to the world.

Catwoman raised her eyes at the man, "Well, glad that helped." A mysterious smile danced across her lips, "So, my dark knight in shining armor, what do you have for me?" She purred as she closed on Batman running her hands up and down his chest.

Batman leaned down, blowing softly on her lips. "I'll take that crystal cat off your hands. Don't want it to get stolen, lost or broken."

He heard Catwoman groan as he stepped away from her. Pulling out his grappling hook, he stood with his back to her, aimed at the next roof and placed the crystal cat in his pocket.

"Fine, fine. Just like old times, I'll take a rain check then." Batman smirked before rocketing off into the sky.

-Across the ocean, into a distant cemetery, a couple years trickled by-

A tall young dirty blond man knelt down, placing a white rose on the grave. "I know how much you liked to put a rose on your suit. What was it you always said, oh that's right 'The smell of a rose attracts the girl.'"

The man smiled sadly, "I miss you Kumi. I would have visited sooner, but Seir keeps me busy. 'Durin, go hack the Pentagon.' 'Durin, I'm bored, let's go for a hike and get lost.' I swear, Kumi, Seir is like the energizer bunny. But he's the best friend I could ever want."

Durin stood up and dusted off his jeans, "Gosh, let's see what has happened since the last time I visited. Well, a couple years ago, Seir put Deathstroke in jail. He finished his apprenticeship and now runs his own thing. You should have seen him when he broke the General out of jail and tortured the man to death. He looked so relieved…happy even. Then of course, Deathstroke broke out a few months later and now Seir's a little apprehensive considering Deathstroke disappeared. But you can tell, he's a bit excited that his old master is out. I guess the turn of events gives Seir some sick thrill about being hunted or being the hunter. Who knows? My own master, well she retired so I'm taking over her place. And don't worry Kumi, someone filled in your position. The man's name is Pavel. Seir knows him really well and trusts him like no other. He's ok I guess, not the best conman like you but considering he runs the League of Shadows, he's up there. Him and Seir are always together, especially when Seir is seriously injured from some assassination mission or a major stealing job."

Sliding his hands in his pocket, Durin smiled but his eyes hinted at the jealously that was present. "But, I don't mind. Seir already knows I don't want to treat his insane injuries. So, it's all fine. He makes up for it though. One time for my birthday, he gave me a lead and encouraged me to go after that jerk, Zenari. You'd be proud. I finally tracked him down, gosh years ago, and killed him. Shot him right in the heart, the same way you died. I've avenged you, Kumi, so you just rest in peace now, ok."

Feeling a bit awkward now that he had said what he wanted to say, Durin glanced around before reaching out and touching the gravestone. "See you later, Kumi."

-And out in Australian outback-

Reaper sat on the warm rock ledge, eyes behind the sunglasses narrowed into slits. In the horizon he barely made out the approaching jeeps much less the group of men trying to sneak through the brush a few miles away. He hated this but it was bound to happen. The effects of the burns on his eyes had finally caught up.


Out of everything to happen from all the injuries he had sustained, fate had to twist the knife in his back once more. The doctor said he only had a few more months to years until he went totally blind and if he wanted to the progression to go slow, he had to rest his eyes and protect them twenty-four seven. Or wait until a type of surgery could be created to fix blindness.

A cluster of pebbles clattered past him before falling over the ledge. Raising his gaze, he watched a young brunette girl carefully make her way down to him, arms slightly raised up to keep her balance. The blue baseball cap kept her ponytail up, the shadows enhancing the dark brown eyes that peered over her own pair of sunglasses.

Wearing only light black Capri pants with a dark red tank top, the naturally tanned teenage girl sat herself besides Reaper. Sending him a smile, she nodded over her shoulder, "The other gang is trying to sneak up over the mountain. They're carrying some guns and yelling all types of curses."

Reaper nodded and stared back out over the plains. "And what will we do once the gangs are near each other, Sariel."

The young girl pursed her lips together, thinking. "Well, I will wait in the middle and when they see me, I try to get the two mafia gangs to talk, which is all for show anyway. Then you, who is hidden will shoot one of them. The others will think that one of the men broke the cease fire and return fire. I dodge out of the way and take a couple men out. They'll keep shooting at each other until they're all dead."

The master criminal nodded. He didn't like the almost chipper tone in Sariel's voice. He had to make break her naive look at life and not be blind like he used to be back in the days when he roamed around as Batman's partner in Gotham City. "Just remember. This is not a game."

A serious look befell the girl's face. "Right."

Not for the first time, Reaper ponderd over why he had choosen Sariel, or should he say Erin. He had met Erin in the deep corner of the Denver city library. She was curled up talking to herself or to the book that she was reading. Tears were streaming down her face and when he approached her she quickly wiped them away. He still rememberd the book she was reading. It was on World War I, something he didn't picture a young girl reading. As he comforted her, Dick discovered that she was already applying for scholarships trying to get into college early despite only being in ninth grade. She had already passed the ACT and SAT and was desperate to leave behind her life. Her parents were rich druggies in the entertainment buisness and her grandparents were old money aristocrats who wanted nothing to do with their granddaughter. With no family support, Erin sought to improve her life on her own terms.

The determination was what made Dick treat the girl to her first ever stone-oven pizza and returned day after day to see her sitting the same spot researching over past events. The girl was smart, her critical thinking and insight into the human pysche amused Dick. And when the two played basketball, he realized that the girl was a natural athlete.

Stubborn as she was, it was the fact that she held a grudge against the superhero community that made her stand out in Dick's mind. Erin said that she didn't hate all superheroes; she respected some. But heroes like Superman or Wonder Woman who thought they owned the world; she held an angery tone towards them. She never really forgot, despite her very young age, over what Luthor had shown on the TV that fateful day.

It wasn't till Dick received news from the doctor about his eyes that he decided that he needed a companion. He wouldn't go to Deathstroke, even if it was a life or death situtation. And Durin and Pavel, well, they would baby him and crack jokes every five minutes. So it was decided. Five months to the day, Erin snuck out of her parents' house and met Dick at the bus station. There was hestitancy, fear of the choice he laid out for her, but with a grim look she took his hand and from that day forth Erin became the name she chose for herself: Sariel the Angel of Death, Reaper's Apprentice.


Reaper flashed her a cold, predatorty grin. Yes, despite the fact that she was young and had much to learn, Sariel would make the perfect apprentice, the perfect pair of eyes for him. "Come let us go and show these men true justice."

Sariel nodded and licked her lips in anticipation. Getting up with the grace of a confident man, Reaper and his apprentice made their way off the ledge and into the brush. The circle was complete. A lonely villain took a posterboy supehero and created the perfect apprentice. In turn, the perfect apprentice became the perfect master for a lonely child. What the future would hold is anyone's guess. But one thing was for certain.

Unknowningly, Batman and Deathstroke had created a legacy within the boy who once was called Robin. The child grew up to become one of most feared villains ever, yet when historians look back now some dared to call him a hero. He was a mixed blend, his true intentions forever lost to history but his actions continued to uphold his promise, the promise that his apprentice picked up after his death as did her own apprentice. This rare line of villains protected Pavel's own line and soon Durin's line. The three lines in turn kept a watchful eye over the criminal world making sure that they continued to keep the superheroes in line and busy. And…once in awhile these villains created massive destruction in what they viewed as keeping keep humanity in line.

Or so say the rumors.


A/N: And it's over (cries). Oh my gosh, I can't believe it. It's going to be strange not having to worry about updating this story. As of now, this is it for this storyline. I don't have any plans to make another sequel and if I did it would be more on Reaper and his apprentice than anything else. But, I felt that this was the best way to end the story by making the circle complete. This won't be my last Teen Titans fic, like I said, I'm already working on my next one. I've got a rough outline on the plot and started typing a little. It's pretty much a 'what-if' spin off of the Titan's movie starring once more Robin. But enough on that, don't want to spoil it. Well, so long. Until next time, take care!