Xiaolang's Ying Fa: Hey, this is me after a bad day. I had to change the people's stuff to something they might have had back in 1916 but….the effect is the same.

Is IS meant to be read with the grammar errors. It's supposed to represent a chaotic mind.

Alphonse's POV, After Episode 51.


Noise Noise Noise

He didn't notice just how fucking loud the world was before his world collapsed in on itself

Selfish Selfish fucking world SHUT UP SHUT UP!

He clapped his hands over his ears and shook his head back and forth but it just wouldn't stop just wouldn't stop.

No matter what went on in his head the world kept spinning kept going and he couldn't stand it.

He wanted to jump and dive from the tallest building

Watch! Pay attention! You're losing me! You're losing me forever!


He hit the pavement.

Blood Everywhere

It was a good thing this was all in his head.

It didn't matter.

They wouldn't notice.

Because whatever went on in his head didn't matter to the world. Just one small broken dead leaf on the ground fallen from the tree.








He tightened his hands around his ears and squeezed his eyes shut.

It wont stop it wont stop

Stupid people who only pay attention to themselves.

Stupid people who put superficial items ahead of real people. REAL PEOPLE! Or real animals.

He was reminded of a couple he once knew. They were all right, so he thought.

He went to their house one day. Lavish furnishings inside a trailer. A nice new silver telephone, immense porcelain doll and antique collection, at least three hired maids and clutter. Clutter everywhere. For as big of people they were, he didn't know how they managed to move around comfortably.

And cats.

Gods knew how much he loved cats.

However whilst petting one of them, he noticed something quite alarming. A lump. A lump just slightly smaller than a golf ball.

Frightened and not unconcerned, he turned to them and asked about it. If they'd done anything.

They haven't the money, they said.

He looked around the small trailer at all of their prizes. All of their wealth.

He spared a longing glance at the cat's neck, knowing how the cat must have known he was doomed.

The memory makes him cry.

No one thought of the cat. No one asked him if he wanted to be saved. No one….no one asked if he wanted to live.

He wished his mother was here to comfort him. Or his brother. He hated saying it—he wished his was normal.

Normal. Gods to be normal…

To have a family. A mother a father…his brother.

Coming home one day, a mother asking how his day was, a father taking him hunting, a brother teaching him the ropes.

But he had nothing. No one.

Just people all around him. All the time. Talking.

Noise Noise Noise

It just wouldn't stop.

If everyone would just be quiet for ten seconds to listen to what he wanted…

He wanted his brother back so badly.

And maybe if he wished and hoped hard enough

It would happen.

But probably not.

He wasn't like his brother. He couldn't not believe in a God.

But God would never hear him if everyone else kept talking!



He collapsed, bringing his hands in front of his face at feeling something warm and wet on them.

Blood. He was bleeding now.

He stared at his hands before his eyes began to water

He brought his fists in front of his body and curled up in on himself, burying his face into his knees and sobbing loudly.


Shut up so I can wish.

Shut up so I can dream.