A/N: Okay, so giggles didn't rise high in the last chappie! Whatever, I tried my best!

But, in case your wondering, this chappie may only be graphic, contain some perversion, and a bit of angsty goodness. Also, it may have a cheesy part in it too.

Sorry I have no up-dated for a couple of ...whoa! months?!?!?! Homework and school stuff, plus the fact I gotta start enrolling in as many high schools as possible, has really messed up my schedule!

My time is completely taken up, I'm sorry if up-dating is slow!

Well, here goes!

Who's Not Letting the Ghouls Out?

Chapter Thirty

"Darn those pests!" shouted an angry voice.

I don't know who exactly he is, but I do know he calls himself the Fright Knight. I think I've seen him somewhere, during Halloween last year. But it'd be way too much coincidence for him to show up again, seeking revenge on Fenton and his dumb friends. And besides, why would I be in the line of fire?

I hate those guys! They think they know everything, especially that Manson girl. She thinks so highly of herself, so secure and independent. And that Tucker guy, thinking he's so smart and stuff. He cant even beat me at a simple Bot-Out. And that Fenton guy: always acting as if he's hiding something. So mysterious. The girls just love him. But does he notice? No. He's too oblivious. Those girls in Chess Club, especially Georgia: the most beautiful girl in the world. Even she fell for him! She's asked me a few times, seeing as he and I used to speak to each other, if he "likes brunettes." How the hell should I know?! Why should I even care!? It just gets me so mad!

I look back up at the two ghosts or whatever they were trying to control all the robots, the one with the long white hair doing most of the work. The purple-fire guy was just managing the cameras. I pursed my lips. As muhc as I hate those three geeks, they're my only chance after all. I'd snuck them a message quite awhile ago: they seemed to know who these two were which was even betetr for me. They must have been through a lot while we hadn't contacted each other. And then afterwards Sam had sent me a message through the emergency intercom...it echoing off all the walls until reaching the speakers in here, the electrical room. If Danny was coming for me, I hoped he didn't get interrupted or hurt.


Why am I worrying about them!? I'm the one about to die here! Well, maybe not die, per say, but I was in trouble if they didn't get me out!

I tugged at the rope binding my hands. my hands hadn't been tied ebfore, but once Techno or whatever his name is found out I'd snuck a message, they'd tied me up. Tied me up good. I frowned. Come on, you three, for once I'm actually counting on you...

Danny stared at his older self, really not surprised anymore. How could he expect any less? Of course he'd be part of the illution. But wait...

He frowned. "How are you standing there, there aren't any bots in here!" he exclaimed, taking a step back. His older-self grinned malaciously.

"I'm not here," Dan said wickedly, his form beginning to become transparent. "I'm jsut a friction of your imagination." Finally, he vanished completely, leaving behind only a cracked mirror.

Danny stared at his own reflection now, jagged and strange in the cracked fractions. "The mirrors," he whispered, eyes wide. His pupils grew smaller at the thought. "The mirrors are how you're here."

"Exactly," said the deep, resonating voice. "You're smarer than I give ou credit for..."

Danny shook his head and clenched his hands into fists. He scowled, eyes angry. "I'm not afraid of you Dan!" he shouted out into the air. Then, before him, the mirror began to make sick snapping sounds. Danny blinked, took a step back, and his eyes widened. Tiny, jagged lines began to spread across the mirror's reflecting surface even more until finally it seemed to explode, the shards being shot out in front of him.

Time seemed to slow down into centuries instead of seconds. Within that slowed time, Danny saw the paths the glass was taking, the actual air being slashed through as whistling sounds were made by the sharp shards. And in one of those larger pieces, a quick reflection of his frightened, blue eyes, wide with terror.

Finally time sped up again and he brought his arms up in defense form the shards and was blown back by the now defeaning blast of air and cracking glass. He hit hard onto anotehr mirror, cracking it as well. He groaned as he slid to the ground, arms aching from dozens of cuts and slashes from the shards. But one particular wound came from near his elbow. He winced, opening only one eye and staring at the three-inch by 1 centimeter glass shar sticking what looked like an inch into the joint of his elbow, the pain blinding as he tried to take out the sharp piece. He gasped as it came loose, blood staining an inch of it where it'd stuck into his skin. He breathed in deeply, putting on a brave face as he covered the wound with his otehr hand and tried to stand.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, broke a mirror, there," called Dan's voice. "That's seven years bad luck."

"I don't believe in luck," he groaned, unsteady on his feet.

"Aw, that's too bad," Dan said. "Oh, and as for your last comment. I'm not here as your number one fear, Danny."

A sharp electric bolt seemed to almost electrocute Danny's thoughts as Dan's words registered in his mind.

He stumbled, eyes wide. But it wasn't because of the pain in his elbow anymore that he couldn't keep his balance. What really set him off was that his wound on his elbow had alreayd healed, leaving behind an unnoticebly scare. He blinked, then stood up straight. As if by instinct, his hand reached up to touch his neck. The wound had healed as well, but what was weirder was that the blood form the wound was gone. His skin was clean. Danny looked down at the hems of his pants where Jazz had wrapped her ashened, bloody hands to pull herself up. The blood was gone as well.

And now thinking back, neither Sam nor Tucker was stained with blood or anything of the sort either. Their clothes were clean. Whatever wounds they'd acquired had been healed. But the process had happened so suddenly, he hadn't taken any note of it. It had just...happened.

He blinked.

"Taking notice?" asked Dan's voice, and Danny's glance immediately shot up and around him.

"What the hell is this, Dan?!" he shouted, frustrated. Sickening laughter filled his ears, and his eyes shifted about trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. "What kind of stupid game are you playing?!"

"Now, now," Dan's voice said, as if he were speaking to a young child. "If I told you the secret of this game, then it wouldn't be much fun, now would?"

Danny would practically hear the wicked grin in that voice. "I don't have time for this," he groaned, and started off in the direction towards where he thought the passage to the basement was. But as if on cue, as he neared a corner in the maze path, Dan appeared in a mirror in front of him, causing Danny to skid to a stop. "Fine, I'll tell you the basig gist of it, sweet Danny boy," he said tauntingly, a smug look in his eyes. Danny's teeth clenched and he felt a cold sensation take him over, making him shiver. That tone was not one he liekd at all.

"This dimension is made so you can suffer. From your fears no doubt," Dan said. "And your fear, my boy, is the most fun of any."

"What," Danny spat. "You gonna show me visions of my family dying, is that it? Listen, Dan, no matter what you do, I'm not going to-"

"Your family?" Dan asked, putting on a geniunely surprised face. "Who said anything about them?"

Danny furrowed his eye brows in confusion, beginning to say something, but stopping when Dan's expression changed. "No, Danny. I'm talking about you," he said. "You're inner-most fear. Do you know what that is?"

Danny's gaze shifted to the ground, trying to think clearly. If it wasn't his family dying as he had originally thought, then why was Jazz, Sam, and his mom all dead in the visions and illusions brought to him? Why had they all appeared to him in such a fashion. "No..." he whispered before he even knew he was doing so."

"I'll give you a clue," Dan said smugly. Danny looked at him, putting on a brave face and bracing himself for anything. Dan smirked.

"In here, I can kill you in the most painful ways imaginable as many times as I wish."

E/N: A strange clue? A strange feaR? A strange chapter? All excellent opinions, but what truly is Danny's feaR? Why had those illusions been what they were and why does this make any difference in how he will stand up to them? Find out in the next chapter of: Who's Not Letting the Ghouls Out?

--Airamé Phantom