Disclaimer: I don't own xiaolin showdown.


All the while going over every detail of her plan, making sure it was fool proof, the plan that would be put into action in 2 nights...

It was now Friday and the last 2 days had gone by very very slowly for Miss Kimiko Tohomiko; Dragon of Fire This morning she had won yet another shen gong wu in a showdown vs. Jack Spicer the so called "Evil Boy Genius". She was on a role...more like trying to speed up time in anticipation for tonight. It was lunch time when Kimiko, Clay, and Omi arrived back at the temple. With grumbling stomachs they made their way to the kitchen area to find Master Fung had ordered pizza.

Amazing! Kimiko thought. "Who knew Master Fung could actually use a phone.

The others were thinking similarly. They sat down to their hot pizza and ate their fill. Master Fung gave them the rest of the day off.

Kimiko was walking to her room. She watched as Omi and Clay headed down to the training area.

Kimiko's POV

Omi sure does love to train, but I have no clue how Clay will train cause MY GOD he must have eaten at least 6 pieces of pizza.

She arrived at her room and pulled open the curtain and looked at her room.

Master Fung is gonna have my head! Look at this mess! I really don't feel like cleaning right now but maybe it will take my mind off of tonight.

Kimiko lasted 5 minutes without thinking about the upcoming events.

I am so pitiful...5 minutes! That is how long I lasted. But maybe it's good that I'm thinking of tonight because NOTHING and I mean NOTHING can go wrong.

She decided to go over the plan once more in her head to make sure everything was perfect.

Her plan went like this...

At dinner she would finish eating before everyone else and sneak to the Shen Gong Wu vault and grab the Mask of Resemblance, the Star Hananbi, the Shroud of Shadows, and the Wings of Tanabi. She would then use the changing chopsticks to miniaturize them and put all the shen gong wu in her pocket and stick the chopsticks neatly in her hair. She would run back to her room and get out her purple backpack and clothes to wear; it should be 8:00. She would then pack, her cell phone, PDA, a picture of the dragons when they first met, some water and some snacks into her dark purple backpack. After making a decoy Kimiko, she would pretend to be asleep for half an hour...it would roughly be 9:00 at the time. At 9:30 the monks were to be asleep in their rooms and Master Fung would come check on them and then head to bed himself. Master Fung usually fell asleep easily, so as soon as the monks blew out all the candles, she would quietly use the Changing Chopsticks to return the Shen Gong Wu back to their normal size and would put the Mask of resemblance, Star Hananbi, and the Wings of Tanabi in her backpack. The Kimiko decoy would be put onto her mat under the blankets and the real Kimiko would whisper "Shroud of Shadows" and she would throw the shroud over her head and tiptoe threw the corridoors, across the training area and jump the temple gates and hide in the bushes. Opening up her backpack she would take out the Star Hananbi and stick it into her pocket...just in case. She would cover herself, and the Wings of Tanabi with the Shroud of Shadows. She would use the Wings of Tanabi to fly herself to the cave Raimundo was living in…she had a pretty good idea were it was located

I think Raimundo does miss us so I think he is hiding in a cave carved into the mountain close to the temple.

Hoping it did not take a long time to get there she would fly to the cave and if she met any guards or anything she would transform herself into one of the Rock Creatures, but if the coast was clear she would simply transform herself into a small bird, find Raimundo and talk to him. She would have to wing the rest.

Kimiko was starting to get nervous. What if something happens? What if I get caught by Wuya or even worse, Master Fung? Maybe I shouldn't go.

KIMIKO! You know that you should go, you have to. Do you want him back? YES. Do you need him? YES...Soooo just be positive and be ready.

Her conscience was getting to be a pain in the rear. But her conscience had a point. She loved him and would do almost anything to get him back.

Kimiko looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 4:00. The already tired Dragon of Fire decided since she woke up really early this morning and will be out late tonight, she needed to get at least some rest. So she pulled off her shoes and took a nap.

An hour and a half later

Kimiko woke up from her nap and yawned. She stood up and the first thing she saw was herself in the mirror...she was about to scream bloody murder, but she suddenly realized that the messy haired, mascara smudged face was her's.

False alarm. Kimiko thought.

UG...look at me, I'm a mess! Do I have time to take a shower?

She looked at the clock. It was 5:30.

Just enough time to take a shower and be dressed before dinner.

Kimiko made her way to the bathroom and took a long shower. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Back in her room she picked out tonight's clothes. She WAS NOT going to dress in monk's clothes. Kim pulled open the curtain hiding her closet and took out a blue jean mini skirt( she had really been into the skirts lately),white leggings, a white belt, a blue spaghetti strap top with an intricate white and red sweetpea vine(a/n: yes...sweetpea vines are real. Sweetpea is a flower that grows into a vine) weaving up the middle of her shirt, and since it might be chilly up in the mountains she picked out a cute white sweater.

Looking into the mirror she decided she wouldn't add dye to her hair today and she would just let it hang naturally, she did style it a little though so it didn't look frizzy. She applied some red lip gloss, mascara, and a small amount of blush to make her cheeks rosy.

Stupid Kimiko, you forgot shoes!!!!! she thought.

Going back to her closet she picked out white mary janes/high heels (a/n: sorry if the white maryjanes/high heels thing confuses you). She then went back to her dresser and pulled out a silver necklace with the sign for fire on it, she had silver dangling earrings with a small ruby at the end, She then slid her hand into a ruby inlayed silver bracelet...Raimundo had given her for her birthday.

She took another look into the mirror and approved her outfit.

Omi yelled that dinner would be ready in 5 minutes.

It was show time.

OK… I know it took me FOREVER to update but here it is! YAY! Thankyou's to my reviewers! I'm gonna add more chapters, so keep being on the look out!!!!