Kanoi: I'm SO sorry for not updating for so long!

Kaoru: But hey, count yourselves lucky for the updates you do get.

Hikaru: Yeah, considering a fic Kanoi likes just got updated the other day and it hadn't been updated since January.

Kanoi: But anyway, I'm updating, and I almost cried when writing this chapter. Want to know why? BECAUSE IT'S THE LAST CHAPTER!!! So thank you all so very much for all your support, I never would have been able to finish this is not for you all. SO without further ado, I give you the final chapter to Nine Months.

"Excuse me," Cecile rushed out to the receptionist, "this woman is having a baby."

"Of course," the receptionist said and took hold of Haruhi's wheelchair.

"Cecile, please tell them to call Ohtori Kyoya and to tell him I've gone into labor," Haruhi ground out. Then she was wheeled off.

Cecile let out a tired sigh. She slowly made her way to the front desk to fulfill Haruhi's request.


First to arrive were the Hitachiins (Hikaru, his wife Mika, Kaoru, and his wife Kurenai). The twins had arrived with a video camera and mischievous grins. Mika was berating the twins, and Kurenai was giggling.

Next to arrive were the Haninozukas. Hani was leading the way, his face holding obvious worry. Then Usa came holding the hand of their daughter Suboshi. The little blonde was clutching the old, stuffed, pink rabbit Usa-chan.

Not long after, the Morinozukas arrived. They walked smoothly and held their heads high. They were the perfect example of grace and poise. Once settled the three took to comforting their Haninozuka counterparts.

After much bickering between the Hitachiins, panicking by the Haninozukas, and comforting by the Morinozukas, the Ohtori's arrived. Kyoya spared a quick glance at Cecile who was sitting in a corner, unnoticed. He then continued walking to his friends, Sakamoto by his side.

"Sorry we're late, I had a few more phone calls to make," Kyoya explained.

"How's Haruhi doing?" Sakamoto asked the group.

"We haven't heard very much," Kaoru informed the dignified couple.

"Which really sucks, we wanted to videotape the birth," Hikaru pouted.

"Considering that she's gone into labor prematurely, it probably wouldn't be best to aggravate her anyway," Kana pointed out to the twins.

"Kana-san is right."

The twins pouted over their camera, they had after all bought is just for this occasion.

"Oh stop pouting," Mika scolded the two.

Kurenai placed a hand on her husband's shoulder. "I'm sure you can use it after the baby is born," she assured the men.

The red heads perked up after that. The devil twins once more started their plotting, while Mika scolded Kurenai for cheering the twins up.

All heads turned expectantly to the door way at the sound of hurried footfalls. A moment later Suoh-san came around the corner, breathless and panting.

"Sorry I'm so late; I had some calls to make on behalf of Tamaki and myself. Speaking of which, someone did call Tamaki, right?" Suoh-san's words all tumbled out quickly.

"We called him before we left," Sakamoto assured the man. "He said he was getting on a plane home as soon as possible."

"Good," Suoh-san sighed in relief.

"Yuzuru, is that you?"

Suoh-san's head shot around to look at the woman who had said his name.

He was shell-shocked.


"Wait… She's with us?" Hikaru asked, looking to his friends for answers.

"Of course she's with us; how did you think Haruhi got here?" Sakamoto chided.

"Well… who is she?" Kaoru ventured.

Kyoya glanced at Tamaki's father and the other woman.

"I believe she's Tamaki's mother," the raven-head answered.

All eyes turned to Cecile.

"Sorry we're late all! I couldn't get Kano out of bed," came the chipper voice of Yuri.

"Don't blame things on me!" Kano barked at his wife indignantly.

"What's with the tension in here? Nothing's wrong with Haruhi, is there?" Ranka questioned, ever the concerned father.


"Oh, Haruhi, she is absolutely beautiful. She has your eyes," Tamaki whispered to his wife as he gazed lovingly at the bundle in his arms – his new daughter.

"She's perfect," the exhausted Haruhi responded, "just like her father. We should have another child as soon as possible my darling!"

"Of course, Haruhi!"

"Oh, Tamaki… Tamaki…"


Said blonde jolted out of his daydream and glanced around in confusion.

"Where are we?" the clueless blonde asked.

His secretary sighed. "We are at the hospital, Suoh…san?" The secretary glanced around the limo before sticking her head out the door. Sure enough, there was her boss running like a madman to the doors of the white building.


"Haruhi!" Tamaki cried out as he rushed into the maternity ward. "Where is she?"

Several eyes looked at the panting blonde strangely, while those who knew the blonde continued on with their conversations as if nothing had happened. A moment later Kyoya approached the blonde with a smiling nurse.

"This woman will take you to Haruhi," the spectacled man informed his friend. "Try not to be too energetic, and good luck."

"This way, Suoh-san," the nurse said as she placed a hand on his shoulder and led him away.

Cecile cast her eyes to her lap where her hands were clasped with those of the man she had fallen in love with so many years ago.

"What's wrong," Suoh-san asked the French woman in worry.

"I shouldn't be here, Yuzuru," Cecile muttered dejectedly.

"What do you mean?" the man asked, confusion written plainly on his face.

"His baby is being born. This day is about Haruhi, Tamaki, and their baby. My being here is wrong," Cecile explained.

"I assure you that you being here will only make him happier," Suoh-san assured the other woman as he gave her hands a squeeze.

"But Haruhi…"

"She's not the kind to let people walk away from things," Suoh-san said and then rested his forehead against Cecile's.

"Thank you," Cecile whispered with a light smile as she stared into Suoh-san's dark eyes.


"Tamaki! I swear I will wring your neck if you don't leave me alone this instant! I am never having another God damn kid! …I said get out!" raved Haruhi, who was currently in the middle of a painful labor.

A moment later Tamaki came flying out of the room. Despite his wife's verbal abuse, the blonde was sporting a wide grin.

"She seems lively."

Tamaki looked for who had just spoken, and his eyes widened.

"Mother?" the soon-to-be father asked in shock.

"Hello, Tamaki," Cecile greeted her son with a weak smile.

"What are you doing here?" Tamaki asked in wonder.

"Can we talk?" the woman asked.


Cecile tiredly sat down on a bench outside. After a moment she looked at her son.

"I'm sorry," the woman confessed.

"Sorry? For what?" Tamaki asked in confusion.

"For everything that's happened to you," the French woman explained.

Tamaki smiled that winning smile of his and sat down next to his mother, placing one of his hands over her hands that were in her lap.

"I should be saying thank you," Tamaki confessed. "If it weren't for me coming here I never would have met the best friends I ever had… I never would have met Haruhi. Though I did always miss you."

Cecile smiled warmly.

"And I missed you. But Tamaki, I could never be prouder of who you have become," she assured her son.

"Tamaki-kun!" Sakamoto exclaimed as she threw open the door. She was wearing the biggest smile the blonde thought he had ever seen on the woman. "The baby is here!"

Tamaki's violet eyes widened in excitement. With a loud "whoop!" and a joyous jump the blonde was racing to his wife and newborn child.

Sakamoto smiled after the new daddy and turned to the older woman.

"You know, your son is really something," the dark haired woman said.

Cecile let out a chuckle. "Indeed he is."

"Are you going to come see the baby?" the younger woman asked.

"I'll be along in a moment," the blonde assured, and with a nod the raven head was off.

Cecile watched Sakamoto's retreating form for a moment and then turned to gaze at the rising sun.

"I promise to do it right this time," she swore to the horizon before turning to enter the hospital.


About a week later Haruhi and Tamaki brought home their new baby boy who was named after the moon he was born under – Tsuki. The couple and their young child had their own personal paparazzi in the form of the Hitachiin Hikaru and Hitachiin Kaoru. Amazingly they still had the camera from that night at the hospitals despite an irritable Haruhi's many attempts to smash the thing in the smooth faces of the twins. Life went well for the family. They lived a peaceful life full of love until one day about seven years later…

"Tamaki," Haruhi said to her husband over a cup of coffee, a dangerous glint in her honey eyes, "I may just have to kill you."

The poor man's eyes widened in fear, not quite sure what he had done to deserve such a comment.

"Why?" Tamaki cried indignantly.

"I'm pregnant… again!"

And what an adventure the following nine months were for the family of three going on four, but then I suppose that is a story for another day. So while we all know with Haruhi's temper it couldn't possibly truly be a happy ending, let's pretend for Tamaki's sake that they lived happily ever after.


Kanoi: …I'm done… -stares in shock- I'M DONE! –jumps for joy while bawling her eyes out-

Hikaru: Talk about your mixed emotions.

Kaoru: -sniffling with a hankey pressed to the corner of his eye- It's so sad. We have been through so much, and this is the end.

Hikaru: Thank god!

Kanoi: -clenches fist with tears streaming down her face- But fear not dear twins, for we shall be reunited when I start back on In The Dieing Sun!

Kaoru: YAY! –glomps Kanoi-

Hikaru: W-what…? No… -starts crying-

Kanoi: -puts an arm around Hikaru- I didn't know you would be so happy about not leaving me, oh Hikaru! –hugs him until he turns blue- But yeah! Now I will continue work on my fic In The Dieing Sun, which is also an Ouran fic, but it may not be something you all will be fond of. It contains LOTS of shonen-ai/yaoi/BL, so if you don't like that stuff you probably shouldn't bother with it since that content can't quite be ignored in it like the hints could be in this one. Now I really want to say thank you so very much to all of you who reviewed/favorited/added to your alerts/read. The end was changed drastically from what I had originally intended, but even still… Also, I'm sorry if the whole Tamaki's mother thing turned out as a bit of a flop. I would have made it a lot more in depth, but then the fic would become too angsty and drawn out. I was at the end and couldn't do that, especially since the fic was about Haruhi and Tamaki having their first child, not Tamaki and his mother being reunited. So yeah, I finished this fic with 211 reviews, seventy-four people adding it to their favorites, 134 people having it on alerts, and two C2's adding it making it by far the most successful fic I ever read. Having all the support really made this fic a joy to continue working on, even if it got difficult sometimes. I really appreciate all the support I got on this fic, and I hope the last chapter was up to par. Thank you very much for reading Nine Months, and hopefully I'll see a few of you on the review page of In The Dieing Sun. I may be looking for one or two betas for that fic, so if you are interested please let me know by way of email (the address can be found on my bio page). Please keep in mind that it has lots of shonen-ai, however; so if you're not sure you may want to read what I already have up on it. Thanks, and goodbye.