Here's the 7th story in my series. If you haven't read the other stories, then I advise you to not proceed until you do. This is a series. It runs in sequence. To understand certain things (especially where Jamie came from), it's best to just start at the beginning. This series is kind of like my very own NCIS season 4. As of this point, the series consists of: story 1 A Link to the Past (comes in 3 parts)… story 2 Wrong Place, Wrong Time…. story 3 Second Job… story 4 Daughters… story 5 A Personal Vendetta… story 6 Bless the Children… story 7 Eyes of the Condemned (current story). Hope you enjoy it.

Note: Special thanks go out to may2002 for helping me develop the concept for this story and getting my creative juices flowing.


Chapter 1

Prologue: How it all began a couple years ago

Tony is a Baltimore detective who has been working on a current case regarding missing women. A serial killer has been terrorizing the Baltimore streets for a couple months now and the evidence is in short supply as the predator is very smart.

Tony is at the police station finishing up a chat police Chief Brian Donavan.

"I can't believe you're doing this to me." Tony said.

"It wasn't my idea. The man was very eager to observe you working." Chief Donavan stated.

"Come on… Do I look like a baby-sitter? Especially for some NCIS agent? You know I hate Federal agents."

"You may hate Federal agents, but he specifically requested to observe you and he made it perfectly clear that, no, isn't an option."

"If the man starts coming on to me… I'm gonna be extremely pissed off."

"You don't have to be worry about that. I heard he was married three times."

"Obviously those women had no idea what they were getting into so they left his sorry ass."

"Either way… Enjoy your baby-sitting job. The next crime-scene you investigate… He'll be there."

"Great… I'm really looking forward to it."

"I know you're not."

"Seriously… I'm completely filled with joy over this."

Chief Brian Donavan shakes his head as Tony turns to walk away. Tony walks out of the Chief's office. He walks down the hallway to the small kitchen area where there's a refrigerator and a coffee machine. As he enters the room he sees a man, Gibbs, sitting at the table drinking a coffee that he brought in himself. Tony immediately goes to the refrigerator, opens the door and pulls out a soda can. He slams the door shut and bashes his hand against the side of the refrigerator. Tony leans against the wall, opens his soda and takes a sip.

"You know, beating up a refrigerator isn't gonna make it better." Gibbs stated. "Let me guess… You have to do something you don't wanna do."

"Good guess." Tony said. "It pisses me off that I have to baby-sit some cocky Federal agent."

"What agency?"

"NCIS… It stands for…"

"Naval Criminal Investigative Service."

"So you're familiar with it?"

"I had my share of run-ins with NCIS, so yeah, I know of it."

"They investigated you for something?"

"Nah… More like a liaison of some sort."

"You ever work with a guy by the name of Jethro Gibbs?"

"I bumped into him a couple times."

"I hear he's a cocky son-of-a-bitch."

"He's a very good investigator but he can really be a bastard."

"Those three wives of his were smart to leave him then."

"They probably were."

"This Gibbs guy wants to observe me for some odd reason."

"Really? Why?"

"I got no idea… But if he gets in my way I'll pop a cap in his ass."

Gibbs laughs.

"I'm guessing you're not too fond of Federal agents?" Gibbs asked.

"You catch on quickly Mister." Tony responded.

"I've never been fond of Federal agents either, especially those who I don't work with. But NCIS agents aren't so bad."

"How exactly do work with NCIS?"

Tony's beeper begins to make a noise. Tony looks down to check.

"I hate to cut this conversation short… But I gotta go." Tony stated.

Tony walks to the door. He turns and looks back at Gibbs.

"It was nice meeting you Sir." Tony said.

Tony left the room and runs down the hallway.

"Same here… See you at the crime-scene DiNozzo." Gibbs said softly to himself. He then takes a sip of his coffee.

Tony has been at the crime-scene for quite some time. He's basically finishing up a couple things inside the house where a pair of eyes were left on the table for the children to see when they got home from school. Tony walks out of the house and toward a truck to put some stuff in. As he's walking, he notices a girl across the street. Two men are walking in Tony's direction.

While paying attention to the girl across the street, Tony bumps into a man and his coffee spills. He looks down to see the coffee and the cup on the ground. His eyes slowly move upward toward the person's face. When his eyes reach the jacket, he recognizes it. Gibbs glares at Tony as his eyes meet his.

"Please tell me you're not Agent Jethro Gibbs." Tony said.

"No, I'm not." Gibbs said.

"Oh thank God!" Tony takes a quick breath of relief.

"I'm Special Agent Jethro Gibbs. And I'm a cocky son-of-a-bitch."

"This is gonna be a long day."

"That it is."

Tony sighs and walks away toward the truck. Gibbs turns and watches Tony. The man standing next to Gibbs looks to him.

"Are you sure you want him on the team Boss?" The man asked.

"He's perfect for the job." Gibbs answered.


"My gut tells me he is."

Tony continues to process the crime-scene with Gibbs observing.


A Couple Days pass

Tony gets back to his apartment to find a small package at the door. He picks up the package. He takes out his keys, unlocks the door and opens it. Tony puts the package on the table. He then puts his stuff down and grabs himself a soda. He walks over to the package and begins to unwrap it. As he opens the packages, he notices there are ice packs in it. On top of the first ice pack, there's a small note. He opens the note noticing that it's written in blood. The note reads; The Game Begins… It's all in the Eyes… Welcome to My Sickness. He lifts the top ice pack to reveal a pair of eyes. Tony immediately throws the package as he wasn't expecting to see what he saw.