TITLE: Tanabata

PART: Zero - Mark

AUTHOR: Simply Kim

PAIRING: Atobe Keigo x Tezuka Kunimitsu

FANDOM: Tennis no Oujisama

GENRE: Yaoi/Continuation/Angst/Humour

WORDS: 1,015

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything except this... fic. ;

NOTE #1: Blah or Blah is for emphasis. /Blah/ is for conversations over the phone or flashbacks (if any). /Blah/ is for the conscience or whatever inner voice there is talking. Blah is for thoughts or random Japanese words.


It maddens, it raves.

The flashes of fast-paced time

Does reverberate

- Ticking: 020405

If he were a painter everything would be different.

Tezuka Kunimitsu, Seigaku Tennis Club Captain Extraordinaire, sighed as re-tied his shoelaces for the umpteenth time.

If he were a painter, he thought, he would be loyal not only to blues, reds and whites. He would also be partial to greys and blacks as well. After all, a painter uses every colour imaginable to create such artistic unity that embraces the senses of most people.

Then maybe, he wouldn't feel so guilty for liking greys and blacks too.

He shook his head and sighed inwardly, straightening up and grabbing hold of his tennis racquet, which he laid down before while his fingers started the fight with his pristine white laces. Tucking it safely under one arm, he wandered over the vast grounds, surveying the lush greenery beyond the clay court, settling thoughtfully on the fluttering movements of the butterflies hovering about the well-manicured gardens.

Now, more than ever, he wished he were someone who could do justice inscribing such beauty in a timeless masterpiece. Against the backdrop of a perfectly blue sky, the world before him seemed magical... almost surreal.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, he cocked his head to one side and a small smile adorned his lips. He could get used to living like this – just him and the quiet peace that signified nature at its best.

"Tezuka, what a surprise!"

At least until said peace was disrupted by a particularly self-centred tone running maliciously underneath arrogant words.

Quite disappointed for losing his private time communing with Mother Nature, his lips settled back to their familiar rigidity and he turned towards the direction where the obnoxious voice originated.

No surprise there – the owner should be around after all.

It was Atobe Keigo, Hyoutei Tennis Club Captain Extraordinaire. The Ruler of All Rulers and The King of All Kings... and he was too mindful of his surroundings that he had forgotten why he was there in the first place.

"Atobe." He nodded in greeting, blinking once as the other boy held out his hand for him to shake. For a short moment, he did stare at the outstretched hand, noting briefly that it would almost be too logical if the young master were to be engrossed in creating artistic masterpieces. He had slender fingers. And for the life of him, Tezuka wondered how he kept such hands from growing calluses as his did after all those productive hours practicing.

Slowly, almost hesitantly, his hand reached out and gripped Atobe's firmly before letting go instantly as if burnt. For some strange reason, he had an unusual smile on his face – something Tezuka was sure he had never seen before. He was never one to notice such things, but considering their whereabouts, it was a bit disturbing.

He might just be ready to bite.

Or at least, be ready to pummel his left shoulder with his tennis racket.

"Ah, Ore-sama is glad you came." Atobe declared airily. "I thought at the rate your team is going, winning a notch in the nationals and all – and even beating us – your ego might've bloated a whole lot now."

I'm not like you. Tezuka wanted to say, but just closed his mouth and shook his head once before focusing on the mole under Atobe's right eye. As usual, he found it hard to look directly into his eyes. He had found out months ago that if he stared at that particular spot instead, it would appear otherwise.

"Aah, Tezuka." Atobe tsk-ed, eyes roving all over his body, coming to settle on his left shoulder. For a short moment, Tezuka thought regret flashed across his face, but that was soon shaken off, as the usual smirk appeared once again. It deepened as he noticed Tezuka's slight discomfort, and the bespectacled club captain could only do so much as stop his insides from trying to crawl under such close scrutiny. "You seem better. It's a pity I didn't get to have a match with you during the nationals – that might've been such an honour, don't you think so?"

Clearing his throat, Tezuka nodded, almost hesitantly. "Yes." He nodded awkwardly. "It might."

"Ah, but you don't think so entirely, do you?"

It was surprising, this depth of observation. It was one of those times he wished Atobe didn't have his infamous 'Insight'. It was hard hiding anything from him. Even if his face resembled that of a rock, those eyes would still see through. It was daunting, really.

And disturbing.

"I do." He insisted, looking unconsciously away. He gazed back at the scenery he had been fascinated with before. He had to vaguely wonder now why it didn't seem as colourful as he remembered – after all, he had just been observing the lot a few minutes ago.

There were a few moments of awkward silence before Atobe spoke.

"Well, what do you think?"

Startled, Tezuka turned to him, making a mistake of looking straight into his eyes. He drowned in them, his mind malfunctioning for a second before his willpower kicked in and he resumed his tactic – staring at the mole under his right eye. "About what?"

An arrogant snicker followed his question and as if on cue, Atobe's hand moved, his fingers sinking into his newly cut hair. "This hairstyle." He grinned, making Tezuka's eyes focus on his hair involuntarily.

At most, Atobe's fingers seemed to be on a lip-lock with every strand of his short hair. The movement was sensual, he had to give him that – it seemed that this bet he had with Echizen didn't humble him at all. He had indeed cut off his crowning glory, and yet the arrogance and subtly hidden disdain over common folk were still present.

He was still, after all, a diva in his own world.

"You look..."

His inner thoughts must've been visible on the way he was staring at his hair that the Hyoutei captain sniffed haughtily before smirking. "Nevermind." He waved dismissively. "Anyway, I called you here for a good reason."

Called me here? Tezuka thought with mild irritation. What am I, hired help? "You asked me if I could come visit." He muttered almost sternly. "I came."

"Whatever." Atobe snickered some more before grabbing his hand and dragging him away from the garden. "You are going to play a little tennis with me, Tezuka. And then we are going to eat dinner together."

Tezuka didn't have the energy to protest.

As he let himself be pulled off to Heaven-Knows-Where, he thought that maybe, spending some time with this narcissistic princeling was going to be both a challenge and a refreshing way to start over after a tumultuous season.

Besides, he heard the tennis facilities here were phenomenal.


A/N: Feedbacks are greatly appreciated!