Title: Please Remember Me

Pairing: Alex/Kate

Length: Oneshot

Words: 421

Summary: An extension to the scene at Kate' birthday party. Alex decides to change Kate's memory of the past and hopefully influence his and Kate's future.

Finally, Alex thought. After weeks of wanting, he was finally getting the chance to kiss Kate. The fact that she didn't yet know who he truly was hadn't even registered in his mind. All that matter was that he was with Kate. Here and now. If all worked out, he would be kissing Kate again on her birthday in the future.

The kiss, he decided was magical. Even better than he ever would have imagined. Her soft damp lips, the warmth of her hands against his back, and the light apple scent that radiated off of her hair made everything perfect. During that single moment when his lips met hers, he forgot everything, but this wonderful woman that he was quickly falling in love with.

"Kate?" a male voice asked, interrupting their kiss much to soon for Alex's liking. Even before he turned around to see who had called Kate's name, Alex decided that he did not like this man. Anyone who interrupted such a wonderful moment, was either blind or stupid. Possible even both.

He turned around and realized that Kate was saying something to Morgan, the man who had rudely interrupted his kiss. He couldn't make out anything she was saying, but he knew she was trying to justify what they had been caught doing. Before reason caught up with him, Alex grabbed Kate and kissed her one more time. This kiss more passionate than the other. It didn't matter that Mona and Morgan were watching. All that mattered to him was Kate.

Pulling back, Alex smiled at Kate before whispering something into her ear before turning to leave. Glancing back once Alex was ecstatic to see Kate watching him with a smile, while his last words rang in her ears.

"Wait for me. Two years from now, come find me. Remember our kiss. Please Remember me."

A/N: I know that it is very short and not much, but it was something that came to me the other day when I was watching the movie. This was my first movie fanfic and although it turned out ok I still don't think that it was as good as my others. Please leave me a review to let me know what you thought. Thanks in advance.
