(WARNING: contains boy / boy love)

Im probably gonna be falmed for this, buuuut eh X3 I think these couples are cute! jsut not they are all in human ham forms! that means they have a human body with a hamster tail and hamster ears.

Anyways, enjoy!

"Hey! Stan! what are you doing" A grey eyed white haired boy asked heatedly as he ran in to the room.

Stan shruged innocently, and put the papers he had picked up back down. he wasnt so sure yet, but they looked like they were plans for a machine.

Either that or a weirdly shaped building. And he very much so doubted Panda would build something like that.

"calm down ham dude, they looked interesting...so" Stan shrugged again, making the boy look more annoyed then a few minutes before.

The boy sighed, grabbing the papers from the desk. "Never mind, these are just very important to me" he mumered.

"Is that why your carresing them, Panda?" Stan asked, arching a eyebrow.

"Yes-I mean NO! hey!"

Both of them stared at eachother for a moment in trance, then the orange haired boy tilted his head and smiled.

"Well, Ill make sure not to touch them again, I know how much you love them" he said, now moving to sit up on the desk.

"Um well" Panda rubbed the back of his head. "Don't worry about it, I love you more anyway okay, forget I even said anything."

Stan blinked, then looked over at Panda.

"Ohhh, has someone gotta crush on meeee?" Stan teased, grinning and crossing his arms.

Panda blushed, narrowing his eyes. "Have not! don't even suggest that! I mean! ugh!" He yelled, crossing his arms over his chest aswell.

"And thats why your blushing right?"


Giggling, Stan got off the table and put his arms around Panda's neck, hugging him lightly.

"Tis fine ham dude" he said cheerily. "Wanna go an see how the others are doing later?"

Sighing and putting his arms around the frame of the boy hugging him, he nodded and smiled. "Sure thing, I'm sure they will appreciate the company."

"Yup, but before we go Ill teach you some skating tricks!!"

And before he could say anything back Stan was already starting to run towards the door. Yup, a usual Saturday morning for them both.

Now on to working on teh next fic! x3 Tell me what you think? oh and if you wanna suggest a couple, Id be happy to do it mm anyway grabs pencil writing time!