Title: Love will Always Win
Fandom: Queer as Folk US
Type: Romance, Drama
Main Pairings: Brian/Justin Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor, Daphne Chanders, Gus, Jennifer Taylor, Debbie Novotny, Ben Bruckner, Michael Novotny, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Cynthia, Ted Schmidt, Emmett Honeycutt, Blake Wyzecki, Hunter, Molly Taylor. (Chris Hobbs, Claire Kinney, Craig Taylor, Joan Kinney) Original Female Character, Original Male Character

Rating: R
Warnings: Post 513, POV, Angst, Unsafe Sex, Minor Character Death.
This is slash, as in two males in a relationship. If that's not your cup of tea, leave now

Disclaimer: All QaF characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. No profit is being made; no copyright infringement is intended.

Summary: After the end of season 5, Brian is still in Pittsburgh; Justin isin NewYork. Everything seems to be fine, but is it? How do Brian and Justin stay together despite the others? What about Justin becoming a father? And what about commitment, marriage, and equality?

Chapter 1 - Living without him

Brian's POV

Babylon reopened last week. On the dance floor were the same studs, the same hotties. It was Michael who convinced me to reopen. He said it was better that every fag in Pittsburgh come to Babylon, instead of staying on the streets.

I disagree. There are too many memories in this place. I remember when Justin came here the first time. Alone. To conquer me, to prove to me he could deal with me.

Good memory…

I have one more good memory. It was after the bashing, Justin had moved in a few weeks before. After I had done one trick too many, he asked me why he was there. I couldn't answer. Too afraid to say something gentle, something that would be so out of character, so he left me.

Debbie gave me good advice that night: Tell him you love him. And then Justin and I made the "covenant." I remember his attempted constraint, "home by two," and my counter, "home by four." He smiled. I remember his smile as he said, "Three. One more thing, you don't kiss anyone on the mouth but me."

I loved that part of the deal and stuck to it.


I danced at the opening alone, my heart and soul with Justin. Despite the distance, I see him every day, through the webcam he had installed in his studio. It was his first investment, he said that he would leave the cam on-line, and I could do what I want. God, I miss him...

Three fucking months... Too long. I've tried to visit him, but every time I try to fly to New York, something comes up.

I remember our last night together. His flight was at 10. That gave us more than 5 hours. 5 hours, to do what? To say that I love him, one more time? To say that I would miss him? Too late. He knows that. I let him go to become someone.

I remember his voice, his look, how I felt as he took the box from the coffee table. Suffering, despair, sadness, love. So much love, I could barely put it into words. I've never been good with words. So, I did the only thing that was right for me, I kissed him. I kissed him, with love...so much love.

I thought, "Fuck the others!" They don't need to understand. He's the only one who needs to understand.

He's the only one who needs to know that he's more than just a simple fuck or a little love affair. He's the only one who needs to know that I love him, more than anything, and that I will wait as long as necessary to marry him. Because I will marry him, despite the fact that we cancelled the wedding.

That's why that night was different. I knew he was fine. And my final results had come that week. The day we decided not to get married, the day before our rehearsal dinner. Since then, we had spent most of our time together. And I must say, I was satisfied. I always knew that he didn't trick, unless we were betting. And then, it was only to please me. To prove to me he could do it.

Stupid bets. More importantly, stupid me.

But that night would be different. I knew it. I decided as I laid him down on the couch. That night, I made love to him without barrier, without restraint. He looked at me and I knew it was the right thing to do at that moment. Because I loved him, and he loved me. Slowly and carefully, I slid into him, invading his warm, tight, secret place, claiming it as my own. It was so good, so hot, so him. He tightened his grip on my lower back, accepting my decision. The decision I made for both of us. He wrapped his legs around my waist, and brought his body closer to mine. We came together, in a massive rush of emotions.

We wanted to clean up in the bathroom, but we never managed and ended up staying in bed. We made love again. The most important thing was LOVE. Face to face so we could see every emotion, every feeling. Again, he wrapped his legs around my waist to give me better access, so I could go deeper. I thrust slowly, going even deeper. But it wasn't enough. It's never enough when you love someone.

Like the first time, we came together, with the same rush of emotions and his hands wandering over my body. I looked at him, caressing his face; his beautiful face, all sweaty, with his beautiful blue eyes. He smiled at me as we looked at each other, no need to talk. Everything was written on his face. I wanted to tell him to stay, but I had no right to do that.

So, I grabbed his hair, and pulled him into a tight embrace. I put my head against his shoulder, and stayed inside him. He tightened his embrace, rested his foot on my thigh and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

He must have left while I was asleep because I woke up alone. I knew I had to learn to live without him. It took us so long to be together, really together. And then... Never mind, it's better this way.