Things with Hermione have never been good. Even her relationship with Ron and Harry has been on the rocks. She was more like a mother to

them and they resented her for being so pushy. But in their minds they could withstand her because she would let them copy her homework. They

NEVER cared about Hermione. They both thought she was an annoying MuDBLOOD!! They often called her one behind her back. Hermione had

a very disturbing home life. Hermione was an orphan. Her foster father was Paul Granger. Paul was a sick and twisted man who drank a lot. Paul

also fostered another boy who was two years younger than Hermione. His name was Wesley. Wesley was the only person in the world that

Hermione cared about. She often put her own life on the line just to shield Wesley from a beating. Every holiday morning they had to scrub the

house down. (Wash walls, dust, vacuum all furniture and floors, laundry, etc.) If their chores weren't done to the T they were brutally beaten. When

Hermione first moved in with Paul she had to quickly learn how to be a perfectionist. But her foster brother often struggled with the tasks and

Hermione would purposely take the blame and beating for him. She knew in her heart that Wesley couldn't handle it. He was a normal boy he just

didn't have the drive to live like she did.

Hogwarts Express 6th year

Hermione said her good byes to Wesley and waited for him to board his train. (He goes to another Boarding school paid for by the state) After

his train left Hermione passed through the barrier onto Platform 9 ¾. Hermione was wearing black baggy cargo pants, a long sleeved gray shirt, and

a turquoise hoody. Even though it was still hot out she needed something to cover her bruises. She was an hour and a half early so she decided to

grab and empty compartment and catch up on her rest. She hurt everywhere. Over two hours later Hermione woke up to people running up and

down the halls. She looked at her watch and decided to find her friends. Harry, Ron, and Ginny were all in the prefect compartment with a lot of

people. They were dancing around drinking shots of muggle liquor. The compartment door was open and she could see her friends having a great

time. Then she heard Ron yell "But if Mione was here she would be making us stop. She is such a stuck-up prude" Harry yelled back "Ya, I know I

wish she would just leave us alone. I hate hanging out with MUDBLOODS" Hermione felt tears coming but she quickly pulled her self together and

left. During the feast Hermione sat closest to the doors and kept her head down. She had already healed the smaller bruises and cleaned her cuts so

she didn't really have to hide. As soon as Dumbledore finished his speech Hermione ate a little bit of food and then left. Hermione bolted for her bed

and closed the curtains in case anyone wanted to talk. But she thought it was very unlikely that anyone would talk to her. The next morning

Hermione woke up two hours early and took a shower and then left to sit in the Great Hall in peace, away from the stares of others. As she sat

there she thought to herself 'IF they think I am a Mudblood and a prude they don't deserve to speak to me so I'm gonna accept their wishes and

leave them alone.' Just as Harry and Ron entered she grabbed her schedule and left for the library. She sat down at an empty table to review her

classes. Almost all of her classes were paired with Slytherins and she guessed that Harry and Ron would be in at least three of her classes. After

Hermione found a couple of books she ran to her first which was Transfiguration. She made it just before the bell rang and the only desk that was

left was a single in the very back of the class. She didn't mind it because it was the farthest desk from her former friends. Hermione tried to keep her

mind on her studies but at first it hurt her that her former friends had not one glanced in her direction. After a couple more days without them

Hermione soon began to appreciate not having to do triple the homework and not having to listen to quittich talk. Hermione worked vigorously on

her studies. One day Dumbledore approached Hermione with an Order mission. "Miss Granger something has come up and the Order could really

use your expertise." Hermione didn't care what it was she accepted it but only if Dumbledore helped her with her magic. The truth was that ever

since the beginning of the holiday Hermione's powers had been off. So the next day (Saturday) She left w/ Dumbledore on a magical search. They

were looking for certain items the school and Order required. Then Dumbledore began looking into Hermione's problems. A week later he began to

teach Hermione wandless magic. This helped Hermione because she realized she didn't need Harry or the Weasley's. One stormy night Hermione

was returning from a mission. She burst thru the Great Hall and began to walk up to the staff table. She was clutching her side slightly with one hand

and she had a large black case in the other. Everyone eating dinner were curious why Hermione wasn't wearing her robes and why she was walking

straight towards Snape. She was wearing the black cargo pants and a black wife beater with a black leather jacket. Her hair was less fuzzy but it

had become darker. She walked up in front of Snape and picked up the case with both hands. People could see that there was blood on her hand

that had previously been clutching her side. The blood was dripping onto the case. "Here Professor, Professor Dumbledore said you needed these

for tomorrow." "What is it?" he snapped. "Zeteahs (Have no clue what they are but they fit in a case and are use in potions. TOTALLY made up).

You did tell him that you were low and would need them for tomorrow's class?" "I did but I didn't think he would get them to me so quick. Thank

you Miss Granger. You may leave now." Hermione rolled her eyes at his rudeness and slowly walked back out of the Great Hall. But instead of

going to the Room of Requirement (Where she has been staying lately) she headed towards the hospital wing. Hermione found her steps becoming

heavier and it started to get hard for her to walk. Finally after much pain and agony she stumbled into the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey was still

at dinner. Hermione couldn't hold on any longer she collapsed on the floor. The next day Hermione woke in a hospital bed and gown. When she sat

up a pain shot through her abdomen but she ignored it as much as she could. She finally found her clothes in the night stand next to her bed. She

quickly and quietly stumbled out of bed and dressed. She hated hospitals. They were always asking questions that she never ever wanted to answer.