It was dark all around, but she didn't care she just kept running. Running as fast as she could, tears of pain, cold against her warm skin rolled down her rosy cheeks. The wind was hitting her face, making her long hair blow behind her as she ran.

She tripped but she didn't bother getting up. She was too exhausted to move, she looked up infront of her, tears visible streaming down her face. Two bright head lights were coming towards her, but she didn't move she didn't want to; she wanted it all to end. So she waited, waited for the hard impact on her small frame to come….

Mamoru walked along casually whistling slightly, hand in his pockets when a flash of gold whizzed past him. He stopped and watched as the figure stopped in the middle of the road, sobbing by the look of it. He recognized her as Usagi, his eyes widened as he noticed the car coming right towards her. He ran towards her

"USAGI MOVE! GET OUT OF THE WAY" He ran as fast as her could, he couldn't loose the sunshine in his life. He used his super powers to move faster, he scooped her up in his arms and jumped onto the curb, just in time.

Usagi screamed at him, punching his chest and trying to move back into the road

"GET OFF ME MAMORU, I HAVE TO DIE, SHE DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE THERE IT SHOULD BE ME! LET GO OF ME! I DON'T DESERVE TO BE HERE" She screamed punching his chest as hard of she could. Mamoru set her feet down and pulled her into an embrace.

"Shhh its ok Usagi-Chan…" his eyes welled up at the sight of his meatball head in such a state

Usagi tried to get out of his arms but his tight of her was to strong.

"IT'S NOT OK! It's not ok" She sobbed and fell against his warm muscular chest "It's not ok" She whispered brokenly

Mamoru rubbed her back gently letting the small blonde let it out, he looked down at her and sighed. What happened to Usagi to make her want her life to end? She was usually so happy, why the sudden change?

He gripped her extra tightly, afraid he would loose her.

What if he had lost her? He new he couldn't live without her, but what he didn't know was that he loved her.

The blonde in his arms carried on sobbing; he lifted her up gently into a bridal carry and carried her gently back to his apartment. Usagi clung onto his t-shirt, her small slender shoulders shaking violently at the force of her broken sobs.

Mamoru balanced Usagi's weight on one arm as he unlocked his apartment door, he carried her inside

She wasn't sobbing anymore, but tears still leaked from her red puffy eyes, her head rested on Mamoru's hard chest and her small fingers clung onto his t-shirt like he was her life line.

He didn't know what to say, he didn't know what happened to his angel to make her loose faith in life. He reached out his hand and gently brushed away the tears on her cheeks. She jumped at looked up at him.

Watery eyes filled with self loathing, pain and loneliness stared at him. He smiled sadly at her and she let out a long sigh and snuggled deeper into his arms.

He sat on the sofa gently, rocking the small blonde back and forth, rubbing her back and resting his head on her golden soft hair. Usagi closed her eyes and let the feeling of comfort wash over her. They stayed like that for a while before Mamoru decided to break the silence.

"What happened Usagi-Chan?" He asked softly, stopping rocking and looking down at the usually ray of sunshine, in his arms, he felt her tense at his soft words.

Usagi squeezed her eyes shut, wishing they could be back in the comfortable silence. She felt Mamoru's eyes bore into the top of her head and sighed deeply; she opened her eyes and looked up at him.

"I couldn't save her" She whispered in a hoarse voice, her eyes filled again with unshed tears.

Mamoru looked at Usagi with a soft look that told her she could carry on in her own time.

Usagi took a deep breathe

"I got there late and it had her, by her neck and I couldn't…." Sobs caught in her throat and she couldn't carry on, tears streamed down her cheeks once more and she cried in Mamoru's arms.

A pained look washed over his face and he held Usagi tightly, rocking her back and forth, muttering sweet nothings in her ear.

"She's in hospital because I was late! It's all my fault!" Usagi choked out

Mamoru didn't know what to say. He was confused and concerned about Usagi.

"I don't understand Usagi" He said softly, rubbing her back soothingly

"I was in detention when I saw it crashing through the kindergarten next to my school; I tried so hard to sneak out earlier! And when I finally did it already had someone, a little girl and I transformed and tried to stop it from hurting her but it had already drained her and it got away!!! I let it go!!" Usagi broke down; heart wrenching sobs filled her throat

Mamoru's eyes were as wide as dinner plates, realization hit him, and hard.

"Usagi, are you Sailor moon?" He asked the sobbing girl

She just nodded in return, burying her head in his chest and crying her heart out.

Mamoru stared at the petite blonde he held so protectively while she cried. Everything added up, Usagi disappearing often without a reasonable explanation and then seconds after he feeling Sailor Moon transform, the hair, the eyes and the clumsiness.

"It's my fault" He whispered to himself, sighing deeply.

Usagi gasped and looked up at him, her sobs stopping.

"How is it your fault?" She asked, through short breathes

Mamoru stared back at Usagi and gulped. How was he ment to get out of this one?

He sighed, deciding he could trust Usagi, just like she could trust him.

"If I wasn't late maybe things would have turned out differently, by the time I got there you was gone and the crowd had cleared, it seemed like nothing even happened." Mamoru said sheepishly

Usagi frowned

"I…don't…understand…" Usagi thought about what he just said then fell off Mamoru's lap with a startled yelp

Mamoru was at Usagi's side in a heart beat while Usagi was on the floor rolling around whispering to herself,

"Dumb meatball head" Over and over again

Mamoru simply watched Usagi cursing herself. After a few minutes she sat up

"Why didn't I think of it before!!? It all adds up!!! Dumb meatball head" She Said to herself, slapping her forehead and falling back onto the floor again

Mamoru couldn't help but let out a little chuckle but gasped when he heard Usagi whisper

"As if my super major hunky crush is my worst enemy!!!" to herself

Mamoru bowed his head slightly, excited and shocked that Tuxedo Mask was her crush but disappointed that Mamoru was her worst enemy

Can ya blame her for the way you treat her? He scowled himself mentally then let out a long sigh

Usagi sat up and stared at him with wide, red eyes.

"So it was you that saved me all these times?" She asked

"Afraid so" He said bowing his head slightly

"Amazing…" She breathed

He smiled, holding out his large hand. She smiled back slightly and placed her small delicate hand in his. He helped her up and set her on the sofa.

She sighed deeply and rested her head against his chest.

He froze, staring at the blonde.

"You're so warm…" He heard her mutter softly

His eyes widened, not knowing what to do, he liked this feeling, but he didn't want to scare her away…

A soft snoring came from Usagi and he let out the long breathe he had been holding in. He smiled and wrapped an arm around her small shoulders. She snuggled deeper into his arm and placed her small hands on his chest.

Mamoru watched the little angel sleep; smiling to himself, unknown that he was falling deeply in love. His eyes grew heavy and he welcomed sleep half heartedly.

Mamoru woke up with a jolt as the wind was knocked out of him; he opened his eyes to see Usagi thrashing about next to him, screaming, tears rolling down her face.

"NOO LET HER GO, DON'T TOUCH HER" She screamed, punching the air

Mamoru pinned her arms down with one hand and the other he stroked her face gently

"Usagi-Chan! Wake up!! It's just a dream, Usagi" he said soothingly

The blonde sat up instantly breathing heavily, then she collapsed back onto Mamoru's chest sobbing. He wrapped his strong arms around her and whispered sweet nothings in her ear, rubbing her back.


…..consciousness…." Usagi whispered brokenly in between sobs.

Mamoru's eyes filled with tears at the pain his angel was going through

"Its ok Usagi-Chan, she'll be fine… it wasn't your fault…" Mamoru rubbed her back

"Yes it is. If I was on time to school I wouldn't have gotten detention… I would have been on time…" Usagi whispered, shaking violently

"If you hadn't been late then you wouldn't have gotten detention which means you wouldn't have seen the youma crash through the kindergarten which means that that little girl you SAVED would be dead!" Mamoru said gently, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Usagi looked up at him and gasped when she saw the wet trails down Mamoru's cheeks. A tear from his face feel silently onto Usagi's and feel down her cheek.

She lifted up a shaking hand and brushed away his tears gently, caressing his cheek in the process.

He took in a sharp intake of breathe, refusing to believe this wasn't a dream

She closed her eyes slowly and stretched her neck ready to meet his lips; they were just an inch apart. Mamoru stared at the blonde in his arms. She was really going to kiss him!! And it wasn't a dream. He closed his eyes and inched closer to Usagi's lips


Usagi's eyes snapped open and she pulled back staring at her bag that was lying on the floor infront of the sofa.

Mamoru opened his eyes and nearly swore out loud to the gods but when he saw the look of panic and the whiteness of Usagi the almost kiss was forgotten.

"What is it Usagi-Chan?" He asked urgently

She lifted a shaky finger and pointed at her bag

Something clicked in Mamoru's mind and he new what it was.

"You have to answer it…" He said gently, touching her arm softly

She jumped and looked at him with wide eyes

"I…I….Cant…. what…if…." She stuttered

"They don't know Usagi-Chan! But if you don't answer it then another person will get hurt, maybe even killed this time!" Mamoru said

A tear rolled down Usagi's cheek and she stared at Mamoru

"You can do this Usagi" Mamoru stared back "I'll be right behind you, I promise"

Suddenly Usagi was filled with a new courage and she nodded.

She got off the couch and opened her bag lifting a pink rectangle calculator type thing out of it.

She pressed a button and Mamoru heard Rei's stern voice. He frowned suddenly realizing that the other 4 girls Usagi hung around with were the other scouts… he listened

"What took you so long meatball brains? Asleep or reading manga?" Rei's voice growled

Usagi flinched and Mamoru scowled

"G…Gomen…Rei-Chan…" Usagi stuttered

"There's a youma down the youth centre hurry up" Then a crackling down was heard.

Usagi put her communicator back into her bag and stood up.

"I don't think I can do this Mamoru…" She whispered, Mamoru rose and stood next to her, he put two strong hands on her slender shoulders

"You can Usagi, I believe in you! Remember that I'll be with you always, right behind you. I promise" Mamoru smiled encouragingly

Usagi nodded and lifted her hand into the air


Mamoru's eyes widened when he saw Usagi's naked silhouette spinning in mid air, ribbons and feathers surrounded her and in a matter of seconds Sailor Moon stood in the place of Usagi Tsukino

Mamoru snapped out of his revive and chucked a rose into the air, by the time he caught it he was transformed and ready to go.

He held out his hand and Usagi placed a small hand in his, his hand tightened around hers comfortingly

"Ready?" He asked softly

Usagi stared at him then suddenly spoke

"No, but I have to do this…" She said

He smiled and led her out of the window, holding her hand tightly.

AN: Hehehe so that is chapter 1!! hope you all liked it xx