She ran through the halls to her was her first day as a student in a D.C. was about 5"7 with long slim legs, and an hour glass long brown hair had red colored highlights, long to the small of her brown eyes, and lightly tanned skin, thanks to her Korean mother and Hispanic wasn't her first school transfer but she wanted to make a good impression.

Still running she turned a corner and ran smack dead into what she thought was a wall

"God I'm late." She said to herself as she picked up her bag and books.

"Watch where the hell you're going!" Yelled a feminine voice.

Angela looked up to find a light tanned, young woman about her height, short brown hair, and brown eyes. Standing next to her was a guy about 6'5 with slick, curly black hair, muscular arms and brown eyes and an unreadable look on his face.

"What are you staring at!?" The woman said in frustration.

Not realizing she was staring, she shook her head and stood with her books.

"I'm...I'm...sorry it's my first day and I..." she stammered but was interrupted.

"Save it!" she looked her up and down then continued" You won't last one minute here". She said before she walked off followed by the silent man

She continued looking for her homeroom, about 5 minutes of looking she found her knocked before she walked in she noticed the stares she was getting from the students in the slowly walked to the teacher that was writing homework and the teacher was a short black woman, she looked mid-forties, her silky black hair was pinned up, she was skinny, with wide she looked at the class words popped in her head," You won't last one minute here". The words of the young woman in the now she knew what she the students in the class were had nothing against black people it was just she seemed to be the only one out numbered if she just said the wrong thing even as she kept looking she saw that one of the guys were as different as her. He had his face n a book, with his legs on the desk in front of skin was a lite tan like hers but it seemed her she already knew him-kind of

"Can I help you?" her thoughts were interrupted by the teacher. She quickly shook her head.

"Umm...yes I am the new student." She said handing the teacher her transfer.

She smiled and read it aloud." well welcome 2 my class. I Am." reached out to shake her hand, and then looked towards the class." Class this is Angela Lee. I expect you to treat her with respect that you show your peers now." looked around the class then back at Angie. (Nickname) "Angela you can sit near David" She added pointing at the teen she examined earlier, next to him was an empty seat." Okay." She whispered then slowly walked to the empty desk gathering confidence to watch what she did.

As she sat down the teacher began teaching took out a notebook and started taking notes.

Psst. she heard as she turned around she precious brown eyes staring into hers.

"Yes?" she whispered so not to get taught.

"You the same girl that was in the hallway that bumped into my little sis this morning aren't you?" He said in a husky voice.

"Yea I guess you can tell her I'm sorry I didn't mean for that to happen I was in a rush." She said trying not to feel nervous under his heavy stare.

"Its okay we got into a fight this morning and she was just upset I bet she'll feel better later on in the day. By the way I'm Dave." He said sticking out his hand for her to shake it.

"Angela but my friends call me Angie." Angie shook his hand noting he had a strong grip.

-The bell rang signaling the end of class-

"How about I see you at lunch and you can sit with me and my sis?" Dave added a smirk to that getting a bright smile from Angie

"Sure I guess I'll see you at lunch" She said grabbing her books and leaving to second hour.

-What a good start-She thought to herself.-Can't wait to meet his sister, again-The last thought caused her to breathe real deeply

"This is going to be a long year." She said to herself