Author's Note:

Another story…. Kill me, please. I actually want to continue Gentle Fire, but now I am in the mood of YuuRam and Wolfram x Maou (What should I call this pairing? WxM? WolfMa? OuRam?). So, here I am. This is mostly will be about betrayals, wars, angst, darkness, unreturned love, confusion, etc. If you kept asking, I might add some kissing scenes or perhaps I would allow you to write some.

Disclaimer: Don't own KKM.



Which one do you prefer? YuuRam or Wolfram x Maou? Remember, your reviews will decide which pairing I'll use.

Do you have any other side pairings you want to suggest?

If you were asking why I would dare to write a Conrad x Greta, read Sayoko Bizen's 'New World: The Continuation'. I'm not resurrecting Julia or adding any OOC for Conrad. Somehow, I'm not in the mood of ConYoz.

If you have any story idea, be sure to send them to me! I get bored with stories easily, so your ideas will keep me running this story in check 'cause I only write when I know somebody out there likes my story.

BTW, any suggestions how I should call Wolfram x Maou? I mean, Yuuri x Wolfram into YuuRam is a good way to make a nickname.



When he met Shibuya Yuuri for the very first time, he was convinced that Yuuri was just a mere wimp.

He had been standing beside the boy for three years and counting now. He had seen and watched how the wimpy baseball bay had turned into the King he admired (not that he would admit it). He knew he still loved Yuuri just like at the very first time, yet now admiration was thrown somewhere in that affection.

It hurt, actually, every time he crawled onto Yuuri's bed and found himself being kicked off the bed in the morning. He sometimes wondered why Yuuri had not broken their engagement yet, however, he never said a word. He did not dare to change everything form the way they were. He was afraid of what might come. He was afraid whether the boy's decision would be far too painful for him to take.

In the opposite of what people might think, Wolfram von Bielefeld was a fragile boy. He was afraid to let it show, however. He feared many, yet pretended to feel nothing. He always acted as if he had not cared, yet deep down his heart was breaking into billion pieces. That was why he finally decided to hide behind his prideful and short-tempered mask, telling everyone that he was not one you would want to mess up. Years trained him how to be the best actor, yet deep inside he still felt insecure. Once his mask was broken, his vulnerability would be as clear as a crystal glass, shown for everyone to see.

Right now, curling under the blankets on the mattress of his fiancée's bed, he was afraid, very afraid that he could practically feel the fear consuming his whole body.

He did not know what was the cause of that fear. Perhaps it was because a nightmare he had earlier? The nightmare of everyone he cared very much, even though he never let the affection show, leaving him, sending him sad smiles and glances. Even though it was just a dream, he could still feel it, the pain, coursing through his veins.

He longed for somebody to hold him tight, just for once.

He gave his sleeping fiancée a sideway glance, assuring himself that the other boy was still asleep. Slowly, wrapping his arms around his nightgown-wrapped body, he scrambled off the bed, making his way slowly toward the balcony.

The moon was up that night, a silver sphere gleaming against the pitch black surrounding. The stars were not to be seen, disappearing from sight. Wolfram sighed, leaning over the railing, wincing when he realized how one breath could feel so painful. He bit his lower lip, trying to restrain the unshed tears from falling.

'The wimp might see me,' he reasoned himself.

The wind blew, bringing unwanted memories from his past. From the event where he realized that Conrad was a half-human 'till Yuuri's accidental proposal hurt him with a thousand knives, stabbing his heart mercilessly. The only sweet memories he had were those of Yuuri's smiles, yet those smiles were rarely directed to him.

It hurt when the one you loved would never love you back, and even more when you knew it very well.

A tear rolled down his pale cheek, before finally dropping onto the ground. He looked up, drawing in air in sharp painful gasps. Why couldn't he find someone who would love him unconditionally? Someone aside from his family?

The moon above glowed brightly, blindingly white. He shielded his eyes, eyes wide and mouth agape in confusion. The thunder roared off somewhere, and suddenly droplets of rain started to fall, caressing his skin as if soothing him, calming him.

The rain was…warm.

The moonlight faded into its pale gleam again, and he squinted. Was it…a figure up there falling from the sky?

As the speck of shadow moved closer, he could make out a pair of wings and a figure of a man. He gasped. Had he gone mad that he was actually seeing the illusion of an angel?

The cold night air suddenly turned warm, as if heated by an unseen force. Somewhere within him he could hear someone calling his name, again and again.


His eyes widened impossibly large. The figure was close, so close to him that he could recognize the person with wings.

He took an instinctive step backward and gave a glance at the bed in the room behind him. There he was, Shibuya Yuuri, the 27th Maou, still dozing peacefully and wandering in his own dreamland.

It just…had to be a dream.

The Maou—who he had known for long as Yuuri's alter ego—was now descending toward him, black wings of an angel unfurled behind him.

Angel of Death.

His emerald eyes took in the sight before him. The Maou stood on the railing of the balcony, before grabbing his arm and pulling his lithe figure into a possessive embrace.

Wolfram rasped out, "But…aren't you…."

"I am here, Wolfram…."

The whisper sent a shiver down his spine. As if sensing him shivering, the Maou wrapped his wings around them person. He gasped, feeling the Maou burying his head onto his shoulder, dark shoulder-length hair tickling his neck and shoulder blades. He was aware, oh so aware, of the warm black feathers embracing him and the other boy.

The embrace was…warm…and sweet, almost passionate.

"I am here…, for you…."

Somehow, those words brought back tears into his eyes. A drop rolled down, then followed by many others. He was dangling in the Maou's embrace, bare feet lifted from the ground. The Maou, still holding him close, kissed his tears away, one by one, with so much affection and tenderness he had longed for long that it made his tears run even harder.

"Hush, I am here…. So don't cry…."


There. Too short? What do you expect? This is the prologue. Yay or nay? Critiques, please! This is still an experimental stories, so save your praises (if you actually have one). CRITIQUES! CRITIQUES! CRITIQUES! Oh yes, I am going insane. Remember, your reviews will determine how the story will flow!

See you in the next chap, fast! ('Cause I'm in holiday)

Aqua Alta