I pulled back from Casey in a hurry, there's no raft like Grams'. "Um, see the-" she cut me off.

"Why are you in the hospital? What have you done now? And who attacked you? I thought we agreed no more dangerous situations. Then again only you could get attacked at sweet little June's house. What were you doing to get hurt? Hmm? I get a call at FOUR-THIRTY in the morning saying that you were in the hospital! Four-thirty! The person on the phone wouldn't tell me what was wrong! What happened? Well? Samantha are you listening to me?" Grams had her fisted hands on her hips with her legs spread out, she looked kinda like wonder woman.

I couldn't answer, I was in shock. I mean she didn't even ask about Casey!

"Samantha-" I could tell that she was going to start lecturing me but my hero, Hudson who had been standing behind Grams, whispered something in her ear making her look at Casey and back at me and then blush.

She opened her mouth to say something and then shut it again nodding her head slowly.

A knock at the door made me jump and clutch onto Casey's arm which made him smirk in return as Hudson opened the door to revile Alice, June, Marissa, and both June's parents. (Kelly Kenly and Keith Kenly, funny how their names rime, kinda huh? June has an older brother named Kenneth and a younger sister named Karen; she's the only one without a K name. they do all have J middle names and June's middle name is Katherine)

"Sammy!" June and Marissa cried as they walked in.

I smiled and Casey helped my sit up, have you ever tried sitting up in a hospital bed its hard work.

"Hey, guys."

Everyone started talking at once for some reason or another and once again the door flew open letting in a screaming lady.

Bet you can't guess who!

"My baby! My baby!" The hysterical women cried flinging her trim arms around my neck in a chock hold.

I yelled in pain as she hit my wound.

"Lana, get off your daughter you are hurting her." Grams braked with an angry look on her face.

I think Grams was still ticked from last time I was in the hospital and I had to have surgery Lana didn't even show.

"Oh, baby, I rushed down as soon as I heard!" she cried again putting her acting skills to work.

"Excuse me! EXCUSE ME! Visiting hours has been over for quiet some time, may I ask what you all are doing in here?" a young woman dressed in a nurse uniformed asked.

I hadn't even noticed that she had come in it was so noisy.

"Oh dear, June, Marissa we must get going." Kelly said with a hand at her mouth, "Alice you'll be staying with your mother correct?"

"Yes." Alice said from the chair next to me bed that she was now giving up to sit on my bed.

"Bye Sammy, get well soon."

Everyone slowly left, a goodbye hug hear, or a kiss on the cheek. (the lips from Casey!) Only Grams, the person who gave me life, and Dr. Wolfe (Alice's mom, who had come in while people were leaving) were left in the room. Hudson had left to give us some privacy.

"Sammy should be out by noon tomorrow but I'm not to sure." Dr. Wolfe said messing with the bag of something that was hooked up to my arm, "Sammy I'm going to give some morphine to help your anxiety."

My vein that was hooked up to the IV felt as though someone was inflating it with air. I blinked and my eyes grew heavy with sleep and I let the darkness take over.


a/n – thank you all for your reviews! Before I finish I want over 100! Speaking of 100 reviews if you haven't reviewed for Maxi's story Caesar's Back then do that she deserves MORE than 100 reviews for that story! Now I have some questions for you all

say a girlfriend's boyfriend is out and he sees two of his girlfriend's close friends… and one of the girlfriend's friend dares the other (who never backs down from a dare and is going out with a guy) to kiss their friend's boyfriend FOR A PIECE OF GUM and they do it what do you call it?

And if the one who dared the other girl doesn't think anything of it but the one with the boyfriend feels horrible who do you blame?

And if the two girls are talking about it in the bathroom and someone else comes in and sees that her 'twin' is crying and she comforts her and finds out what happened and then finds the BASTERED of a boyfriend's girlfriend (her best friend) and tells her is that the right thing to do?