A.N: Hiya! My first ever Inuyasha Fanfic! This story IS written soley on Me and My friends and Inuyasha, Sesshomaru and Koga. Pretty soon I'll put up the Kags/Inu story I've got stirrin around in my head. Until then, Read and Review please!! Writers love Reviewers!! throws cookies to everyone
Tara, Lori, and Becca made their way through the halls of their highschool. As anyone could tell at seeing them, the three 16 year olds were the best of friends. Each of them had something that made them especially lovable.

Thought they were by no means what books and shows would define as "popular", they weren't unheard of either. They had their little group of friends and that was all they needed.

As far as boys went, Lori was the only one who had snagged a guy. His name was Chris, and though they both disliked him greatly, for Lori's happines, Tara and Becca kept their mouths shut. He was more than a little conceted and arrogant, and all in all got on their nerves, but He constantly was telling Lori how much he loved her and showered her with gifts and wooing, so they let the attitude slide.

As for the two of them, neither was interested in dating, since both had been burned by the hateful sting of betrayel. Coincidentily, it had happened around the same time for them.

Tara's had come the greater shock, as she really did trust her boyfriend (now ex-boyfriend). She was no where near about to start planning a wedding, but she had hoped they would have some good times before they parted, if they did. Sadly though, the mere wish to remain pure until marriage seemed to put things on edge for them, and a few days after that, Tara walked in on her boyfriend and the hottest cheerleader in a...compromising position. Needless to say, she dumped him on the spot. After she slammed the corner her thickest and sharpest book into his jewls of course.

With Becca, unfortunately, they had all come to expect it. Hurt though she was, she wasn't surprised. He was just that kind of guy. Loving to Becca one minute, snogging whatever had boobs the next. She too had sent a nice message to his reproduction organs before dumping him, but wasn't quite as crushed as Tara had been. They all comforted each other, and Tara and Becca both remained carefully aware of whatever Chris did. They would not let the same thing happen to Lori.

Today had been a great day. Everything had gone nicely, not too much homework, fun classes, no depressing thoughts. The next and last class of the day was choir, and was the one class the three girls looked forward to the most.

The hall echoed with the hyper giggles of the girls, making the other students look over and grin at them. They were known for their hyperness and random acts.

"Perhaps...perhaps the rain will come and turn us all into...lizards!!" Tara cried, staring creepily at the other two before breaking into laughter.

"Or maybe little bugs!" said Lori.

"Eww, I don't want to be a bug! I want to be a...a...wolf!" said Becca, grinning.

"Ah yes. You and the wolf." Tara said knowingly, smirking slightly. "I know you'd just loooooove to be with a certain fictional wolf."

"Oh yes indeed! After all she is a..." Lori said, before trailing off and grinning at Tara.

"Koga lover!" they said together, laughing loudly.

Becca just smiled. She couldn't deny what was true.

"Yep! That's me! But better wolves than dogs!" She said with a triumphant grin before ducking a mock swing from Tara.

"Uh oh Lori, she's even starting to ACT like him! Maybe we should start acting like OUR guys!" she said before pretending to put a sword over her shoulder.

"You guys stay here, don't follow me, I can kill the bad guy by myself!" she said, imitating the half-demon Inuyasha's voice sarcastically.

Lori and Becca laughed before Lori went into acting mode as well. She stopped dead in the hall with the stone cold expression of Sesshomaru.

"Give me the tetsuiga Inuyasha! You filthy doggy!"

The girls died laughing, talking about their favorite anime show. They were avid fans and had loved the show forever. It was one thing in their lives that they could truly be happy about together.

Walking into the choir room, they imidiatelly made their way for "their spot." Technically it wasn't theirs, but since that was where they always sat, everyone let them call it theirs. Today, luckily, was a study hall day, since exams were coming up.
Placing their backpacks down, Tara instantly dove into her bag, grabbing the folder they kept their favorite stories as well as their own stories. Giggling, they discussed the latest story they'd found.

A shadow passed over them, breaking their laughter. They looked up into the faces of their least favorite people. The Brently Brothers, as they had so cornily decided to call themselves. They weren't actually brothers, they just called themselves that because their last names were all Brently, by coincidence. Ooooh, feel the connection.

Anyway, seeing it was them, Tara stood up, Becca following."Did you need something?" Tara asked coldly.

The eldest, Leon, sneered.

"Well do we need something to have to come visit the most beautiful girls in school?" he asked, leering at them. It made the girls want to gag.

"As a matter of fact...yes." Becca said, pretending to think about it.

Leon's face lost it's grin and was replaced by a scowl.

"You three had better start showing some respect. After all, it is a woman's place to be below men." His sneer reappeared, and none of the girls were lost to his double meaning.

The coward of the trio, Ian, glanced nervously at the teacher who was oblivious to what was happening at the back of his room.

"Hurry up Leon, we might get caught." he muttered.

"Shut up." Leon snarled, still staring at the two girls who were standing in front of Lori. They had yet to see her, and the girls wanted it kept that way.

Leon reached out and ran his hand along Tara's cheek, and chuckled horribly when she snapped her head back and shoved his hand away.

"You can't fool me baby. I know you're scared of me." He whispered terribly.

Tara held her chin up defiantly.

"If I'm so scared of you, why don't you try something?" she stared him dead in the face, using every bit of her willpower not to show him how scared she really was. "Or...am I not the one who's scared?" She raised an eyebrow and glanced pointedly at the teacher.

Leon saw this and also glanced back. Apparently, their presence near the girls had finally been noticed by him, and he was watching them carefully.

He cursed under his breath before glancing up at the girls again.

"This isn't over." he snarled at them. And with that, he and his cronies marched off the the front of the class to terrorize some poor freshman.

When they were gone, the three girls let out a sigh of relief, before sinking back down to the floor. Tara sat with her back pressed against the wall, with Lori and Becca on either side. They leaned against each other, and after letting the feelings come, Tara couldn't stop the trembles that shook her.

Becca and Lori hugged her from both sides, and shared a glance when they felt how she was shaking.

"I'm okay guys." Tara whispered, but regardless to what she said, her body felt otherwise.

"No you're not." Becca said. "We need to tell Mr. R. about this."

"No!" Tara sat up suddenly. "If we get him into trouble, it'll only make things worse. He knows where I live guys! Who knows what he'll do?" She said, looking between them.

Lori clenched her fist. Sharing another look with Becca, they both knew that what Tara said was true. If they told anyone at all, he would most certainly come after her. And more than likely, it would make death seem merciful.

Too shaken up to move, the girls simply sat there for about half the hour before they could shake it off and timidly begin talking about their favorite people. The cartoon characters of course.

"Wouldn't it just be awesome if they like, just popped out of thin air and protected us?" Tara asked wistfully. The others nodded.

"That would be so cool! They'd just walts right in here, teach those punks a lesson and then finish it off with a kiss!" Lori sighed dreamily.

Becca was now giggling madly.

"A kiss for who? The punks or us?" she laughed harder.

"For us of course!" Lori said smirking.

"I dunno Lori...maybe a kiss is what they need!" Tara joined in, all tension and worry leaving her face to be replaced by the normal cheerfulness that often graced her features. The girls laughed and giggled until the end of class, and when the bell rang, the three of them shot out the door like excited children.

Once outside, the girls dropped their bags by the wall of the school and started off on a walk to wait for their parents to pick them up.

Chatting idly, they didn't notice the strange sounds in front of them until they were almost upon the source of it.

Tara halted them with a scream.

Becca and Lori looked up to see what had scared Tara, and screamed as well.

Dead in front of them was not one, but three ferocious looking dogs locked in battle against each other. One was whiter than new snow, and had a slash against his left paw. One was completely black except for one streak of red down his face. The last one was a warm brown color, and the girls gasped when they realized it was not a dog, but a true wolf.

Backing away fearfully, they tried to not make anymore noise then they already had, but as murphy's law would have it, Tara tripped on a fallen stick and hit the ground with an "oof!"

It was enough to catch the dogs attention. To their horror, the animals stopped fighting, and began moving in their direction.

In the process of helping Tara up, the three teens froze, their eyes fixed in horror at the approaching animals.

Becca gave a small whimper of fear.

Tara whispered to the girls, "Let me go...slowly."

They looked confused but did as they were asked. Gently, the removed their hands from her arms, letting her hands fall softly back to the earth.

The dogs still did not attack.

Tara grew on edge, standing on all fours, waiting for them to attack.

But they didn't.

The black dog with the red streak (which Tara realized was the fur not blood) walked slowly forward, closer to Tara who was doing everything in her power to not move.

Reaching her, the black dog stuck it's nose out and sniffed her thoroughly. The girls were standing fearfully a few feet behind.

Tara opened her eyes that she hadn't known she had clenched, just in time to stare straight into the dogs face.

Blue eyes met golden, and it was truly a weird moment. Which the dog broke by swiftly licking Tara's face.

She almost collapsed from shock.

The two other dogs gave small barks and bounded towards the other girls. The white one towards Lori and the brown one towards Becca, each of them also recieving some doggy kisses.

Tara looked at the black one again. He was now sitting right in front of her, a strange look in his eyes.

"Do you have a home?" She asked it softly, and was surprised when the dogs pointed ears drooped.

Taking a risk, she stretched out her hand to pet the dogs head and was VERY shocked when he moved into her hand.

"Then you can come home with me!" She said cheerfully. Her excitement taking over, she enveloped the huge dog in a hug, before realizing what she was doing and began to pull away, but stayed when the great dog growled at her.

Glancing over at the girls with her arms still around the dog, the girls giggled.

They had found some...really weird new friends.

Deciding to keep the strange animals was simple. It took all of a millisecond to make the decision.

Deciding where to put them? Yeah, a whooole different matter.

They had all three called their families and told them they were going to walk home. Which they did. They just happened to take a side trip to their clubhouse. Their parents had told them not to go there because it was dangerous, but the girls had never listened.

To them it was a safe haven, a place they knew would be safe from prying eyes, and as long as it stood, they would continue to meet there.

Reaching the entrance that led into the glade, Tara let go of the black dog's fur and searched for the specific limb that pulled up the other branches to allow them passage. She found it in little time and soon they were in the glade.

The girls sighed happily, all tension leaving them. It was truly the most beautiful place on earth.

Flowers of every sort grew wildly wherever they pleased, but for some reason weeds did not grow. The wind whispered through the giant trees, creating a soothing song of life and peacefullness. The grass was the greenest ever seen, and soft as wool. The trees were big and beautifully green, reaching up to touch the sky. They were absolutely perfect for climbing. And at night, it seemed like the trees would part to let the stars and moon rain down their light on the beautiful place. The entire glade was magical. So magical, that the girls had never seen fit to give it a name. It would do it an injustice to name is wrongly, so they decided never to take a chance and simply call it "The Glade."

The two dogs and the wolf seemed stunned as the girls had been so many years ago when they had found it as children. The three animals creeped in, stepping soflty as though not to break the magic veil. They sniffed around, touched flowers gently with noses or tongues, before finally coming back to the girls and sitting down in front of them as if to say, "Now what?"

Lori giggled and walked softly over to a vined door on the far side of the glade. She pushed it aside and walked through, followed by the white dog, then the girls and the black dog and brown wolf.

What lie behind the vine door was a staircase. It led up into the trees until you couldn't see it. The dogs looked confusedly to the girls. For some reason, it seemed natural to explain to them.

"When we were around twelve, Lori had broken her foot, so she wasn't able to climb the tree to get to the clubhouse. Since we both knew it would be the best thing for her to be in the Glade, me and Becca talked to some of my dads friends and they agreed to help us build a staircase up to the treehouse. Other than us, they're the only two people to see the Glade." Tara smiled, thinking back. "Of course as a surprise we didn't tell Lori until we helped her out here and showed her the stairs."

"Oh yeah thats right! I remember how shocked I was. I almost cried!" Lori said, a smile lighting her face.

"Almost? You totally cried!" Becca said, giving Lori a loving side hug.

"Well, maybe I cried a little!" they laughed and started up the stairs. It actually wasn't that far up, it just looked it. Within a minute they had reached the door to the clubhouse.

Tara reached in her purse, pulled out her key and unlocked the door. Pushing it open, she turned and flipped on the light, and all the lamps turned on.

You might be wondering how they have not only a staircase to the house, but a lock and electricity? Well, before the whole Lori incedent, pretty much all they had was a wooden square. But after doing such a great job with the staircase, it seemed to their construction friends that the house just didn't do the staircase justice. So for a surprise for all the girls, they build them an entire house in the trees while they were away. Their excuse was they had spare time, but the girls were touched and from then on, made a tradition of wrapping their arms around the two men's necks, kissing them and saying, "Thank you for our home." It embarrassed the two workers, so they made sure they did it all the time.

Sighing happily again, the girls sank into the big bed that they shared when they stayed over. They squealed when the dogs came jumping up with them.

"We have to have names for them. We can't possibly go around calling them, "Hey you!" or "Dog!"...it would just be silly." Becca stated, laying on her back, looking at the ceiling.

Tara nodded. "I agree." She looked up into the face of the black dog who had found a comfortable spot on top of her.

"I'll call you...Inuyasha." she said with a grin. The dog's ears snapped up and his eyes widened before he barked approvingly. The girls laughed.

"Well if you're going to name him Inuyasha, then I simply must name mine Koga!" Becca said, grinning widely also. "Koga" barked as well, his tail wagging.

"And mine will be Sesshomaru! But of course we'll call him Fluffy!" Lori finished, and they all burst out laughing again.

Sesshomaru snuffed, but they could see a small doglike grin on his muzzle.

Tara ran her hand along the top of Inuyasha's head.

"If we can't have the real thing, a beautiful dog is just as good right?" She said, smiling fondly at the animal she was already starting to love. Inuyasha raised his head and licked her hand.

Tara sat up, sitting up against the headboard.

"What are we going to do with them? I don't think our parents will be very excited to have a huge animal join the family." She said, thinking of solutions.

Becca also sat up and Lori turned on her side. Koga had his head in Becca's lap and Sesshomaru had his head resting on Lori's side.

"Obviously. Maybe they could stay here?" Becca suggested. Koga and Inuyasha sat up and snuffed disapprovingly. The girls giggled.

"Then again maybe not." she muttered.

Lori chewed on her lip, trying to think of what they could do.

"Maybe they could just sneak into our rooms at night and then leave in the mornings."

"Yeah that would work. But how on earth are we going to feed them? They're huge! We dont have enough money in a month to pay for enough food to feed them for a week!" Becca said, petting Koga's ears. He seemed to be enjoying it, if his closed eyes and lolling tongue were anything to go by.

"I don't know guys. Maybe they could hunt for themselves. There are plenty of rabbits and whatnot out around our houses, and they look more than able to get their own supper. Plus, they probably wouldn't even eat anything we could by them." Tara said, twisting a lock of her brown hair around her finger. She giggled when Inuyasha reached up and licked her face.

"I'm just so surprised that they're so gentle. They looked so ferocious when they were fighting." Becca said, looking to each animal. They wagged their tails innocently, causing the girls to laugh.

"I know. They act like they know us or something." Tara said. "Maybe we were meant to find them." She said with a smile.

Lori and Becca grinned.

"Totally! And just think! If anyone picks on us, we can say, "Sick him!" and they will!" Lori said.

"Maybe...or they might chase their tails!" Becca said, and they laughed again.

Tara's face lost some of it's laughter. The girls caught the look and Becca touched her hand.

"Maybe the reason we found them was so they could protect us from the Bently Brothers." She said confidently.

Inuyasha's ears were up and he moved closer to Tara.

"Maybe." she whispered, not sounding incredibly confident. Shaking it off, she hugged her friends, then placed her first kiss on Inuyasha's nose. He wagged his tail.

"So what should we do with them?" she asked the girls.

"I say we just take them home and sneak them into our rooms." Lori said.

Becca and Tara nodded.

"It's the only thing we can do." Becca said.

The girls spend a few more minutes bathing in the soothing touch of their house and the glade before reluctantly making their way down the stairs, followed by the dogs. Feeling happy, the group left their haven and made their way home.

The girls were lucky enough to live in the save neighborhood, each of them only a house away from one another. At the top of the street they hugged and split for their houses, each making their way to the window to let in the dogs before walking around to the front door.

"Mom? Dad? I'm home!" Tara yelled into the house, and was met by the happy welcome of her small terrior, Abby.

"Hey baby." She said fondly, scratching her ears. She could hear Inuyasha growling softly from inside her room. Abby caught his scent and barked, sniffing eagerly at the crack in the door.

Tara giggled and walked through the house, looking for her parents. She found a note on the bar.

"Hey baby girl, gone to get groceries, be back soon! Love, Mom." Tara read aloud.

"Well that's good. Atleast Inuyasha won't have to be locked up while they're gone." She walked to her bedroom door and opened it. Very quickly there was a huge black blur heading directly for a tiny white blur and Tara laughed her head off watching the two dogs sniff madly at each other. Tara crouched down beside Inuyasha.

"No puppies mister. Got it?" She asked the big dog. Inuyasha stared at her, his eyes clearly saying, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

Tara giggled and rubbed his ears. Standing up, she grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and walked back into her room, letting her dogs into the room with her.

Abby headed straight for her bed and curled up, while Inuyasha stayed right by Tara's side. Petting his head absently, she logged in to msn.

Instantly she pulled up a chat window with Lori who was on.

Inuyasha'sWife15 says:
Hey chica whats up? How's fluffy? giggles
Sesshy'sLover says:
Not much. Fluffy's fine, he almost got us in trouble!!! 0.0
Inuyasha'sWife15 says:
omg how???
Sesshy'sLover says:
Well, he was moving around in my room and his tail hit my lamp and it fell off the table.
Inuyasha'sWife15 says:
OMG!!! did you get caught???
Sesshy'sLover says:
No actually. Mom just yelled at me to quit bouncing around.
Inuyasha'sWife15 says:
phew! Inuyasha's fine, the rents and bothers actually went to get groceries, so we have the house to ourselves. Woot woot!

Koga'sSheWolf Has Just Signed In!!

Inuyasha'sWife15 says:
ah sweet, Bex just signed in, hold on I'll make a conference.

Koga'sSheWolf has just joined the conversation!!

Inuyasha'sWife15 says:
Hey chica! How the wolf?
Koga'sSheWolf says:
Hey guys! Koga's fine, he's sitting here next to my chair staring at the screen. It's kind of creepy actually.
Sesshy'sLover says:
Lol! maybe he's reading our every word! mwahahahhaa
Inuyasha'sWife15 says:
Actually thats kind of creepy to think about. Inuyasha sitting here watching me too.
Sesshy'sLover says:
I dunno, maybe they're just really smart.
Koga'sSheWolf says:
yeah. We all did say they weren't ordinary dogs.
Yeah maybe...well I gtg guys. I think I see the rents in the drive way. If they see Inuyasha?...
Sesshy'sLover says:
We understand, now go!!
Koga'sSheWolf says:
Yeah go hide that big doggy! lol bye!
Inuyasha'sWife15 says:
lol okay! Bye!!

Tara signed out and peeked out the window. Yep it was definitely her parents. She looked at Inuyasha who was still watching her with his golden eyes.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you could read what we were saying." She said thoughfully to the dog. Inuyasha just stared back at her.

Tara heard the creak of the door.

"Tara? We're home! Are you here?" she heard her mom ask.

"Yeah mom, I'm here!" she called back.

Then she jumped. Her brothers were sure to come in here, and if they did, they'd see Inuyasha.

She looked around frantically.

"Go hide!" she begged him, unable to find any place a dog of his size could hide.

To her amazement, he jumped down from the side chair he'd been sitting in, and darted for her closet, effectively concealing himself.

Tara closed her gaping mouth and made a mental note to tell her friends about it.

It was no more than a few seconds after Inuyasha's tail had whipped out of sight that Tara's little brothers, Nick and Adam, came charging into her room to show her the newest cheapie toy they had blown their money on.

She oooed and aaaed the stuff for a few minutes then shooed her brothers out. The instant her bedroom door closed, Inuyasha slid out and sat beside her again, wagging his tail and grinning.

Tara giggled. Looking at the clock, she noticed it was getting later than she had thought. '7:46' pm. the clock said.

"We must have spent longer at our house than we realized." Tara said thoughtfully. Inuyasha sniffed and looked towards the bed then back to her.

Tara raised an eyebrow. "If you were human, I'd almost be offended." she grinned and petted his ears. She realized that she was actually quite tired. A little extra sleep couldn't possibly do her harm. Picking up her cellphone, she quickly three wayed the girls.

"Yo Monkey!" Becca answered.

Tara laughed. "Yo penguin! Hold on one sec, I'll three-way Lori."


Another couple of buttons and Lori answered the phone.

"Hey sweetheart, what's up?"

"I have Bex on the other line, I wanna tell you both something."

Another button and they were all together.

"So whatcha gota tell us?" Asked Becca.

Tara told them about him hiding in the closet, as well as the obvious motion towards the bed.

As she expected, both of the girls were in fits of laughter when she finished.

"I think your dog likes you Tara!" Lori said, and another round of laughter followed. Tara couldn't help but grin.

"Well anyway, I think I might just go with what he said and go to bed. I'm actually really tired." she said with a smile.

"Yeah me too. Early supper and bed sounds fabulous to me." Said Becca.

"Well then ladies, I say we all hang up, grab something to eat, and go to bed!" Said Lori.

"Amen! Love ya girls! Bye!" Tara laughed.

"Bye!" Becca and Lori said together, and they all hung up.

Placing her phone on her bedside table, she told Inuyasha softly to stay in the room, and she slipped out. Quickly making a small turkey sandwhich, she kissed her mom and told her she was going to bed early. Her mom nodded and said,

"That's probably a good thing." She smiled and touched Tara's face. "You have been a little grouchy lately."

Tara laughed and kissed her mothers cheek.

"Love ya mom. Night."

"Night sweetheart."

She quickly scarfed down the sandwhich and washed it down with another water bottle before she went to her room and closed the door.

Sitting on her bed, straight and tall was Inuyasha, looking like he owned the place.

Tara smirked.

"You're going to have to turn around you know. I can't possibly undress in front of a guy." of course she knew that him being a dog it wouldn't really matter, but it was more fun to pretend.

Inuyasha sniffed disdainfully, but to her surprise, turned around to face the wall.

Tara laughed gleefully and quickly stripped and replaced her dirty clothes for warm pajamas. She pulled the curtains closed to make the room dark and pulled the blankets back.

Quickly snuggling in and turning off the light, Tara let out a sigh of contentment. A rustle of fur against blankets was all that was heard as Inuyasha placed himself to her left side, his paw draping over Tara's stomach and his head so close to hers that she could feel his breath.

"You don't believe in personal space do you?" she asked jokingly. Truth be told, she wasn't at all bothered by him. Actually it made her feel safer, and with all the turmoil with Leon Bently, it was a nice feeling.

Inuyasha sniffed again and licked her face, getting the message through clearly for her to go to sleep.

Tara obeyed and with a gentle scratch of Inuyasha's ears, closed her eyes and went to sleep with a smile on her face.

Tara sighed as the comforting feeling of gentle hands pulled her close, embracing her, and she shivered as a gentle kiss was placed on her neck. Turning around she stared into golden eyes, framed by long black locks. She leaned forward to kiss the man's lips...

Tara's eyes snapped open. She looked around, bewildered, at her surroundings, before everything that had happened came back to her.

She put her hand to her face and felt the warmth of a blush. Looking around for Inuyasha, she saw him laying at the foot of her bed, his golden eyes wide open and staring straight at her.

Tara stared in surprise at him, thinking how vivid her dream had been.

"You surely are getting to me boy. And it hasn't even been a full day yet!" she said softly to him. He didn't move, just acknowledged that she said something by blinking.

Laying back down, she closed her eyes. She could feel the warmth of Inuyasha on her legs, and it comforted her. Soon, she had fallen asleep again. This time though, dreamlessly.

One of the ways you don't want to be woken up is by your alarm clock. Another is the startling sound of your phone vibrating on a hard surface next to your head. Tara jumped awake and grabbed her phone. Flipping it open she answered it.

"Yeah?" She said sleepily.

"Tara! They're gone!!" Two voices said at once.

The sleepiness instantly left her as she realized what her friends were saying. She looked around for Inuyasha, but he too was gone. She felt her heart stop and her breath caught in her throat. For some reason, the fact that he was gone terrified her.

"Okay, okay...we just need to calm down guys. They're wild dogs, they probably just went to hunt." Tara said, looking for any excuse other than they had left the girls.

"But how would they have gotten out?" Becca asked, the worry in her voice clear.

"I don't know. But we've had evidence all day of how these aren't ordinary animals. They act like they understand us! It can't possibly be hard for them to figure out a simple lock and door handle." Tara said, surprised when the answer actually made sense. Inuyasha had proven that he understood things, if wouldn't have been that hard for him to slip out.

"Okay, so they're hunting, we'll go with that, but what are they going to do when they see we're gone?" Lori asked.

Tara sighed sadly.

"Guys...I know that we already love them but...we have to face the fact that we've had them a day. We don't own them, and frankly, they aren't likely animals to be owned. If they left to be free, then we have to accept it." Saying this aloud made Tara's heart rip, and she felt a warm tear trickle down her cheek.

Sniffles from the girls were heard from the other side of the phone.

"Yeah." Becca said. "After all, Koga atleast was a wolf. And I don't think Sesshomaru and Inuyasha were ordinary dogs either."

"Yeah. They were too smart." Lori said sadly as well.

Tara sighed. "Well we might as well get ready for school guys. Let's just hope everyone leaves us alone today." she said thinking of a certain creep who terrified her.

Lori and Becca must have understood what she meant.

"We'll make sure he leaves you alone today Tara." Lori said.

"Totally! We'll do karate on him if we need to!" Becca said, trying to lighten the mood.

Tara laughed a little. "Thanks. Well I'll see you at the bus stop in a few. Bye!"

"Bye!" the girls answered.

Tara flipped her phone closed, and just for one minute, let herself have the comfort of crying into her pillow.

The girls in unison felt like the death angel had come. Why they felt like this, they had no clue. All they knew was those dogs were meant to find them, and now that they were gone, they felt like their hearts had run away with them.

Eating breakfast, getting dressed, checking that all the school stuff was there, the girls seperately got ready for school.

Like a rehearsed play, they opened the door, stepped out, and walked from three seperate houses. They met at the corner, hugged each other, and started walking down the sidewalk.

The walk was in complete silence, which was strange for the usually very cheerful girls. Tara looked up, noticing that the other kids that were usually at their stop were no where to be seen.

"Where do ya think?..." she started, but didn't finish as Becca and Lori screamed.

Jumping, Tara stared at them.

"What?" she screamed back.

The girls pointed towards the busstop, and together said,


Tara turned slowly, and gasped, tears forming again in her eyes.

There, sitting side by side, were the dogs. They wagged their tails as the girls ran up to them, and didn't seem to mind as a girl hugged the life out of them. They seemed to understand that it was simply a girl thing.

Tara hugged Inuyasha tight, her day getting better by the milisecond.

She pulled away and gently grabbed Inuyasha's black ears.

"Don't do that again!" She told him. "Please." she finished softly. Inuyasha reached out and licked her face. Tara giggled and kissed his nose.

Looking over, she saw Lori and Becca in similar positions with their dogs.

Tara laughed.

"How on earth are we so attached to these guys already? We haven't even been on a second date yet!" She laughed.

The girls laughed with her.

"I know! It must be their charm!" Said Lori.

"Or their good looks!" Becca added.

"Or maybe it's just cuz they're so darn adorable!" Tara said, and kissed Inuyasha again.

Standing up, but still keeping a hold of the dogs fur, Tara looked around.

"Guys, the walk to school isn't that far. I wanna spend more time with Inuyasha before we have to go to school." She said, and the girls caught her meaning. What she actually meant was she wanted to feel safe a little longer before having to face Leon.

You might be thinking that she worries a little too much about Leon. You're wrong. Leon had been harassing her since she started school, and if she hadn't had her friends, she probably would have dropped.

Becca nodded, standing up as well.

"I agree. It won't kill us to walk a little ways. It can't be more than 15 blocks." she said, petting the wolfs head. His tongue was lolling out and his eyes were rolling in his head. Do you think he was enjoying himself?

"Well then, lets go!" Lori said, and took off at a fast walk with the giant white dog.

Laughing, the girls and dogs raced to school, and for them, the race ended waaaay too soon. It was with dissappointment that their eyes fell upon the high school.

A loud honking startled them, and they looked to see the Bently Brothers drive by, giving leering stares as they passed.

The girls were startled to see Koga, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha burst into furious snarls, staring after the car, their hair on end.

Tara unthinkingly laid a hand on Inuyasha's hand, not even considering that her could have bitten her. But under her touch, his snarls faded slowly until they died, even though his ears never laid back.

She saw that Koga and Sesshomaru were acting likewise, and the girls all shared a glance. They finished the walk up to the school, but as they started to enter the building, the dogs didn't leave their sides.

Tara grinned.

"Should we have a personal bodyguard?" she asked.

"The school wouldn't allow it!" Lori said.

"What would they do? Tell them to leave?" Tara asked. The dogs were still clearly on edge, and looked ready to attack anything that moved.

"True. And plus, if people ask, which they will, we can tell them that they're severly over protective. Which is the truth." Becca added.

Happily, the girls parted, going to their seperate classes. Amazingly, the halls parted for the three of them, and people stared and gasped and screamed and whatnot at the sight of them.

Tara walked through the halls with an innocent smile with her hand firm on Inuyasha's fur. Better not to take any chances.

"Oh won't choir be interesting." she said, and looked forward to it more than she ever had before.

The day passed surprisingly fast, and was probably the best day they'd ever had. The teachers all screamed and threatened to call security until each girl would explain that the dogs simply could not be stopped from coming with them., And after asking the teacher if they wanted to

escort the dog away from the girls that they were so obviously protecting, all arguement stopped and the class went by as smoothly as possible. You wouldn't believe how quiet a rowdy class is when there is a ferocious looking dog that could totally rip your leg off is near.

Finally, the bell rang, signalling that the students were to go to their sixth hours. Tara grinned at Inuyasha and grabbed her stuff. Once again, the hallways were cleared, everyone trying their best to steer clear of the animals.

Walking in the door, the girls re-united at the back of the room, and the dogs plopped themselves comfortably beside them.

Their attention was caught by the teacher.

"Uh, people! People, excuse me! Uh, um, due to some...extra members of the um, choir...we will be having another study hall!" He stuttered, his eyes constantly moving up to the dogs who were looking up at him hungrily. When you see a dog look at you like that, you run.

And he did.

The girls laughed and gently told their dogs to stop looking at the teacher like that. They finished what homework they had and decided to simply talk, so with the dogs lying with their heads in the girls laps, they enjoyed the last hour.

Everything was broken by the three dogs sitting up and snarling. Looking up as well, the girls saw the predictable sight of the Bently Brothers, although not looking quite as sure of themselves. Tara grinned.

"What's wrong Leon? This is my dog, Inuyasha. Oh, don't mind him, he hunted this morning." She said smiling brightly, putting emphasis on hunted. Leon twitched.

"So scared you have to bring a stupid guard dog to school now?" Leon sneered, but his sneer lacked it's normal confidence.

"Nah, he just wants to make sure I'm safe. I just couldn't talk him out of it!" She said smiling. Sesshomaru and Koga moved to stand beside Inuyasha who was directly in front of Tara. The brothers took several steps back.

"Not scared are you Leon?" Lori asked, smirking as well.

"Yeah! I wouldn't have thought the great Leon to be scared!" Becca added, grinning widely.

"Better watch your mouth girls. Or Tara just might pay the price for it." He snarled at them, making it clear how much she would suffer if he got too fed up.

"Yeah sure, now why don't you go away, you're stinking up our spot." Tara said, wrinkling her nose.

Leon's eye twitched again and he pushed the other two boys out of the way, moving rapidly down the steps and cursing.

The girls burst into laughter, moving up to hug the dogs tightly.

"You were great!" Tara told Inuyasha quietly. He nuzzled her face and sniffed in Leon's direction as if to say, "Humph!"

The girls giggled and gathered their stuff up as the bell rang.

"Ah! It's a four day weekend!" Becca said in surprise.

Tara pumped her fist into the air.

"Yes! Free days!" She said, slapping Lori a high-five. They all three still had firm holds on the dogs, but the guys didn't seem to mind much. They simply walked beside the girls with their heads held proudly, sniffing disdainfully at random people.

Walking out the doors and heading for home, they raced each other again. The wind rushed through them and the dogs kept at the girls pace, ears flapping as they ran together.

They all slowed in order to not crash into each other as the entrance of the glade approached.

Tara looked in the direction of the path and whispered softly, "Guys, do you hear that?"

The girls became silent and strained to hear.

"Hear what?" Becca asked.

"The sound of someone in the glade." Tara said with worry.

Once glance was all it took for the girls to decide, and taking the dogs, they took a side path and plunged into the trees.

A.N: Well what do you think? It's my first fanfic written by myself so please review and tell me your thoughts! Laters!
