Authors notes: This is just a quick oneshot. I hope you like it. :)

Yellow Smile

Nothing could go wrong. Everything appeared perfect. From atop his tower Sauron smiled evilly at the fact that Middle-earth would be his once again. It didn't matter his ring had not been found yet. He knew the puny mortals would try and use the ring against him.

And once that happens, I shall claim it and cover all the lands in darkness.

He surveyed the land before him. He fixed his eye on the black gate. There the Men of the West stood waiting for the final battle. Sauron knew that soon all would be his, even the heir of Isildur.

At last, vengeance shall be mine.

It was then that he had the deep sickening feeling something was wrong. Things seemed to be going perfect.

Too perfect.

He felt the presence of his ring near Amon Amrath. He quickly sent his Nazgul to claim the ring before it was too late.

He already knew it was too late.

The next thing he felt was his tower falling but he himself was floating.

I am not going to Valinor.

But in his weakened state something grabbed him from the air and catapulted him across the sea.

He then knew he was in trouble when the next instant, he was floating in the Máhanaxar with every single Vala present.

Oh this can't be good.

Manwë nodded.

"You are right. This is not good."

Sauron sighed.

Stupid Valar and mind reading.

Manwë seemed to disregard the comment.

"We have decided a punishment for you."

Sauron sighed.

"Oh just throw me into the Void and be done with it already."

The Valar exchanged knowing glances, and Manwë smiled. He shook his head.

"Oh no Sauron. We thought the Void would be too good for you. We've decided on a different punishment."

Sauron then felt himself falling and what seemed like only seconds later, he opened his eyes. He felt different and looked down. His eyes widened with disbelief.

I have a body!

He touched his chest as if to assure him he was right. He then looked down and examined himself. He wore an odd blue vest type thing with a nametag that read 'Sam'.

Sam? That's not my name.

Next to the nametag was a yellow smiley face. He shuddered when he looked at it.

Where am I?

He then looked around at his surroundings. There seemed to be hundreds of humans in this place. Some also wore the strange blue vest with the yellow smiley. He turned around and watched a woman with two small children walk through a door. The door seemed to magically open when they entered. He was going to enquire about it, but then a sentence popped into his head. One he knew he had to say. He smiled at the woman.

"Hello," he greeted, "welcome to Wal-Mart."