Summary: Sakura, Ino, Tenten and Hinata are feed up with their teammates calling them weak, burdens, useless, pathetic and all those other things, so they decided to leave Konoha to prove to them wrong, but little did they know they have lots of problems they must encounter in their journey like the fact they are each pregnant with Konoha's top shinobis Sasuke, Shikamaru, Neji and Naruto and the fact that Sakura's real past is haunting her.

Parings: Sakura/Sasuke, Ino/Shikamaru, Tenten/Neji, Hinata/Naruto




'Inner self'

Prove them wrong

Chapter ten

"Are you sure this is the right address?" Kiba asked the guys as they stood in front of the huge house. They all just nod their heads still looking at the huge place.

'It's so big, I wonder how could they afford this' each of them thought.

"Are you just going to stand there and stare all day?" a little girl asked them. They turned around startled at the blond girl who happened to be Hina.

"Where did you come from?" Naruto asked

"From the store, kaa-san asked me to buy some ingredients she needs for supper" she said before she walked past them to open the door.

"So you coming in or what?" she asked when she entered the house. They all nod and entered the huge place. Hina closed the door and lead them to the living room before she left to give her mother the things she needs.

"Wow! It looks even bigger inside" Naruto said as he observed the room. Suddenly Tori came in to the room and notice it wasn't empty. He looked at the clock and notice they were early. He was about to turn around and leave, but Hina jumped on him from behind.

"TORI-KUN" Hina shouted at him before jumping on him and making him stumble a bit. Slightly annoyed, he asked Hina what she wanted.

"Can you help me with my Hakkeshou Kaiten?

"No" he answered as he pried her of him.





"Pretty please!"


"Pretty please with a cherry on top of an ice cream" she asked once again with her puppy dog eyes

"Will you leave me alone IN PEACE after I help you" he asked emphasizing those two words. She quickly nods her head and he just nod in response.


"You're so troublesome Hina" Muraski said as she came in the room with a game. Hina stuck out her tongue and drag Tori to the backyard. Murasaki looked at the boys who are staring right back at her.

"Do any of you, by any chance, want to play shogi with me?" She asked them with a smile

"Why are you asking one of us instead of someone else?" Kiba asked

"Because kaa-san is busy helping aunt Tenten and aunt Hinata preparing supper and she never was one to like these sorts of game and you just saw Tori and Hina left to go train"

"What about Sakura-chan and her son?" Naruto asked

"I don't know where they are, aunt Sakura just said that she was going to do some training with Heizen when we left you guys. So will one of you play with me?"

Everyone look at Shikamaru, who was currently looking out the window watching the clouds pass by. Chouji nudged Shikamaru's side and told him to play shogi with the little girl.

"Troublesome" he said before he accepted to play and thus starting the game.

In a forest somewhere in Konoha

"Kick higher" Sakura said to her son as he trained with her clone. He kicked the clone and made it stumble a bit, then gave it a strong punch that sent it flying towards a tree and disappear. Heizen stood there with his hands on his knees trying to catch his breathe. He felt a hand on his shoulder and look up to see his mom smiling at him warmly.

"Good job Heizen-kun, let's head back now" Sakura said proudly at her son. He smiled back and stood up straight. He took a few steps before he suddenly collapse from all that training. Sakura knew he would collapse so she caught him before he touch the ground. She stood up with Heizen in her arms and let him rest his head on her shoulder then teleported back at the mansion.

Back at the mansion

Sakura and Heizen appeared in the living room in a swirl of cherry blossom.

"SAKURA-CHAN" Naruto greeted, only to receive a hit on the head.

"Urusai Naruto, I don't want you to wake up my son" she hissed

"Heh-heh gomen" scratching the back of his head

She felt someone look at her and saw it was Sasuke. She looked into his eyes for a few seconds and then looked around. She noticed Mura and Shikamaru playing shogi and from what she saw, it seems like Shikamaru was having a hard time with Murasaki. She noticed all the guys were there and greeted them before she left to bring Heizen in his bedroom.

After Sakura left, Sasuke sigh, then got lost in thoughts. He thought about how team 7 use to be when he came back. Naruto and him always protected Sakura from danger even though they knew she was capable of defending herself, but now she was a new person. She became someone he hardly knew anymore. She had really changed, she wasn't the same girl he knew before she left. She became more beautiful than she was before and grew stronger. Plus, she has a child, a child that wasn't his. It angered him the thought of Sakura with another man that wasn't him and at the same time it made him guilty because he was the reason of her departure in the first place. Then he remembered her words before they fought a few hours ago.

"You guys never knew me to begin with"

It's been bothering him ever since it came out of her mouth. What did she hide from them?

'Whatever it is I'm going to find out no matter what' Sasuke thought.

Sakura P.O.V

When I made contact with Sasuke's eyes I felt like myself being pulled into those emotionless eyes, but before I allowed myself to get lost into his eyes I broke our gaze. I didn't want to remember all those painful memories, just by looking at him I remember them. It just hurts so much.

I looked around and notice all the guys were here. I greeted them before I left them to bring Heizen-kun to his bedroom. After I brought Heizen to his room, I went to my room to take a little nap. A couple of minutes later, I heard Ino yelling at Murasaki to open the door. I decided to get out of bed to take a shower, before going down to greet all the senseis. When I got in the shower and felt the hot water on my body, I immediately relaxed, but it didn't last long when I felt an unknown charka at Heizen's room. I stopped the water from running and took a towel to wrap it around my body before ran out of my room to Heizen's room. When I entered there was a man in black clothes with a kunai in his hand ready to strike my son, but before it touched him, I grabbed the man's wrist and knock him out. I dragged the man a few steps away from my son before I kneeled and place one hand on the ground to create a barrier around my son, then I left dragging the man down the stairs and into the living room.

End of P.O.V

A couple of minutes later the door bell rang.

"MURASAKI, GO OPEN THE DOOR!" Ino screamed from the kitchen.

"Hai" Mura replied and got up to open the door. She looked at the game, then at Shikamaru.

"Don't even think about cheating" she said before she left

After a few minutes, she came back with the senseis and the hokage behind her. She motioned them to sit, before she went back to the game. A few minutes later, Sakura came into the living room with a towel wrapped around her body dragging an unknown man.

'HUBBA, HUBBA check out miss sexy' inner Sasuke said drooling at Sakura's body

She dropped the man on the floor, then left only to come back with two chairs and a kunai. She placed him on one of the chair and tied him up with charka strings, then went to sit down on the other chair facing him. She lift half her arm and suddenly a ball of water appeared in the palm of her hand. Sakura threw the ball at the stranger face and woke him up.

"Who are you?" Sakura asked, but there came no reply. She got up of her chair and walked up to the man.

"Look, we could do this the easy way..." she said before she took out her kunai and placed it on his neck" or the hard way. Choose your pick?"

"I'm not afraid of you, so you could do whatever you want" the man said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh, really?" she said before leaving, then coming back with another ninja in the same situation that he's in.

"I hope you're not expecting your partner to come save you, cause she's a little tied up at the moment as you can see"

"H-How did you know?"

"That's none of your concern. I want some answers and I want them NOW!" she said as her eyes turned purple. The man in front of her shook in fear.

"I-I'm H-Hoshi and t-that's my friend T-Tsuki, w-we're just r-rogue ninjas" the man stuttered out

"Who sent you?"

"I-I don't k-know. A m-man with r-red brownish hair and e-emerald eyes l-like yours p-paid us to e-eliminate you and t-that boy. T-That's all I-I know, I-I swear. Please don't kill me"

Sakura narrowed her eyes when he described the man. She clenched her hands into fist and shook slightly.

"Where did you meet him?" she said as she grab the man by his collar.

"A-A mile a-away from K-Konoha" he answered back with his eyes close. Sakura let go of Hoji and went upstairs, then came back down fully dressed.

"Murasaki go get Hina and Tori from the backyard to inform the others to be on their guard, then go wake up Heizen and bring him here." Sakura ordered the little girl before turning around to leave

"And where are you going?" Mura asked

Sakura look over her shoulder to see everyone except Murasaki looking at her with a questioning gaze.

"I'm going to give a little warm welcome to my oniisan" she said before disappearing in a swirl of cherry blossoms.