"I am never ever going to another Ghost Convention with you two again." Jazz complained as she slipped out of the RV and waited for her father to get her bagage out.

The redhead was now eighteen years old, but she hadn't changed all that much. Her bright orange hair which shone brillantly in the sun, now rested on her shoulders, but it was still pulled back from her face in her trade mark headband. Her turquoise eyes fell on the book full of notes she had pain stakingly gathered.

"I thought you wanted to go, so you could get more on your thesis for Ghost Envy." Maddie smiled as she stretched in the driveway.

"Yes and luckily over a course of two years I could write a book on Ghost Envy, and other ghosts as well." Jazz replied clutching the book closer to her so the wind would not carry her precious work away.

"And you said you'd never want to deal with ghosts." Jack teased placing her brown suitcase down at her feet. In response Jazz stuck out her tounge and picked her luggage up and made her way to the door. The girl grabbed the keys and stuck them in the knob and turned it.

"I hope Danny hasn't destroyed the place too badly while we were gone." Maddie remarked to her husband as she followed her daughter's lead to the door. But the girl in didn't walk in, she just stood in the doorway with a gaping expression, before she let out a scream.

"Jazz what is it!" Jack asked as he and his pushed their daughter aside to see the house.

The walls of the hallway already showed signs of something horrendous that took place. There was dirt all over the walls and a few red smears as well. As the family made their way in the sight just became more gruesome.

There were over turned chairs and furniture, red stains on the walls and carpets. In fact there was one mark on the wall in the living room which was clearly a handprint. There was also green stains as well, but not a lot. On the floor the parents saw an ecto-foamer which had been clearly utilized untill it ran out. Scratches and indents and burned holes were everywhere.

After a quick search through every room and closet, they found no life around the house. But there was a definate sign that someone had been here and that there had been a struggle.

"Jack!" Maddie screeched. "Where's Danny?"

Isn't that incredibly short? I know, the chapters will be much longer, this one was suppose to be short it's a prologue. Oh and hooray for a new story!