The Demon Within

Chapter 5: The Sorting ceremony

The soon heard a voice announcing their arrival. The thugs scrambled into their robes while Harry and Draco put on their clothes with elegant grace. They walked out onto the platform and soon to the boats. Harry had put his bag slung over his shoulder for the weird voice had only said to leave their trunks on the train.

His fingers skimmed over the water as they cruised over the water to the school. Harry told Draco that his name was not really Kit but it was his nickname so Draco would not get mad at him for not telling him his real name. Draco understood and took the information with ease.

The students were soon shuffled into a room and told of the house system and what not then they walked into the Great Hall. Harry looked toward the ceiling with fascination like all the others. He looked on at the singing hat with a funny look on his face before shrugging and deciding to go with the flow around here.

Harry watched the other students get sorted along with his new friend. He soon heard his name called. He walked up to the stool with his demon grace and sat down expressionlessly as all the students in the hall whispered and tried to get a look at him.

The hat soon went down over his eyes and he heard the hat's voice start to talk as it looked through his memories to see where he should go. In the end his fox-like cunning won out and the hat shouted to the school in its booming voice, "SLYTHERIN."

The hall was quiet with shock as the Slytherin house politely clapped for their new house members. Harry took a seat next to Draco and watched the rest of the ceremony. Harry sucked on his sucker as the headmaster stood up and said his piece. He shook his head amusedly as the old man said his odd words before sitting back down.

He pilled his plate with food and chatted with the people around him a bit till he got bored a bit. He tried to push the feeling away but it came back in full force and he just had do something mischievous it would go against his fox honor if he didn't.

He ran a hand inconspicuously through his back length hair and grabbed some seed. He made some vines grow out and a few others. With careful handling he placed several stink plants under all the tables then had the vines retreat back to his hands.

He returned the vine seeds to their place then waited for the right moment. Just as the desert disappeared Harry told the stink plants to let loose. Soon the hall was filled with the obnoxious smells that only an especially bred stink plant could possess.

He laughed uproariously as the students scrambled out of the hall in a panic to escape the smell. He had a rose he had grown in his hand to keep away the bad smell as he laughed. He stopped laughing when he felt a large pale hand grab a hold of his shoulder in a vice grip. He turned toward the hands owner with an innocent look on his face.

The hand belonged to a very pale man dressed in all black that seemed to have a bubble wrapped around his head. Behind the man were several of the other teachers including the headmaster all wearing the weird bubbles. Harry shook off the hand with practiced ease and walked toward an older woman with a mischievous look in his eye.

"Why my fair lady please tell me your beautiful name and I shall forever be within your debt." Harry bowed and kissed her hand in a knightly manner. The old woman had a flabbergasted expression on her face as Harry went and did the same to the other woman. The other woman smiled in an amused way before responding in kind.

"Why sir you are too kind I am Pomona Sprout, the head of Hufflepuff house. And the other woman is Minerva McGonagall, Head of Gryffindor house." The woman curtsied to Harry. Harry bowed in kind again before taking two more roses from seemingly nowhere and handing them to the two women.

Professor Sprout took it happily. Then looked disappointed that she couldn't sniff it thanks to the bubble. Harry assured her that the rose would keep the smell at bay for her. The two woman pulled out their wands and their bubbles were soon gone. They held their roses close to their faces like Harry.

The sound of someone clearing his throat brought Harry out of his attempt to make the females blush till they could blush no more from his charm. He turned and blinked as if he had forgotten that the men were there.

"I'm sorry am I ignoring you? Well let me remedy that." Harry went around and kissed hands, bowed, and handed out roses to them all. He was grinning as he stood in between the two women at a safe distance. He watched as the headmaster and a smaller man hold back the man that was dressed in black. Harry could tell that the man just wanted to strangle him that made him grin wider.

The man dressed in black was soon calmed down and all the introductions were made. Went and picked up the bag before coming back and asking why they were staring at him.

Professor Snape sputtered that he was in trouble for setting off something called dung bombs in the Great Hall. Harry listened to the explanation with a serious air. "I'm sorry but I'm not the one to set off these 'dung bombs' of which you speak. Though I will admit to placing these under all the tables." He walked toward one of his stink plants and had it detach itself from the table.

"It has to be exposed to screams of disgust every once in a while to keep the smell potent." He said this with a serious air. "I figured this would be as good a time as any to feed them their screams." Professor Sprout came forward with interest in her eyes. He let he examine the plant but not touch it. "It will burn your skin." He said as an explanation. "It won't burn me because I have cultivated it and its brothers and sisters since I crossed the plant breeds." That explained his bare hands toward the plant.

He set the plant on top of the table and had the other stink plants detach themselves from the other tables and come to him. He picked them up one by one and set them on the table. "See how they look so healthy now. These ones leaves are particularly bright because they were near some little girls that had gave great screams." He explained the plant with a professorly air.

"As much as we enjoy the lesson we're afraid that you will still have to be punished if not for setting off the stink bombs then for not informing a teacher of the plants feeding." The headmaster finished with a smile while holding the blue-petaled rose that he had given him close to his face to keep the smell at bay.

Harry nodded then started touching the plants lightly one by one till they stopped producing the stink. He sat down on the bench in front of the table and set his pack to the side. He opened one of the side pouches and stuck his arm way in and grabbed an air refreshing plant. It was rapped around his hand as he pulled it out but it soon set to its task of cleaning the air when it was fully out.

It soon finished its task. The plant was now two times bigger than it was before and the air was free of the awful stink and it didn't even have a food smell in the air anymore. Harry set the plant back into its place in the pouches. Harry then started to deposit the stink plants in the same pouch one by one. Once they were out of sight in the back he took his energy back and returned all of them to seed form.

After the last one was set in its place Harry closed the pouch. He smiled at the teachers and inquired as to what his punishment was. Professor Sprout quickly said it would be with her in the greenhouse three on Saturday afternoon after lunch because she wanted to know more of the two plants he had shown.

Harry nodded then asked where he would be staying. Professor Snape motioned for him to follow as the rest of the teachers departed. Harry walked and followed the man as he walked down into the dungeons till they came upon a blank stretch of wall.

Harry watched as the man said something in Latin and the wall opened up. The rest of the house sat around the fireplace with a glare on their faces directed toward him. Harry put a cute confused look on his face and the glares lessened at least from the female half of the room. Some of the guys eased up their glares including Draco he was happy to note.

Snape pointed toward a place for him to sit before standing in front of the fire with a menacing look on his face. He told them the house code of honor plus the rules. Then his face eased up and he told them that they could come to him anytime they needed help with something.

End Chapter 5

An: I really hope you like the chapter. Please tell me what you think.