Dislcaimer: Naruto was created and is owned by Kishimoto Masashi

Am just one of 'em fans

A bottle of sake is one too many

He peered into the clear liquid in his shallow cup. How he wished he could see his reflection, see how the furrows on his forehead mapped his lingering anxiety. He took a sip. The alcohol warmed his mouth, throat and chest. He then felt better. A nervous chuckle escaped his pursed lips.

How troublesome.

"Shikamaru!" the familiar brazen voice sent sharp tingles to his ears.

Hear we go.

"Why didn't you tell us about this meeting earlier?" piercing blue eyes shot him a deadly stare that could kill a thousand hippos in an instant. "And, what the hell is that in your hand? The sun has barely set! Are you aiming to get hammered before 10?"

Ino strode angrily towards Shikamaru and stopped beside him, both hands on her hips. Her hair was a wet mass, combed straight nonetheless. Her orange top (too faded for the likes of Ino) had blotches from water droplets, as well as the remnants of toothpaste from hurried brushing.

Maybe it was a bad idea to call while she was in the shower.

He was about to mutter one of his customary lazy retorts, when the blonde konoichi's scent momentarily dulled his usually rapid mental processing. She smelled like cucumber with a hint of honeydew.

Then again, maybe not.

His stunned silence seemed to have caught her off-guard for instead of giving him a litany of "what-the-hell", paraphrased in the most colorful ways (which only Ino was capable of doing) she simply took the stool beside him and waved to the bartender for another sake cup.

"So, what's come up?" Ino spoke, her irritation apparently waning, "This better be good. I had to forego a long warm bubble bath"

Bubble bath...

Shikamaru shook the thought away before it could to take on a life of its own.

"Waiting for your sake cup won't hurt, you know. Why are you always in a rush?" Shikamaru took a long languid sip "And, why are you always so loud?"

With a quick and forceful gesture, Ino grabbed the sake cup proffered by the bartender and downed two shots before a surprised Shikamaru could even blink.

"Oy Ino, easy on the drink" he ceased her hand before she could launch a third shot, "I was just kidding."

Shikamaru was sure that his words had not helped. But sensing that she relaxed, he let go.

Thank you, alcohol.

They sat quietly, almost statuesque, each focused on some faraway object. The midsummer night was squalidly humid, and smoke wafting from nearby tables compounded the heaviness of surrounding air. As the night drew on, the bar began filling up and the cacophonous chatter gradually eased the growing tension between the two.

"So you must've heard already" Shikamaru made the first attempt. "Naruto is returning..."

No reply

"Sasuke too"

"Mm" Ino's mumbled response was barely audible. Shikamaru glanced furtively, eyeing any subtle change in her expression.

So far so good.

Shikamaru took a big gulp of sake. Feeling the tight knot at the pit of his stomach loosen, he cautiously continued.

"Will you and...Sakura be...you know...alright"

"What's your point?" Ino flashed him a questioning look, seemingly vexed rather than startled.

"Well...er...I know its none of my business...just that...you two have been getting along again these past few years...I just thought..."

"We're not kids anymore, Shika" Ino hastily poured herself another cup, but decided holding off drinking it. A wry smile formed on her moist lips as she stared blankly into space.

"If you like Sakura, it doesn't have to pass through me. I'm not your mother, you know. You could ask her out for all I care."

Shikamaru felt half of his drink violently leave his mouth as he went into a coughing fit. A stinging sensation surged through his nasal passages, and he felt his eyes water profusely.

"What the!" He stammered as he tried to form the words between gasps, "Wait a minute...Wha...gave you... that... idea?"

Ino snickered uncontrollably at the sight of her spastic, beet-red, team-mate. He suddenly seemed so frail and sickly, instead of "lean and lanky" (as he had once emphatically put it). She thrust her napkin forcing him to take it as she tried to control herself from convulsing with laughter.

"I'm glad... I provided you... with your much needed entertainment..." Shikamaru groaned as he forcibly cleared his throat.

Without hesitation, Ino was immediately behind him giving him a good pat. After a few minutes, he was again inhaling with ease, but decided to remain hunched a little longer to enjoy his comrade's soothing back rub. He was glad that she had handed him her napkin. It was all that could conceal his widening grin.

Tough…on the outside. That's Ino.

"As I was saying...you don't have to pretend...I'm not blind you know."

Try dense.

"Must we revisit the past?" she teased, coaxing a perplexed Shikamaru to haphazardly rummage through vague memories within the past decade.


"Remember our first chuunin exam...what am I saying? Of course you do...you were the only one who passed..."


"Remember when "forehead" was in trouble...you went out of your way to convince me to extend a helping hand...YOU…you, who wouldn't normally give a shit"

"Oy Ino!"

Shikamaru massaged his throbbing temples, wishing he had an aneurysm that would suddenly pop and free him from the unanticipated turn in their conversation.

Any minute now.

"...and you've always been annoyed with Sasuke ever since we got into the academy...Sasuke, who Sakura so adores"

He paused, exasperated disbelief written all over his face.

"Everyone ADORED sasuke...might you forget, that included YOU..." He hissed as he sensed his temper rise exponentially, "What ever did YOU see in that guy?!"

Ino gingerly took a sip, ruminating on the question.

"Hmmm...He's smart, highly skilled, tragic...enigmatic"

"Arrogant, Antisocial...overly dramatic...a real EMO, if you ask me."

"What the hell is your problem?" Ino asked sharply, as she slapped her cup on the counter.

Me, you... this

"You talk too much..."

"You started the conversation!"

"and YOU have dominated it...as usual"

Another awkward silence again fell upon them. This time both of them opted to stare heatedly at the hardwood floors.

"This is getting tiresome," Shikamaru whispered to himself. His limbs were beginning to feel numb, and the droning noise made it seem like his world was caving-in.

"So, I'm not just troublesome but tiresome...that's a level-up. Thank you for the special distinction. Tell me what's sooo important when it becomes less bothersome for you...I'm leaving."

She started for the door, but was almost thrown off balance when Shikamaru swiftly snatched her right wrist and pulled her back towards him. Instinctively, her arm wrapped around his neck to steady herself from falling, pressing her cheeks to his warm chest.

Cucumber and honeydew.

Instantly aware of their proximity, Shikamaru shoved her back to her seat almost too roughly. His eyes seemed to frantically search the room for something until they finally rested on his feet.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to...I mean…I didn't mean it that way..." Shikamru fidgeted uneasily trying to find the proper words, "I really wanted...needed... to talk"

Stiffly, he pulled out his stool and sighed deeply, praying that some semblance of composure would grab hold of him…fast.

He cursed under his breath.

Shougi is so much damn easier than this.

---to be continued