Disclaimer-I do not own Twilight or New Moon ( that includes the characters in it). I could only wish to write that well. That said, the character Sage is mine.

Fire and Ice

Chapter 1- The Mission

She stormed through the hallways with a purpose. Aro had interrupted her in England, he better have had a good reason. She came to the ' waiting' room and stopped.

" Tell Aro I'm here." She snapped and went to walk through the door when Gianna attempted to stop her.

" Excuse me, you can't go through there without one of the-" Sage whipped around and lowered her hood, a low growl emerged from the back of her throat. " Oh.. . Sage, it's you. Okay, go ahead." Gianna blurted out, her face a chalky white. Sage smirked and finished walking through the door down the long hallway. She reached the room and drew open the doors, then flew into an armchair in the corner. Her hand rubbed her head, if she could get a migraine, she'd have one. Her long brown hair was covering her face when Aro glided into the room. She knew he was there, but stayed down, not wanting to see him just yet. His slender fingers pushed back her hair and smiled.

" Sage. Welcome back." He breathed into her ear. She moved from his grasp, walking over to the fireplace.

" Yeah, yeah. What did you need Aro?" He joined her near the fireplace, his hand running down her arm. She faced him, her eyes a pale green.

" I need you to do me a favor."

" This I know. What's the favor." He leaned forward and pressed his cold lips to hers. For a small second she gave in, her hand flew to his face and she pulled him in deeper. He let out a small purr, which she soon joined. He backed her into the fireplace, a couple candles fell- they weren't lit thankfully. She finally remembered she was angry at him and backed away. Wiping her mouth off with her hand, he'd just fed.

" Ew." She muttered. He smiled and leaned back in, his mouth trailing along her neck.

" Remember Edward and Carlisle? You need to go visit them again. I guess Edward has found himself a pet, and she knows everything. She needs to be turned, and we need you to make sure it happens." He whispered.

" Hmm. I guess I could do that."

" Thank you. So, will you be leaving right away? Or will you stay for dinner?" He teased.

" Haha Aro." She pulled him off her neck and stared into his burgundy colored eyes. They both turned when they heard someone walk in, Marcus.

" Must you two be at it every time you get together?" He complained. Sage smiled and bent down to kiss Aro once more, then was at the doorway.

" Actually I was just leaving." She said, but before she left she felt a tug on her blood red cloak.

" You have one week, then I'm coming over there." Aro said to her.

" Fine." And with that, she was gone.

Bella's POV

We sat there in a quiet silence. We were having another argument about my being changed. God, why was he so damn stubborn? He ran his fingers through his light brown hair, his eyes had changed to a darker honey color. I must've really pissed him off. The rest of the family was sitting there, soaking in the quiet.

" So. . ." Emmett said, trying to get anybody to talk. I finally just rolled my eyes and looked at Carlisle.

" Can you please talk some sense into him?" I whined, I was happy about the whining, but there was nothing else I could really do. I had to get someone to back me up that Edward would listen to.

" I think, you two need to talk." He said softly. Then, following his suit, the family got up and left. Where they went, I have no clue. I turned to Edward and sighed.

" Edward, I know how you feel about changing me, but it's my decision!"

" That I will have to live with for the rest of eternity. I am not taking away your life. That is the last time I'm telling you Isabella." Ooo, the whole name, I was in trouble.

" Edward! Why are you being so hardheaded! Why can't you please just put yourself in my shoes!"

" I am! That's why I won't change you! You don't understand Bella, this isn't fun! I wouldn't wish this upon anyone! I love you too-" He stopped. His head flew up and he turned to the door. I looked around. The family was back in the room also, all looking at the door. Edward turned towards Carlisle.

" Bella, I need you to go stand by them." He whispered. I nodded my head and stood next to Emmett. I didn't know what was going on. All of a sudden Edward whipped the door open and there was a girl standing there. To be more exact, a really really beautiful girl. She was almost prettier then Rosalie. She stepped inside and smiled. She dropped her cloak, it was a sunny day, and turned to us.

" Ah, the Cullens. Happy to see me?" She said. Then she turned to me. " And you must be Bella."

A/N ok, this is my first twilight/new moon fan fic. Hope you guys like it  Oh, and I might not get the second chapter posted for a bit because I'm still trying to get my stuff acceptable on the site, I had a friend post this for me because she's flipping awesome 
