Disclaimer: I do not own Stargate SG1 or any of it's affiliated characters and locations.

Title: Savoir Aimer

Summary: Knowing how to love, knowing how to love each other, and knowing how to love something new. Time changes people and Daniel and Vala cant change who or what they are... carpe diem!

Pairing: Daniel/Vala

Rating: PG13.

Genre: Drama/Romance

Chapter 1: PK6-254

As he stepped free of the event horizon and onto the dais at the other side, Cam glanced back briefly as the rest of his team followed suit before turning back to survey the lush landscape before him. Sharing a brief look with Carter on his right he turned to the others, taking a breath "let's-"

"Colonel Mitchell," Teal'c's abrupt tone cut him off and his steady stare to somewhere behind him, the same expression in some form or another on Daniel and Vala's faces he turned slowly around.

Peering out from behind the shrubs and trees were dozens of people, their piercing gaze fixating on the newcomers to their world, curiosity getting the better of many as they straightened and took tentative steps forwards.

"Hello!" Vala moved from her position behind Daniel "we're from a planet called-" a hand on her shoulder made her pause, silencing her quietly but not without rolling her eyes.

"Earth," Daniel continued "my name is Daniel Jackson," he stepped from the dais and gestured back to his team, pointing at each in turn "this is Teal'c, Colonel Cameron Mitchell, Colonel Samantha Carter and Vala,"

One particularly 'daring' woman moved further forward, coming to a halt maybe three feet from Daniel, large green eyes wide with a childlike curiosity "you come through the circle?"

"Yes," he confirmed what they had seen softly, smiling when the woman reached for his hand and held it palm against palm against her own.

She tensed when an almost unperceivable noise broke through the harmony of the songbirds that whispered in the background as Cam altered his hold on his gun. "We will not hurt you," she said staring straight at him, he almost backed up at her intense stare but instead squared his shoulders and went to stand by Daniel "good," he said raising his eyebrow as Daniel removed his hand from the woman's hold.

"My name is Amina," she beckoned her people out of hiding "come," she said, her fiery hair shimmered in the sunlight that had bronzed her skin over many years of playing and working. Her shawl slipped a little in her enthusiasm and she shifted it back.

As Daniel was tugged away in a tide of eager people, chattering amicably with each other and him as they headed towards what Cam assumed was their settlement some two miles away from the 'gate.'

"Woah there Jackson!" he called after them "wait up!" he jogged a little to catch up with the cheerful brigade, Sam, Teal'c and Vala on his heels

The town was a bustle of talk and movement, trading taking place at market stalls, children playing outside the large tents that were presumably homes, laughter buzzed and no one seemed very unnerved by the small crowd that moved swiftly through their presence.

"Haayth!" Amina called loudly "Haayth there are visitors from the great circle!"

'Haayth' was a friendly looking man, regal in his sand coloured robes, blue eyes twinkling in delight "welcome!" he declared spreading his arms wide and smiling broadly at his guests.

"Uh… hi," Cam gave him a half wave, glancing at Teal'c who simply raised his eyebrow, he cleared his throat "Jackson,"

Daniel brushed off the last of the villagers and moved back to the metaphorical 'safety' of his team. The chatter had mostly not been aimed at him although he had managed to ascertain they were a peaceful people with no intention of harming anyone. Visitors from the 'great circle' were not regular.

It also seemed that Amina held a position of great power within the community, not necessarily as a leader but more as someone whom the villagers respected and adored, and was easily able to influence with her gentle manner and fearless air.

"Looks like you got yourself a fan club there," Cam muttered and Daniel gave him a look, took a breath and turned to Haayth who addressed him almost immediately;

"Where do you travel from?" Haayth asked, stepping closer to the group, the crowds falling silent as he did so "what do you seek?"

"We're just looking to make friends," Vala piped up from behind Teal'c's bulky figure, quieting when she received no response from her company.

Cam ignored her "Earth. We're from a planet called earth,"

"How did you come to this planet?" Daniel attempted to spike conversation but Haayth avoided it, laughing slightly.

"That does not matter my friends, for now let's celebrate! will you join us?" he gestured to the lengthy table that had previously been empty but was now decorated from top to bottom with fruits and meats of all kinds, floral decorations and needlessly lit candles interspersed the plates and goblets lining the edges.

Benches fit to be seating three or four a time were side by side along the table edge, and no one was given chance to respond as they were rapidly ushered to seats.

"Well these people seem a happy bunch," Vala slipped onto the bench next to Daniel, snagging a what-looked-like-a-chicken-leg from a nearby platter and biting it as the villagers lunged at the food as if they hadn't eaten in days. Plates piled high with food placed in front of them all and Daniel nodded in thanks to his 'waiter' before she ducked her head in embarrassment and muttered something to her friend.

"We have much to be content about!" Amina grinned at them, sipping her goblet of wine "we are blessed with good fortune and long lives!"

Cam raised an eyebrow, leaning into Sam's personal space he whispered "does she seem drugged to you?" he received no reply.

"We have the ability to love and be loved. What is there not to be happy about my dear?" she fixed her gaze on Vala who paused.

The leg of meat half way to her mouth, her eyes flicking from Daniel to Cam who sat either side of her "what?" she said with her mouthful, swallowing soon after "what?"

Haayth frowned in worry, these people seemed insistent, concerned and most certainly not as light hearted as they should have been "we have seen no one of your description" he said "why don't you come and-"

"Can you hold on there for just two seconds?" Vala interrupted, smiling sweetly at him and tugging at Daniel's sleeve and Teal'c's arm when Haayth nodded graciously their exit and departed without another word.


"So the Prior's haven't been here yet that means it won't be long before they arrive right?"

"Right," Cam agreed.

"Well why don't we take advantage of the resources they have here and see if they have anything useful we could use?"

"I doubt there's anything here that would help us but I suppose it's worth a try," Sam looked at each of her team members in turn.

"Sam and I'll go talk to the locals, Jackson, you and Vala go check the town archives and Teal'c…"

"I will continue to question Haayth," Teal'c inclined his head.

"So we're sorted," Cam clapped his hands together "we'll rendezvous back here in thirty minutes,"

"We'll be there," Vala said, enthusiasm shining through before she ran to caught up with Daniel who had begun his walk back to the main bustle of the town, his pack in his hand.

"Try and find out why they're all so chipper!" Cam called after them, receiving an off beat wave of acknowledgement from Daniel in response.

"So what exactly are we looking for?" Vala asked as the young boy, Ratej, scurried away after showing them the small stone building off to the side from the rest of the village.

"I have no idea," Daniel muttered, tracing a finger along the bookshelf nearest him and plucking one out at random.

Vala stood next to him, attempting to read the minute text from over his shoulder "what's it say?" she rested her chin on his shoulder.

"I have no idea," he breathed, brow furrowing as he attempted to figure out which language the strange dialect derived from "maybe – Vala get off," he shrugged her away and pouting suitably the young woman began perusing the shelves on her own.

Dust ridden volumes stacked high in to the rafters of the circular room, leather bound tomes all in the same language as the one in Daniel's hands. She had barely gotten half way round the room when Daniel spoke "it's a code," he announced, pulling pen and paper from his pack and began scribbling notes down.

"Well?" She hopped up onto the table crossing her legs and snatching the paper from his hand, much to his annoyance "well this isn't English,"

"No" he snatched it back "it's a form of-"

"What's that?" Vala asked, staring straight over Daniel's head, Daniel scrambled from his seat and stared also at the approaching duo.

Two floating forms sped towards them, an ethereal glow emanating from them. Their dress similar to that of the villagers but seemingly older.

"Hello?" Daniel tried but all that did was speed up the couple's approach, neither made a sound, he stepped around the table backing up towards the door, pulling his zat out at the same time as Vala armed hers and followed his example.

"Daniel?" Vala asked, "shouldn't we-"

He did not reply but rather fired the zat, giving Vala the answer she desired she did the same, both blasts went straight through them, hitting the opposite wall uselessly. Daniel and Vala shared a look of horror and before they could make quicker move to the door all went black.

"Where's Jackson and Vala?" Cam asked as he and Sam walked over to where Teal'c stood passively waiting where they had agreed too.

"They are not here," Teal'c stated.

Cam gave him a patented 'yeah?' look before glancing in the general direction of where Daniel and Vala had gone "you have any luck?"

"I did not. Haayth seemed most reluctant to speak of his heritage. Although he appears to be particularly fond of consuming much food,"

"We'll head down to the library,"

Their boots crunched heavily on the gravel path earning the three fifths of SG1 cheery smiles and waves of greeting, smiling in acknowledgement Cam quickened his step before coming to a halt near a group of playing children. "Hey kid," he called to the nearest, a boy, a mop of straw coloured hair flopping into startlingly blue eyes, he looked to be little older than four, five at most "what's your name?"

"Iskal" the boy replied "you looking for D'nel and Valah?"


"Town arch… archi…" Iskal grew frustrated "this way," he ran on short legs ahead of the trio and as he disappeared round the corner Cam had to jog to catch up. Iskal was faster than he looked "there," he announced, puffing a little from exertion.

"Thanks," Cam patted Iskal on the head, which made the boy giggle with delight before scampering back to his friends.

Eyeing Teal'c's amused expression and Sam's soft smile Cam twisted the handle of the strong oak door in front of him, allowing it to swing open he was hit by a wall of darkness. "Jackson?" he called the torch on his weapon illuminating a thin strip of the room, it was immediately accompanied by two more.

"Vala?" Sam's voice echoed through the chilly room, ricocheting of the stone walls.

A sudden noise behind him made Cam whirl round his torch beam landing directly on the duo they had been looking for.

Daniel had Vala pinned against the wall, their lips locked together whilst her hands wandered in places Cam did not want to think about. Daniel had one hand entwined in the silky dark hair spilling over her shoulders as it appeared the ties for her pigtails had long since been removed and his other arm holding her flush against his body.

Cam looked both to his left then to his right, Sam and Teal'c had come to flank him and both held their own respective looks of surprise as his gaze turned once more to the couple in front of them.

Author's Notes: Second SG fik, first one that isn't a tag please don't flame or be mean, reviews are good though:P