Disclaimer: Don't I wish.

Vinnie & Cloudy-boi foreva!

Installment 3



Cloud sat down on the soft tan couch, leaning sideways until his shoulder lightly brushed Vincent's. The gunman let his lips tug upwards into a half smile at the sentimental 'nudge', and assuming the only others in the room where asleep he obediantly met the chaste kiss the blond offered.

Suddenly though there was movement as Marlene shifted in the sleeping bag before them, turning to properly face them were they sat on the lounge watching over her and Denzel.

Cloud started slightly in surprise, "Marlene-"

She seemed to struggle to find the right words, and no wonder - her happy world no doubt had Cloud and Tifa paired up and half way down the aisle. But in the end she merely smiled, and informed them innosently, "love is pretty."



It was fun, gratifying in a way neither of them would have really beleived - yet still, as they showered away the mess they had made on each other - they both had to agree. No matter how fun it was baking the damn cookies, the flour bloody well got everywhere.



More then a hunger, it was a yearning. A call of want and need so much stronger then even the demonic whispers from inside his mind.

Vincent found himself feeling things he never thought he could again - feeling things he's almost certain he shouldn't be able to.

Yet still...

Its getting harder and harder to deny the feeling's welling inside him at the slghtest innosent glance from his blue eyed leader. It's getting harder and harder to pretend that he doesn't see the same flicker of emotion across Cloud's face when he catches him watching.

But most of all, it's getting harder to stop himself from letting go and claiming his beautiful second chance.




Remind me never again to try and do something cheesy and romantic.

NEVER AGAIN! Understood?

Not only did Vincent's coat catch fire, his claw got chewing gum on it AND he was alergic to almost everything the people at the table next to us were comsuming as though their lives depended on it.

The waiter was hitting on him the entire time, Tifa was calling every three minutes and im sure I saw Cid spying through the damn window!

I absolutely refuse to ever attempt a romantic date ever ever EVER again.

I walk Vincent to the hotel he's staying at, mind already thinking up the best way to tell him my decision.

"What a night," he comments, emotions well hidden as always.

"What a mess," I correct, and before I can add anymore there's a blur of movement and a chaste moment of warmth as his lips touch mine.

"We'll have to do better next time," he agrees, and before I could meet his eyes - he's gone.

Leaving me with my surprised little blush and a giddy little smile.

Im SO trying that again.



It was a long while before Vincent could say with absolute certainty that yes, he really could be in love with his blond haired partner, and no, he couldn't make himself leave even if it was to make up for past sins.
