History: Holy shiznit! 19 comments total oO I think I'm going to write more chapter based stories from now on scheme, scheme. Well, it's been a long journey, here it is, the final chapter. Oh, and I've made an account on deviantART and I'm seriously considering to sensor all my upcoming fics and post the real thing there. I'm not sure, what do you think?

Anyways, thus last chapter is my birthday present to myself, even though I don't have birthday until 20th of December. I deserve it XP.

"Axel, wh… why…?"
"You sure love to talk. It's about time you shut up - forever."
"No… Don't do it…!"
"We're nobodies, Vexen. We've got no one to be, but we still 'are'. So look on the bright side. You're off the hook. Now you can be nothing instead of just being nobody."
"M-mercy, Axel! I don't want to... go yet..."
"Now you can tell me I don't respect my elders."


Marluxia made a move to open the door to his room as Axel's voice called for him from further down the hall.

"Hey, XI! Wait up!"

The Graceful Assassin turned to find a self-satisfied pyro next to him. Then he noticed Axel's clothes had small splatters of blood on his arms and chest. It was obvious he came right from battle, seeing his chakrams were still summoned. One of them were half coated in blood, even some small strands of flesh dangling from it.

"And exactly what have you been up to, number VIII?" Marluxia asked with a frown.

"I just eliminated a traitor," Axel said, obviously pleased with himself. "Vexen was about to give away our little plan to the key bearer. I made sure he didn't."

Marluxia's eyes grew wide as saucers.

"You… killed Vexen?"

"Is this proof enough for you?" Axel said, giving a low snicker as he lifted the messy chakrams. "All in all it was Zexion who warned me about the treachery, but you know he never do the dirty work."

No. That was not the reason Zexion had sent Axel. He hadn't expected the pyro to give him any credit at all, thus remaining innocent. Marluxia didn't know what to say or do. Most of him refused to accept the fact that Vexen's blood was all over the Flurry Of Dancing Flames, the rest of him was screaming mentally of pain as the truth began sinking in. He turned his back to Axel. No one must know…

"We will not accept treachery. You are dismissed, number VIII."

It took all his strength to keep calm. Axel wasn't the culprit here. Still, he would personally see to it that the next time the pyro arrived soaked in blood, it'd either be Zexion's or his own. Axel was a little bit disappointed as he didn't even receive a 'well done', but he expected nothing else from the cold leader of Castle Oblivion and teleported away.

Marluxia slammed the door shut behind him and slumped down on his bed. Silent tears slid down his face. His whole body was quaking. Sharp sobs escaped him now and then. To hell with the Organization! He had lost everything by the time it took Axel to swing his chakrams. He fell to his side, overwhelmed by his shaking body. He curled up, regardless of how humiliating his crying form would be if anyone walked in seeing him. He didn't care any longer and eventually fell into a light slumber, crying even in his sleep.



Said one stirred at the soft voice but his eyes remained shut. You're dreaming…

"Marluxia," the voice repeated, a hand stroked his hair gently. Blue eyes shot open to meet green ones. He blinked and sat up so urgently that the blond sitting on the edge of his bed fell of, landing hard on the floor.

"Vexen? But you… but how…?"

Vexen gave a chuckle at the other's confused face. Seconds later he was knocked breathless as Marluxia attacked him, hugging him a bit too tight.

"Ugh… M-Marluxia. It's okay. I'm fine. Axel didn't get to harm me.

"Then what? I don't understand," Marluxia mumbled into Vexen's hair. "I saw the blood, I heard Axel…"

Vexen immediately burst out laughing.

"What?? Just tell me what happened!" Marluxia said, his voice becoming slightly irritated now. "I thought you were dead, damn it!"

Vexen forced himself to stop laughing and cupped Marluxia's cheeks, making him meet his eyes.

"Replicas, Marluxia! Axel slaughtered one of my replicas! I knew I'd have to fight the key bearer again, so I constructed a replica to send instead. If the replica died I would be free. Only thing is, the replica almost blew the plan and Zexion took his chance to send Axel, thinking it was me in person."

Marluxia blinked.

"Why didn't I think of that…?" Marluxia whispered, more to himself than anything. "Vexen you're a genius! Now you're free… to go wherever you like."

Marluxia's smile seemed to fade at the last thought.

"And you're coming with me. There's no way I'd ever leave you here, you understand?"

"But… Vexen…"

The scientist halted his sentence by pulling him into a passionate kiss, deep and longing. He sucked lightly on his bottom lip before he spoke again.

"There's another replica down in the laboratory. Just let me know when you're going to battle," he said, kissing away the other's tears. "Everything's going to be fine now."

Marluxia smiled again.

"You do know how to take care of yourself… Thank you. I've been so scared lately. I've been close to losing you too many times…"

"It is I who should thank you. If it wasn't for you I would have fought that battle myself, and I'd be dead now."

"Hah, how about an excuse for getting me so worried?" Marluxia said, tracing the scientist's collarbone, immediately changing the atmosphere.

"Oh, I wonder what on earth could possibly satisfy the great Marluxia," Vexen said with a sly smirk. "Wait, I might just have an idea."

With great force he managed to lift Marluxia onto the bed. He unzipped his cloak, placing soft kisses along his bare stomach. A soft moan escaped the botanist.

"Now I'm exited," he chuckled. He felt heat rise in him as Vexen stroked the insides of his thighs. Then suddenly, in one move he yanked Vexen over him by the front of his cloak and rolled over, gracefully settling himself atop the scientist. "I won't ever let you alone again," he said, literally tearing Vexen's cloak off.

"Shit, I'm screwed," Vexen said as if someone had pointed chakrams at him.

"Not yet," Marluxia replied with a dirty smile. "But you will be."

The botanist caressed Vexen's bare chest, sucking on his neck making him groan. The small part of number IV's mind that was not yet lost in pleasure recalled how he had always used shirt underneath his cloak before. Marluxia had certainly changed him in many ways, inside out. He hadn't believed it possible for nobodies to change. Perhaps he had just discovered more of himself. Funny, how he could be so ignorant all his life, and then Marluxia came and unveiled him in mere weeks. Undressing him usually didn't take more than ten seconds… No matter how much he lacked a heart, he felt as if Marluxia was a part of him, filling that empty hole in his chest. Still… was it mutual? He bit back another moan and cupped the others cheek, tearing the botanist away from smothering his chest with tongue and lips.


"Is there something wrong?" the botanist asked, immediately sounding concerned.

"I need to know… How long do you think we'll be together?"

The concern grew to a soft smile.

"Are you worried I will leave you, Vexen?"

"Perhaps a little…" the scientist admitted. "It's just… we are nobodies. What guarantee do we have that this is but illusions?"

Marluxia thought for a moment.

"I don't know… I feel as if being with you… completes me… I know it sounds odd, but…"

"No, not really… I think I'm much the same," Vexen said, giving a faint smile.

"Then it figures," Marluxia said with a grin.

"What figures?"

"Why I fit you so nicely," Marluxia said with a chuckle, licking the tip of Vexen's nose playfully.

"Marluxia!! I'm trying to be serious here!" Vexen said, throwing a pillow at him.

"I told you. I'm never going to leave you. Not even if you told me to," number XI said, dipping his tongue into the other's navel.

"Sexual harassment!" the blonde yelled, chuckling as he tried not to squirm too much. He reached for another pillow to throw at the offending pervert, but froze in his actions as a loud knock sounded from the door. Their eyes grew wide and Marluxia hastily reassembled his cloak as Vexen rolled of the bed, getting it between him and the door. He hit the floor flat in the same moment as the door opened.

"Axel…!" he heard Marluxia say. His tone was dangerously cold. "This better be good, or haven't you noticed it's in the middle of the night?"

Vexen could easily imagine a death glare accompanying the botanist's tone. It was, to say the leas, frightening.

"I-I'm sorry, sir. I came to inform you that the key bearer is close to the top floor and… we have yet not been able to stop the intruder, I fear he's too strong."

"I want results, not excuses!!" Marluxia yelled, crashing his fist into the nightstand. He scowled, settling back on the bed before he calmed down a bit, making a decision on what to do.

"Tell number V to confront the intruder in the basement, it's time I took care of the key bearer myself," he huffed.

"And if Lexaeus fails…?"

"Then I'll let you and number VI fight over who will meet him next. If V fails, you will certainly too."

Axel swallowed thickly. He refused to die in this place. With a short nod he disappeared out the door.

"It's safe, he's gone now," Marluxia said, seemingly lost in thoughts. Vexen hoisted himself up to sit on the bed, carefully regarding XI's back, trying to figure out what he was thinking.

"Well, I can certainly not return to the laboratory," the blonde said, more to himself than anything. "If anyone finds me we're in trouble…"

"I know," Marluxia said, turning to face him. "Hell, this is going to be fun!"

Vexen could nothing but stare at the grinning botanist. He still had difficult to believe his mood could change this drastic. He had gone from murderous leader to near giggling childish in less than two seconds… again!

"Now, were were we," Marluxia said, pulling Vexen close. The blonde gave a small chuckle, once again startled by his mood.


"Nothing. Your mood amuses me," Vexen said, meeting the botanist in a passionate kiss.

Soft moans and panting echoed through the halls of the top floor that night. Luckily, no one was there to hear the two lovers as they became one, over and over again until they collapsed in each other's arms, breathless. Marluxia fell asleep almost at once after kissing his lover goodnight. Vexen on the other hand lay awake, no matter how tired and sore he was, he could not rest with all the thoughts filling his mind. Tomorrow would be the day of their fate as Marluxia went to battle the key bearer. If anything went wrong… His trail of thoughts were broken as the botanist shifted in his sleep, putting an arm around his waist and mumbling in his sleep:

"Mmmh… Mine…Mh…"


Zexion collapsed out of a portal in the enterance hall of Castle Oblivion. He gave a sigh as he stared up into the white ceiling. Blood was running down his neck and forehead, but he was alive and that was all that mattered. He had barely been able to escape the rabid Riku replica as Axel had ordered it to kill him. Axel had betrayed him, he had tried to kill him, but he had failed. Zexion gave a smirk. Surely, he would let the pyro pay for this. The Cloaked Schemer closed his eyes, too tired to move an inch. He was safe now. All the others were dead. Larxene, Vexen, Lexaeus and Marluxia… and Axel had returned to the World That Never Was, believing he was also dead. Zexion gave a smirk. He would hunt down Axel and serve the Superior his head on a platter, Axel, the traitor who had killed Vexen and tried to kill him, taken part of the conspiracy against the Organization and taken control over the replica. The Superior would be most pleased with him. He complimented himself mentally for his own genius. He would never have thought the bet with Vexen could evolve to something like this. Perhaps now he'd finally get the respect he deserved. The Superior would give him credit for catching the traitor Axel, when it was in fact he himself who had made Axel kill Vexen, thus turning Marluxia against him so he'd have to fight Zexion to survive. Number VI snickered at the thought. He was the sole survivor still trustworthy of the crew in Castle Oblivion. Perhaps he'd even be put in charge here.

"Hello Zexion."

The schemer's eyes shot open by the familiar voice, shrouded blue meeting frosty green, which were glaring daggers.

"No… It's not possible!" he whispered, scrambling up to a sitting position, his back hitting the wall. Vexen gave him an evil grin before turning to Marluxia, who were standing at his side.

"Can I kill him now, then?"

Marluxia thought for a moment before handling the blonde a small scalpel.

"Make it slow and painful."

So! Finally! Finally!! FINISHED!!! Wow, this feels great! I'm tempted to write a sequel where we get to know exactly what happens to Zexion, but I have so many plot bunnies dancing around in my head making school a living hell so I wont even consider it before I have at least a total of 50 reviews for this story, which, I know, WILL take some time if it was ever to happen.

It's taken oh; so long time to write this, and I'd really appreciate it if people cared to review. It is after all my birthday soon! For me, reviews are as important as breathing! You get that? Anyone who doesn't review is partaking in the act of suffocating me! And I can't write any more yaoi if I'm being suffocated, cans I?

Great thanks to all who has read this story, and my apologizes to all who cried over it! I think it was a pretty happy ending…

Special thanks to:







Carmen Willious Dorman


The Masquerade Moth

Ovrlord Crys

Most of you make my spelling checker go bananas, love ya all -gives all a cookie-

Now I have to prepare for my full day Norwegian test tomorrow, ugh…

And just to clarify, I did not write a real lemon in this chapter, cuz then you'd probably have to wait even longer for the story to be updated. It takes damn long time to write! I'm just 14! I can't do anything! T.T I'm not even old enough to read my own fics XD

Now I shall hypnotize you all thus make you click the shiny, blue, happy, review button down there!