Aang, Katara, Zuko and Sokka are recruiting misfits for their army to storm the eclipse. Smellerbee and Longshot join them. Toph is out of the picture for now, because Xin Fu brought her back home. I'm sure Aang and co. would break her out for the seige though... but that's later.

Smellerbee and Katara talk about relationships. Smellerbee is worried Katara is making a mistake with Li (Zuko) but Katara never learns. Longerbee, slight Zutara and Kataang.


She sat on a tree branch, sticking her knife in and pulling it out of the bark again, tracing spirals and looking under a dark bandanna at Longshot who was half heartedly listening to a joke of Sokka's and seeing Aang fall over with laughter when Sokka would punch him in the arm again.

Smellerbee felt someone crawling up the branches to plomp herself down beside her. She gave a pout to the girl about her own age who'd never quite acknowledged her before, even when she apparently had something going on with her leader... her brother.

"I'm suprised to see you up here alone..." Katara said making conversation, most probably wanting other feminine company.

Smellerbee was never impressed with Ponytail's jokes. Longshot was polite enough to handle them, but she just had to get away sometimes. So sick of feeling like she had to fit in, now they were the ones on the out.

"Longshot keeps watching you, you know?" Katara said again. And pressed her lips together, waiting for a response.

So that's what she wanted to talk about. The eclipse was the next day and Katara wanted to talk about relationships.

"He wants to take care of me, but I can take care of myself" Smellerbee said, chipping out bits of the bark with her knife.

"Or he wants to get away from Sokka" Katara smirked, amused.

Smellerbee grinned too. Perhaps things weren't going to be so bad talking to Katara. Maybe she could see what Jet saw in her.

Katara looked hard at Smellerbee again and then proceeded with caution. "You're in love with him, aren't you?"

She prided herself on being quite the Aunt Wu, able to predict how people feel about each other. Except she fell inadequately short in her own situations.

The knife almost slipped from Smellerbee's grip. "Huh? Longshot? He's like my brother."

"I consider it a good thing that I don't stare at my brother like that." Katara said warmly, opening up to her.

Smellerbee blushed.

"He likes you too. He wouldn't take care of you like that if he didn't like you."

"Suppose that's the same thing with you and Aang." Smellerbee said, wearily as a response.

Katara smiled. "I suppose." She said.

"Listen Katara. I don't know if Li reminds you of Jet or not, but it's not a good idea for you to be all over him."

"Because he's fire nation?"

"Because Sokka doesn't trust him."

"Well" Katara said brutely, feeling shut down about her feelings for Zuko. She never stopped Longshot or Smellerbee from calling him Li. She knew that was the way they knew him, and they never talked to him anyway, so they could call him whatever they liked. "Sokka didn't trust Jet either." Katara stuck her nose in the air.

To Smellerbee it felt like a slap. This is why Smellerbee prefered the company of boys to girls. "Well sometimes" Smellerbee hissed "Sokka is right and Sokka is wrong."

"Yeah. Go tell him that." The other girl said snidely and jumped back down off the low, but steady branch.


Alright. This was just a drabble. I could write more, but if you want to see more... let me know. If no love... I stop. Meh.