A/N: Hey everyone! This is my new story that I've wanted to do for a long time. I figure it's best to get it up before I lose the idea. So I hope that you all like it!

Summary: Yuki and Shuichi had been best friends since middle school. They are now freshly out of college, living together and trying to get their careers on track. Yuki had a crush on Shuichi for the longest time and never had what it took to tell him because he is afraid that he'll lose him if he does. But how much of this living together can Yuki take before he finally cracks? Things are finally looking up for Yuki when he meets a guy who is an editor for a publishing company. But unfortunately things don't last. The editor has given Yuki a proposition: "Get me a date with Shuichi and I'll publish your book" Now Yuki has to choose which one he is going to do.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gravitation or its characters

Yuki's POV

I wake up from bed just like every morning. I hear the alarm clock, I throw it, and I reluctantly get my ass out and make breakfast for me and Shuichi. Can't let the brat do it on his own. I knew Shuichi for a long time and not once has that baka used the kitchen without burning something. He can be completely stupid and naive. Makes me wonder why I love him.

Yeah that's right, I said it. I, Yuki Eiri, am in love with Shuichi Shindo. But my feeling are still unknown by him. It's been so long now. I still remembered how we met...

It was the being of our middle school year when I first met him. He was hanging with some friends; their names are Hiro, Suguru, and some others I don't remember. But they aren't important. Shuichi was always surrounded by friends. He was so good at making them. He always attracted somebody. Must be that genki personality of his and how he always cares for people. Anyway back to my story. Shuichi was saying good-bye to his friends when he approached me.

Me, being the cold-hearted person that I am, tried to get rid of him. But he just kept on coming. I always wondered why he wanted to know me. Most people wanted to avoid me. They thought I was weird because of my eyes and hair. Finally, I gave in to Shuichi. I just couldn't turn away anymore. He was just always there. He was the first person that never rejected me for my looks. He always treated everyone equal and gave them a chance. he was never shallow and trusted everyone. That was one of his most redeeming qualities and his weakness.

But that's not why I fell in love with Shuichi.

It has been our last year in middle school and he and I have become very close. He was the closest friend I ever had. I was closer to him then my own family. So, there was this new teacher, Kitazwa sensei. He was really nice at first. He always tutored me and was there when I needed him. But then one day Kitazwa sensei tried to rape me. And I shot him.

The next thing I knew I was being held by Shuichi. After that whole incident I tried not to be near him or anyone.I was broken and hurt. Afraid I would get hurt and hurt someone else. But just like when I first met him, Shuichi never left. He was right there. Little by little our friendship formed all over again. He always with me when I needed him. That's when it hit me...I needed him. I needed him then anyone in my life. From that moment on, I was in love with him.

Countless time I tried to confess my feelings, but it never came out the way I wanted.

What was supposed to be 'I'm in love with you' came out 'leave me alone' or 'you're getting on my nerves.' But I love Shuichi. I love him more then anything.

"Yuki! What smells so good?" Shuichi is awake.

"I'm making breakfast. Eggs, bacon and-" I just froze. Shuichi was standing right in front of me. Shuichi was soaking wet, in nothing but a towel around his waist. I mean, it's not the first time he has done this, but it stills takes me by surprise. That silky hair wet reaching his slender shoulders, from the shoulders to his neck leading to his collar bone that just screams 'bite me', to his woderful pink nipples that are waiting to be sucked and pinched. Going down futher to his waist which leads to that nice, perk curvey ass. Damn...I'm so pathetic.

" 'and' what?" Shuichi cocks his head to the side, like a puppy. He is just so cute.

"And pancakes. So why don't you get dress. It'll be ready by then." I said trying to get a grip on myself.

"Okay Yuki! I'll be right back!" he went running off to his room. I clutch my chest and start blushing madly. I don't think I can take anymore of this. One of these days I'm just going to lose it completely.

I finish up breakfast, that's when I heard him coming back in. I turn around and that's when I wish I didn't. Shuichi was wearing the tightest pair of leather pants that I had ever seen and red mesh shirt that showed off his perfect, slim abdomen. He was a walking wet dream.

Getting a grip on myself, I lay breakfast on the table for Shuichi and me.

"So off to NG again?" I ask trying to get my mind off his body.

"Yeah! Thanks for introducing me to Tohma, Yuki! Hiro, Suguru, and I will sell a million copies in no time!" Tohma Seguchi. He was my brother-in-law. Never really much care for him. But if he made Shuichi happy, then I guess I can put up with him. He was one of the few people that knew of my feelings for Shuichi, along with my brother and sister. I never told them, they just don't mind their business. They are just happy that I found someone that gets my mind off of Kitazwa sensei.

"No problem. What time should you be home?"

"Umm...I think around 3 o'clock." he said shoving food in his mouth. Even when he is acting like a pig he is adorable.

"Okay I'll see you then." I reached for my plate and threw it in the sink.

Shuichi finished his food and left it on the table. He then slipped on his shoes and grabbed his jacket.

"Bye Yuki! I'll see you later!" he shouted then left to NG. Shuichi has been wanting to be a singer for a long time. It was his dream ever since he was young. He always looked up to Ryuichi Sakuma. A thrity year old man that walked around with a bunny. Yeah, a true idol. Anyway he and his friends Hiro and Suguru have formed a band ever since middle school. Probably one of the reasons he was so popular among girl and boys. Not like any of them had a chance. Anyway being a singer was his dream.

My dream is to be a writer. I always wanted it since I was in middle school. Kitazawa sensei was always there to help improve my writing and sharpen my skills. Truthfully, I felt something for Kitazawa sensei. That's probably why his betrayal hurt so much. So, later I decided to take his name. Yuki Kitazawa was his full name. Mine was Eiri Uesugi. I took his name never wanting to forget him. Well a least until the time is right when I can fully let go. And slowly, Shuichi is helping with that.

As I was saying I want to be a writer more then anything. Though I'm not popular or published yet. Never the less I write my stories in hopes to one day become a great writer. In fact I sent some of books to a couple publishing companies. I also write some of Shuichi's songs, since he has zero talent. Also I get to spend more time with him. Hiro and Suguru get to spend so much time with Shuichi, while I only see him during night's mostly. Mornings he is always rushing out of here. Damn Tohma is such a slave driver.

I sighed and cleaned the table. Little shit got me wrapped around his finger and he doesn't even know it. Oh well. Maybe one day I'll finally get the courage to tell him.

A/N: So what do you think? Did you like it? I hope you did. Please review and tell me what you think. No flames but constructive criticism is welcome. Bye!