
Chapitre 7. Ore no Otakara Mono (My Treasured Thing)

By Sanzaki Kojika

Disclaimer: I do not in any way, shape, or form own Tsubasa or any of the CLAMP characters sadly. What I'd give for even half their talent! I'm kinda forgetting what I had planned for this so I better hurry and write it down somewhere…haha! This is KuroFai, by the way…meaning guy-on-guy action! Oh nos! (it's also apparently ShaoranSaku now…XD )


"Good luck on your journey," Arashi took Sakura's hand in her own and gave her a warm smile. Sorato stood beside her, shaking Shaoran's hand. Though the time they had spent together had been short, it had felt like they had known each other for such a long time.

"Thank you for everything," Sakura smiled. Mokona bounded up into her arms and she caught him up in one swift motion.

"I'm glad you found what you were looking for, and you did so much for this world by claming it," Sorato grinned.

With Sakura taking back her feather, the kentan had returned to the peaceful creatures that they were before. The desert was no safe for everyone to travel through again, well, almost. There were always dangers in a desert. Things like sandworms existed, and though the kentan tried their best to keep travelers safe, if someone stumbled across a sand worm nest, there was nothing they could do to save them.

Touya and Yukito had taken their group back to their village in the foliage surrounding the desert. Yukito had apologized several times to Fay before Touya had succeeded in dragging him away. And, though Touya hadn't said much, he had felt the pain of parting from their newfound friends as well.

It would take a long time for things to be restored though. Beliefs didn't change overnight. However, thanks to the connection Arashi and Sorato now had with the sorcery tribe of Touya and Yukito, a bond was starting to build between them. One day, they world would go back to how it was before the feather had come and its magic had tainted the world.

"We best be going," Sorato gave Shaoran one last handshake. He started to leave, but he suddenly stopped when Arashi stopped before Kurogane and Fay. Though the older people had already bid each other farewell, she felt she couldn't leave with things unsettled as they were.

Arashi gave Kurogane and Fay a warm smile before she left, "I'm glad you found your treasured thing."

"Whaaaaat!?" Kurogane snarled at her. His face flushed slightly. Fay blinked over at him, not quite sure why he had reacted the way he had.

"Just make sure not to lose it, this time!" Arashi called back with a wave. Kurogane glared daggers at her.

"I'm gonna kill that woman!!" Kurogane growled. Fay giggled slightly and patted him on the arm lightly.

"Now, now, Kuro-pipi! It's nothing to get that upset over!" Fay chuckled. Kurogane shot his glare at the sorcerer standing beside him.

The group turned and watched as Mokona got their portal ready. The sky started to sag with Mokona at its center, "Mokona can't wait!"

"You know…I was wondering. Just what was everyone saying when we first got into that town?" Fay said after a moment. His voice was almost entirely drowned out by the sound of the wind. Kurogane glared at him.

"It's not important!" he snarled again. Fay grinned at him, clearly amused by Kurogane's short-tempered reactions to all that had happened. He would have liked to think more about them, but he knew better than to get his hopes up.

"Oh, maybe it has something to do with why you were crying when I woke up…holding me in your arms," Fay wrapped his arms around himself and made a funny face. Kurogane could feel his face turning even redder. He charged at the sorcerer and Fay took off running.

"Guys! The portals almost ready!" Sakura screamed after them. They were already out of sight though. "Mou!"

Fay ran around a large clumping of rocks and hid behind them. When he saw Kurogane coming, he hid entirely out of sight. It didn't take long for the black samurai to locate the sorcerer though. Kurogane stalked up to him and grabbed his wrists.

"Temee…" Kurogane growled. Before Fay could make any retort, Kurogane leaned closer. He kissed the sorcerer hard on the mouth. For a moment, Fay was caught off guard, and still beneath the impact, but he quickly recovered and kissed the samurai back.

"I really hate you…" Kurogane grumbled as he pulled back, his cheeks a light rosy color. Fay grinned up at him, for the first time real happiness radiating out of those icy blue depths.

"Aw, Kuro-tan is so meeean!" Fay teased. He wrapped his arm around Kurogane's, and together, hand in hand, the two headed back to the portal.

As they walked, Fay spoke up again, "You know…this still doesn't mean you can get out of telling me what happened." He grinned over at Kurogane. Kurogane frowned back at him.




Translation notes:

Mou: sheesh

Temee: You; when used with an angry infliction can be used to mean more like "bastard"

Owari: end

Well, this is the last and final chapter! Thank ya'll for reading this and being patient with me! I need to stop doing multi-chapter fics… haha, well this was a really short chapter, but I think it got the point across and that's all that mattered. Not quite what I had intended, but it's not terrible either, I suppose…XD Well, until later!